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Everything posted by Cynical

  1. "Because the Razorbacks now have a starting quarterback in Ryan Mallett, a 6-7 University of Michigan transfer that Williams said was timed one day with a radar gun throwing a football 115 miles per hour, there's the thought that the Hogs now have the ability to go deep more often." 115 mph? Really? If true, that kid needs to play MLB. Linky
  2. The 250 limit is not just download. It's ALL bandwidth, upload and download. Side note: how long have you had their service?
  3. My understanding is most major ISPs have/had some kind of cap limits. Comcast came under the most fire because of their customer service regarding the limits. The actual bandwidth limits were never published in their TOS (they just referenced "excessive use"), the limits were not imposed with any consistency (it depended on what node the customer was attached to), and they way Comcast notified the customer was through snail mail. Letters were received as late as the 20th day of the month (but the letter was effective the first day) making any attempt to correct the problem worthless (by the time the customer received the letter, they were already over the limit for that month, thus causing Comcast to suspend the customers account). Even if the customer called tech support after receiving the letter and asked for the bandwidth limit amount, Comcast still would still refuse to reveal it, citing "excessive use" and referencing the TOS. It was only in the past year Comcast published the limits, and they are being imposed with consistency.
  4. Wireless not secured? You might as well had a sign on your front lawn saying "Free Internet Access". First things first: secure your wireless access. Doing something with the router is the simplest and easiest way. What is the make and model of your router? Some of the newer ones have a built in bandwidth monitor of some kind. Unfortunately, the ones that do are not very informative (usually). Check your routers manual to verify if and what may be available to you. Even if you make and model does not have any kind of monitor (or its crappy), check out http://www.dd-wrt.com/wiki/index.php/Supported_Devices. See if your make and model are listed and can be updated. If so, you can re-flash the router firmware using dd-wrt software (This assumes you have the technical ability to do so). For most devices, the dd-wrt firmware flash will add a total bandwidth monitor, both incoming and outgoing. However, even with DD-wrt, you still will not be able to monitor per user consumption. There are other options besides using something via the router. However, those options are pretty complex.
  5. DC Tom. Who could forget this: I think he purposefully crashed it in attempt to kill that thread, and be declared the winner.
  6. Yell it? Hell, make a banner, and hang it over the wall. Time to light a fire under this teams azz.
  7. Absolutely. If the Bills had some semblance of a coaching staff besides "The Dick", not only would I be drinking the kool aid, I would be making it by the gallons.
  8. I do not really have an opinion one way or another regarding Walker's statement (or non statement, as the reporters attempted to paraphrase what Walker said/meant), but .... assuming Graham is correct, and Walker is only attempting to temper expectations, then the first question that should pop into one's head is: Why? 1. Are expectations unrealistically high that even the best would struggle to meet them? If so, then the fans need to take a pill, breathe into a paper sack, and stop hyperventilating. 2. Or, are expectations realistic, but he feels he may struggle to reach them? If so, then fans have a reason to be concerned. Someone needs to find out exactly what Walker meant. Good luck if they can.
  9. Question: Didn't the Bills try to resign Greer before he hit free agency? Answer: Yep. Linky I guess Capt. Caveman did not get the memo. The Bills wanted to keep Greer.
  10. "They was giving me ten thousand watts a day, you know, and I'm hot to trot! The next woman takes me on's gonna light up like a pinball machine and pay off in silver dollars!" "Which one of you nuts has got any guts?"
  11. "That 70's Show" was set in Wisconsin. Interestingly, on eof the characters was named Red
  12. You can use a contraceptive sponge
  13. Green eggs and ham is best with green jelly Linky
  14. You said the same thing last year. How did that work out for you? Oh, that's right. Fire up the "no talent" excuse. Sorry. The Bills had the second easiest schedule last year. Despite your obvious "hatred" for the Bills FO (3 years, and still not enough talent?), the Bills had the talent to capitalize on that schedule. The talent was wasted by a poor coach.
