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Everything posted by Cynical

  1. If you are going to rely on the players to overcome inept coaching, then the Bills are screwed. An audible by the offense is done in reaction to the defense being presented, and should not be done because the OC is a moron.
  2. Turk pointed his finger at numerous things besides not having a viable #2 WR. But he forgot one item: predictable and bone headed play calling.
  3. 1) Do that and watch the riot that takes place. The Bills have the lowest (or second lowest) average ticket price in the NFL. The prices are not the way because the Bills organization wants to be "nice" to the community. If they could charge a higher price, they would. 2) scarcity only increases demand. That assumes there is a demand in the first place. You're right. And one aspect of those championships were the Canadians gleefully noting how a Canadian team beat the Americans at their own game. You would be surprised by the number of Canadians that do not share your view point. In fact, you may be shocked by the number of Canadians that actually feel their game is superior. As I said before: * To many people automatically assumed that Canadiens would openly embrace an NFL team. Do NOT under estimate the power and influence of the culture in a society on what it will and will not accept. Especially when the society feels its culture may be over run by a foreign culture. Putting the stadium (or stadium complex) in Niagara Falls, NY is not just about "border hopping". It's about tapping that potential corporate market in Toronto, without making the average Canadian feel like the American culture is invading their territory.
  4. Well, duh. That's why I pointed out the stadium is presently sitting in OP, with a drive of 1 hr 54 min. for a fan from Toronto. Moving the stadium to Buffalo would only save that driver 15 minutes. The increased influx of Canadian dollars would be a minimal, if any, especially among the corporates. Moving the stadium even closer to Toronto increases the potential for Canadians to attend the game, and for the corporate dollars the NFL seeks. Building a new stadium in Buffalo does virtually nothing. The new stadium will be subjected to the same economic pressures the old one is faced with: * a declining popluation * few corporations * a shrinking economy
  5. The stadium is not located in Buffalo. The present stadium is located in Orchard Park, south of Buffalo. Based on Yahoo maps, Toronto to Orchard Park is 1 hr, 54 minutes. Moving the stadium to Niagara Falls shaves a 1/2 hour off the drive time. Moving the stadium from Orchard Park to Buffalo will only save the Toronto fan a 15 minute drive time.
  6. I agree the free stadium is a better option financially, but the location leaves a lot to be desired (if their goal is to target the Toronto market). Building a new stadium in the Toronto area is not an option (unless the new owner has some serious deep pockets as the Canadian govt's will do little to nothing to help, not to mention the potential for lackluster support). Splitting games between RWS and the Roger is a short term solution. As I said previously, the Roger is too small. The lost revenue through direct and indirect streams (ticket sales, concessions, etc...) means increased prices (as we already have seen). That's not going to go over well long term. Also, throw in the potential for lack luster support by the Canadian fan (as we have also already seen*), and this option is a disaster waiting to happen. * To many people automatically assumed that Canadiens would openly embrace an NFL team. Based on the schedules, the NFL team will be competing directly against the CFL team for fans. It's one thing for the NFL to be "next door", and it is quite another thing for the NFL to be in their "back yard". That's why a larger (than the Roger) stadium, near the border, and as close to Toronto as possible makes the most "sense". It would allow the NFL to tap into the Toronto market without stepping into their "backyard". As for Niagara county saying "no" to the Bills: I-D-I-O-T-S. I was thinking of a domed ( ) stadium being part of a entertainment/tourism/convention center complex. Niagara county may be more inclined to say "yes" if the new building was more than just a stadium. Plus, doesn't the NFL offer some kind of "loan" to owners to aid in building new stadiums?
  7. Once the team becomes for sale, I would not be surprised to see the NFL attempt to work with the state of NY and Niagara county to build a new stadium somewhere near Niagara Falls. The Rogers Centre is small based on NFL standards, both overall seating capacity and suites. There are numerous reasons why it makes sense, especially if the new stadium is domed ( ). But we will see.
  8. You just know it, huh? You would know this how? Because you do not like the guy, therefore, BB must be thinking the same thing?
  9. Yeah, in the coaching department. Apparently wasting timeouts is just his way of "controlling the clock". No. Those other teams have coaches know how to execute those philosophies.
  10. How about his ability to accurately assess the player's abilities?
  11. And who was the HC of that Bears team? (Sorry. I could not resist)
  12. So it can be done, correct? It was poor QB play that caused Lynch to get zero touches down near the GL, or to get exactly 1 (ONE) touch in the entire 4th quarter of the SF game? It was poor QB play that caused the team to take a time out because they were "confused" the Patriots did not have their punt team out on 4th down, deep in their own territory? I said it before. Watch how many of these BS problems will "disappear" once Jauron gets canned.
  13. My point had nothing to do with which conference is better. It had more to do with USC vs. PAC-10, and Tenn vs. the SEC. USC dominates the PAC-10 because they are loaded with talent, more so than the rest of the conference. Since 2002, USC has claimed the PAC-10 title, or claimed part of the title. Compare that with the SEC. In short, Lane will not be working with a stacked deck like he had at USC.
  14. Its not just the coaching blunders during a game, it's the whole package. Every coach makes game time mistakes, and so do players. A well prepared team can overcome those mistakes. A poorly prepared team cannot. Teams make decisions based on their preparation. A poorly prepared team leads to things like wasted time outs, confusion by the players because their opponents are not punting on 4th down deep in their own territory, etc ... In short, it's impossible to make confident sound decisions (i.e on where to throw the football) when the foundation for that decision is crap to begin with.
  15. I am not dismissing it. But the concussion was not cause for all of Edwards problems last year. Edwards threw 3 picks in the Cleveland game. Those 3 picks were caused by: A. a concussion B. Trent being unprepared Two questions: 1. Was JP gone for the year because of that injury? 2. Who named Edwards the starter?
  16. Heck, every team in the SEC should put up a plaque containing Kiffin quotes. Kiffin is going to learn the hard way that he is not in the PAC-10, and Tenn is not USC. Georgia, Florida, and Bama are loaded with talent, and are well coached.
  17. Just for the record, can poor coaching cause poor QB play? I want to be sure that poor game planning, poor play calling, poor game management, and poor time management has absolutely no bearing on QB play ...
  18. A.) Apparently you missed the word "beginning" B.) Yes, it's called starting the rookie QB before they are fully developed. Heck, Jauron declared McNown his starting QB BEFORE the kid even signed a contract.
  19. Oh, the concussion angle again. Never mind Trent saying he felt unprepared for the Cleveland game. Did the concussion cause Edwards to throw 3 picks?
  20. Great. As long as you continue to publicly support the loser when he does fail. Just keep telling us how nothing is his fault.
  21. No. But Jauron's history with rookie QB's is beginning to look like a text book example of how NOT do something.
  22. But when you spoke of those generalities, you applied it specifically to this case: If the promise was made by the Gators third string center, I could see your point. However, the promise was made by the teams leader, a fierce competitor who may go down in history as one of the best ever at his position. And I really do not think Tebow had anything to do with this plaque being put up. What I got out of the article was the school made the decision. I seriously doubt Tebow is nothing more than a product of a system of "false" praise.
  23. Yep. Nothing like the head coach naming an unsigned rookie to be his starting QB. That's all Jauron and his apologists ever had to work with. Always too busy telling everybody why DJ CANNOT produce, and never showing any evidence of why he CAN.
  24. And it will hard to uncover it when the coaching staff refuses to get off the spot where they buried it.
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