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Posts posted by 26CornerBlitz

  1. 5 minutes ago, John from Riverside said:

    The difference is Rosen should not NEED to improve his accuracy....he is supposed to be the most pro ready QB in this draft....stir and ready


    I really just dont understand what ppl see sometimes.....sure Allen has thrown some bad balls but for various reasons balls that should be caught by NFL receivers (supposidly) are not being caught.......and we are not talking a bout area code accuracy.....Josh Allen THROWS WR's OPEN.....he puts it right where it should be caught....and is not.......


    No he doesn't at least not with any regularity.  He's not very good at this stage of his career making anticipatory throws that he'll let fly before his target makes their break. 

  2. On 12/25/2018 at 7:47 AM, OldTimeAFLGuy said:

    ....doubt this.....long standing rumor has been Deadskins' Bruce Allen will reunite with Chuckie from their TB days together......now that Reggie has been squeezed out, the red carpet is out.....


      ..."If Keim is out in Arizona, word is that he’ll be a top candidate for the GM job with the Raiders, who would prefer to bring in an experienced personnel man".....



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