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Everything posted by Cynical

  1. There is nothing in those stories that disputes what I said. Notice there is no time frame given in Brandon's quotes. It was reported later in the year (and even discussed on this board) the Bills had no intention of redoing his contract last year. They would, however, be willing to discuss a new contract next (this) year.
  2. Peters is not making it "uncomfortable", he's forcing their hand. It's not like the Bills have a plethora of talented Off lineman to choose from to fill in the different holes. If that was the case, then the Peters hold out would be "uncomfortable". Keeping your fantasies aside, whoever Peters gets traded to will redo his contract. Just do not be surprised if it ends up being somewhat close to what the Bills are offering.
  3. I would say having played the second easiest schedule in the NFL may have more to do with the ranking, more than the Stroud signing. So did the 2006 draft after the 2006 season. Let's not get ahead of ourselves. By fumbling the situation? The Bills organization admitted they had no intention of redoing Peters contract last year regardless if he showed up for OTAs, etc .... Hitting the kool aid pretty hard this morning I see. Bills have two choices: overpay for Peters or move him. And the Bills have expressed a desire to do neither one if they can help it. Explain to me again who has the leverage? Because from my POV, it sure looks like Peters is forcing the Bills hand.
  4. I agree. At least Royal could block, he just never developed into the pass catcher they hoped he would. The other two a** clowns ... <shudder>
  5. Lonnie (*^*%&*%)*&%)*^(&+)(&(^*&^*&%^^)*+(*)*%@#$@(&*)+(*)U(*^*&^*)T*)&(*&B_(B_(^B&_*^!!!!!!!! Johnson I think the only other TE to even come close to that bad would be Reuben "Can't"
  6. I think that's what he's trying to say, but he said this: Last I checked, "top" QB's were being paid some serious coin, and he did not attach any other qualifiers to that statement, like "assuming he plays well ...".
  7. Let me get this straight. And please clarify if I am missing something ... You do NOT want to pay the left hand today "x" amount of money, but you would be willing to pay the right hand tomorrow the same "x" amount of money. THEN ... you chastise those who want to pay the left hand today, because they do not understand what the future consequences are when they give "x" amount of money to someone. That is some screwed up logic ...
  8. I had no problem with your POV right up until this point. Seriously. The Ravens had a ROOKIE HC, a ROOKIE QB, something like 16 guys on IR and they made the AFC championship game. But for Buffalo to acquire 7 wins was "nothing short of amazing". Bulls**t. Inept coaching has a much bigger negative impact than many people want to admit. Good players can overcome a head coaches bad decision. BUT, even great players cannot overcome inept coaching. Every Jauron defenders favorite excuse .... those damn injuries. Other teams can overcome those things, just never Jauron coached teams.
  9. If it looks like desperation, smells like desperation ...
  10. Other than Owens, what other "talented, tall receivers" did the Bills acquire this off season?
  11. Whitner and Edwards need to get together and look up the word "hypocrite".
  12. My God, what a novel concept. A NFL head coach making his players perform better. Who woulda thunk it ... Are you sure? As you yourself said, Shanahan did have that ability to make an "average player look really good".
  13. Isn't this same McMichael that had a case of the dropsies while playing in Miami? IIRC, Dolphin fans were not upset when he left.
  14. What's even scarier is there are people that think drafting a pass rushing DE is a priority, like somehow 1 defensive player will overcome that excuse for an offense.
  15. If we are going to be ridiculous, Trent had to win the game against Cleveland. How did that work out? Trent had to win the game against SF? How did that work out? Oh ... wait he had to leave the game because he pulled his pinkie finger. He had to win against the Dolphins the following week. Wait. He was still out. He had to win against the Jets the week after that. Wait. He was still out.
  16. It is the NFL, and there is only one measuring stick: wins. The rest of what you said counts for nothing if the end result is a loss.
  17. That probably is the best option. Feed Trent enough rope to either hang himself or to lasso the offense under control. Adjust as needed. I guess my biggest concern is with the goobers that make up the coaching staff. I have no confidence in them to properly analyze the situation. Heck, I think they would struggle game planning a game of Go Fish.
  18. Okay, maybe I missed something. Other than him running the occasional no huddle/2 minute offense, when has Trent been in full command of the play calling?
  19. I never said it wasn't. In case you have missed it, I am not a fan of the Bills present coaching staff. However, that does not automatically mean placing the play calling into Trent's hand is a better option. Maybe he will and maybe he won't. However, last season Trent was still struggling processing the information he was required to. Remember after the Cleveland game, Trent stated he felt unprepared for what he faced. Part of that was the coaching staff (and since that will not change, that will still cause problems), and part of that was his immaturity as a NFL QB. In order for him to carry the burden of play calling, he will need a pretty good body of work experience to build upon and learn from. He lacks that experience at this time. As a point of comparison, Kelly was in his 7th year as a professional QB (his 5th year in the NFL) when he took over the play calling. Further, you need to consider Trent's statement after the KC game. Trent claims one of the reasons the offense was successful was due to the coaching staff simplifying the offense. In all honesty, does that sound like a player ready to carry the extra complexities play calling brings to the table? One other thing you may be over looking. Trent Edwards may NOT want the additional responsibility of play calling.
  20. Or could end up destroying his confidence. He is still a young player, and dumping that kind of responsibility on him before he can handle it would be disastrous.
  21. I believe they said the same thing about Spurrier, and his Fun 'n Gun offense. Those "creative" style of college offenses succeed at the collegiate level because they take advantage of the disparity of talent in their defensive opponent.
  22. That should show you how much I really care about the Turk .... or this coaching staff in general ....
  23. Probaby trying to figure how the kid deals with and handles adversity.
  24. Or even the Ivy League grad Dick Jauron?
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