  15. There is no need to cuss. This is a family friendly board.
  16. I've tasted victory ... and I "LIKES" IT! I am back to regain my rightful place as the winner.
  17. Looking for my 5 minutes of "winning glory"
  18. And you still cannot dispute what BB has done since, despite trying to pin his success solely on Brady. Moss may or may not had any impact on Cassel's success (we will find out this year), but it does prove teams do not need a "great" QB to produce a winning season. By the time the Browns acquired Testeverde as a free agent prior to the 93 season, Vinny was considered a first round bust. Vinny played 6 years in Tampa Bay, produced no winning seasons, threw 77 TDs, 122 INTs, and had a completed 52% of his passes. Using your own argument against Cutler, if Vinny was really any good, why didn't he at least produce 1 winning season while in Tampa? By the time BB became coach of the Browns, Kosar was beginning his slide. It was because of Kosar's "diminishing skills" that prompted BB to seek out a replacement (this replacement became Vinny). During the 93 season, BB released Kosar in favor of Vinny. Kosar was picked up by the Cowboys as a back up, and played for the injured Troy Aikman. After the 93 season, Kosar was released by the Cowboys, signed with Dolphins, and served as a back up for 3 years before he retired. Using one of your arguments, how good was Kosar really when he never started for another team (other than for injury to the starter) after he was released from the Browns? Bledsoe was his "best" QB, and as we saw for 3 years in Buffalo, not very good. BB was so "confident" in Bledsoe's ability, he traded the QB to a division rival. I think it was safe to say BB was not afraid of facing Bledsoe twice a year. What I do not see is BB ever declaring an unsigned rookie QB to be his starting QB. Even you got to admit, that was pretty stupid for Jauron to do. So, the QB does not make the coach, correct? Cowher went to his first SB in his 4th year, after producing 4 straight winning seasons. Cowher was also able to produce a winning season while starting a QB named Kordell Stewart. "TD left a trainwreck franchise and 1st round bust QBs can leave a team in dismay for many years." That train wreck was saddled with a salary cap problem in it's first year, produced a .500 record in it's 2nd year, and a winning record in it's 4th year (the only one this decade). Still waiting for DJ to produce at least a .500 season. [1] In fact, Dan Reeves did take one of Jauron's QB's to the big dance - Chandler. Call it lucky in making the SB if you wish, but Reeves still made the NFC championship game with the same QB. Further, before you state none of those coaches could take one of Jauron's Qbs to the big game, consider nobody thought Dilfer or Rypien would be SB winners either. [2] I do not credit Dilfer for that win, but it does prove you do not need even a good QB to produce winning results. Once again, proving it's not the QB that makes the coach. So, it's not all about the QB, is it? [1] Your passive aggressive comments are boring and tedious. Stop trying to attack the messenger so you will not have to deal with the message. [2] Interesting comment, considering you were predicting a playoff appearance last year before the season started. Further, you were one of the people that wanted to see how we "DJ detractors" were going to react after the DJ coached Bills produced said winning record. Now are you trying to claim you were one of those Bills fans that felt the Bills did not have the talent, or are you just looking for a convenient excuse to cover for DJ? Furthermore, before the season started last year, I stated I had every reason to believe the Bills were capable of producing a winning season given the talent level and schedule. In looking back, I stand behind those comments, and still feel the Bills had the talent, but that talent was/is being pissed away by mediocre coaching. [3] These last 3 sentences are an interesting blend of thoughts. Despite saying this is DJ's make or break year, you are practically awarding him coach of the year by the last sentence. You are aware such geniuses like Dennis Green and Wayne Fontes have both been awarded the prestigious Coach of The Year?
  19. A head coach with a losing record. Now time for you to answer some questions: When trying to compare BB to DJ, why do you always stop at "pre-Brady"? Why do you always try to "ignore" the success BB achieved with a QB named Matt Cassel? Second group is slightly better. Now lets see if you have the balls to answer the following questions (but since you never do, i will not hold my breath): If the QB's make the coach (as you have repeatedly tried to state), then answer the following: How do you explain this statement made by you: (of course, the implication being the "coach made the player") How do you explain BB starting a QB that had not started a single game since HS, and proceeded to produce a winning record, 2 wins coming over our own Bills? How did Cowher reach 2 SB with 2 different QBs, the first one being with a QB named Neil O'Donnell? How did Dan Reeves, Bill Parcells, Don Shula, Mike Holmgren , and Dick Vermeil reach the SB with more than one team? (Said teams also having different QBs) How do you explain Brian Billick and the Ravens winning a SB with a QB named Trent Dilfer? How do you explain Joe Gibbs winning 3 SB with 3 different QBs, two of the named Doug Williams and Mark Rypien? How do you explain Bill Parcells winning 2 SB with 2 different QBs? Let's see if you are willing to answer those questions, or will you ignore them like you always do?
  20. Exactly. There are still people on here that believe a proven loser of HC is actually a qualified winning HC because they have deluded themselves into thinking the only thing said loser HC has been missing is "talented players".
  21. He's got his work cut out for him. I understand you have an infatuation for Edwards as some kind of leader, but you do realize even the players in the Bills locker room can't seem to agree on whether he's a leader or not: Ouch. That's like pursuing a girl, only to find out you have been put in the "friend" category. Linky
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