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Posts posted by 26CornerBlitz

  1. Anyone know a link for who was active and inactive for the games (and upcoming games)?


    Was McCargo inactive?


    Part 2:


    Directv Shortcuts......

    Are there no half hour edited Shortcuts games produced for the Primetime (ESPN, NBC) broadcast games? I swear they did last year. Don't see any of them scheduled in the guide. What's up with that?


    Only the Sunday Ticket games get re-broadcast as shortcuts....always been that way.

  2. I'll really be sold on Trent if and when he consistently:


    1) throws the ball in rhythm with timing and anticipation.

    2) demonstrates that he can manipulate coverage with his eyes.

    3) makes good decisions.

    4) demonstrates ball security (minimize stupid picks and fumbles).

  3. Dear god -


    Most of you "fans" are pathetic. Just face it the Bills played a good game last night. Going into it most people including a ton of Bills "fans" thought they were going to get blown out 45-0, 36-3, 28-0, etc., etc. They didn't. If it wasn't for not being aggressive on Defense in the last few minutes and the fumble, they would have won.


    Stop bitching and moaning about who's fault it is and just be F'ing happy that they played a GREAT game. Now, I know most of you even when they win will still complain because of the caliber of team played or how they won, or what starter on an opposing team may have been hurt.. whatever. All I have to say to that is STFU!!


    Be a damn fan for once and cheer this team on. Not just when they are winning but ALL of the time. We don't need bandwagon jumpers, we need real fans... the REAL 12th Man.


    Cheerleaders??....that's why they have the Jills!! We want a winning playoff caliber team that contends for championships. This year after year mediocrity is simply not good enough.

  4. I say Jackson. He is in much better shape, has a better burst, is a better receiver, has a much better attitude, and is much, much smarter. Lynch is good for some brute force, but Freddie just brings more to the table.


    I like Freddie better at this point. Lynch has regressed as an RB. In stead of hitting the hole to maximize each carry, I see too much dancing and he definitely doesn't setup blocks as well as Freddie.

  5. I dont have a transcript and only caught a part of it...if someone heard it...I would be interested in what he said.


    From what I heard, he was saying that he wasnt sure if he could kneel it or not since it led him into the endzone. He thought it might have been a safety if he did. If he is confused, is that on him or is that coaching? Doesnt sound like he was told to bring it out...sounds like he was sure what to do...not smart


    One reason why the Patriots win is that they play situational football to make sure the players know what to do in any scenario. His lack of understanding is definitely on the coaching staff!!

  6. I bet my house April told him to bring it out and get the clock moving under 2:00 no matter what. He did exactly what he was correctly told do to.

    Of course I doubt he was told to try and run somebody over <_< .


    Bringing it out with :50 left probably wasn't the brightest idea though.


    Bringing it out was the right move to take it below 2 minutes, But you have to protect the damn ball!! Just a dumb play not to realize the situation and get down. Is he FN related to Robert Royal?!!??

  7. I'm a big fan of Marv and know that he isnt the author of many of his quotes, but often he references to them. I leave you with this one before a game that many are feeling strain over already.


    “Fight on, my men,” Sir Andrew Said


    ”A little I’m hurt but not yet slain.


    ”I’ll just lie down and bleed a while,


    ”And then I’ll rise and Fight again.”


    Remember this guys, its week 1 and plenty of games to be played.




    How about "When it's too tough for them.....It's just right for US!!" and "Where else would you rather be than right here, right now!!"


    Love both of those!!

  8. The NFL Over time rule is stupid (The part where you could score on a field goal and the other teams O and D don't ever go on the field). Yet as much as people hate it (The fans at least) they never seem to want to change it at all. I think the day they change the rule is when a Super Bowl goes into OT and a team goes down and hits a 45 yard field goal for the win without the other teams O touching the ball.


    He is a simple solution to the NFL's stupid overtime system. Just let each team have one touch of the football. If you go down and score a field goal the other team gets a chance to tie it or win it with a TD. It not only solves the problem of punishing a field goal but lets the other teams offense have a say in the out come of the game.


    Once both teams have had a offensive possession than it becomes sudden death first to score wins. Its not perfect but its a lot better than the system we have right now.


    Totally disagree....If you lose the coin toss in OT, then stop the other team from scoring and then you get the ball with a chance to win. OT rule is fine just the way it is. JMO

  9. Anybody impressed with this guy?

    Bills Media hype wizzes sure made a big deal out of it when we signed him.

    Didn't show me much in pre-season. I guess all the screen pases were designed to utilize him.

    As much trouble as we've had replacing Jim Kelly, we've had just as much trouble replacing Kent Hull, the greatest center in Bills history.


    I hope he's a good pivot for the Bills, but it's hard to get rid the image of BJ Raji blowing his a$$ up in the GB pre-season game.

  10. I think you have to look at the bigger picture. I'll use myself as an example. I have been a Bills fan since 1976. 33rd season coming up. In the previous 32 seasons, I have witnessed 6 great seasons. (80, 88, 90, 91, 92, 93) and 6 pretty good seasons (81, 89, 95, 96, 98, 99). Now, all 12 of those ended in heartbreak of varying degrees. The other 20 including the last 9 have been terrible yet I always have and always will come back every season for the simple fact that I love the Bills. Unconditional, senseless, gut wrenching, heart stomping love. Why? Don't know. Don't care. Just the way it has always been. My point is, I think people are just really fed up with the team they love not having any direction and just flailing away, barely having it's collective heads above water every year. We all know the stats. No playoffs for 9 straight seasons and staring 10 right in the face. No playoff win since 1995. 14 years and it doesn't look like it will change anytime soon. RW is a cheap old man. The organization he has put together time and again is a big joke. The coaches have been cheap and BAD. The drafts have been average at best. The Free Agent signings have been marginal. The Free Agent losses have been big. They gave Toronto a HOME game. Yet, the Ralph is still sold out every game. The local TV ratings are among the highest in the NFL. Merchandise sales are always big. There are Bills fans all over the country and the world. All we want is a winner. All we get is the same old crap with different names except for the guy at the top year after year. Frustration should be evident. Crazy, out of control, full retard frustration should be the norm. Nothing we can do about it either except show that frustration here or the other few outlets there are. It's kind of like group therapy.



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