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Everything posted by Cynical

  1. A. I thought Trent already had the power to audible B. Why do people automatically assume Trent will somehow do a much better job at running the O than Turk? Up to this point, TE has learned everything he knows about the NFL from the same idiots that are in charge. As Trent recently said (to paraphrase), he is playing the way his coaches are telling to him to play. So why are on earth would expect him to be any better?
  2. The right answer is: it all depends on where you plan on buying. Each state has different rules regarding foreclosures and their process. Check out this site for a summary of the rules regarding each state: Linky According to the site, Hawaii laws states the following: "The notice of intent to foreclose must be published once a week for three (3) successive weeks, the last publication to be not less than fourteen (14) days before the day of sale, in a newspaper having a general circulation in the county in which the mortgaged property is located." Also: "Said notice must state: 1) The date, time, and place of the public sale;..." Based on the above, the best place to gather information is the local papers. One other thing. Foreclosure auctions can be vastly different than tax auctions. As an example, in the state of GA, if a person buys a piece of property from a tax auction, the buyer does not "own" the property outright until a year has passed. For one year after the tax sale, the original owner has the right to buy back the property for the selling price + interest.
  3. Doubt it. In a recent article it was revealed both LE and TO are constantly urging TE to trust his WR and throw down field more. What's Trent going to say in this meeting? His WR's need to stop running routes beyond 15 yards?
  4. Like somehow Russ quitting will be a negative blow for the organization.
  5. Hey! Maybe that's a sign. If the opposite is happening in preseason, maybe the opposite will happen in the regular season. Instead of 7-9, the Bills will go 9-7. Woo Hoo! (I'm trying to be positive, I swear)
  6. Not trying to step on anybody's toes or pick a side ... Would it be fair to say that Ralph Wilson does have a history of firing coaches during the season (because he has done it before), but Wilson does not have a recent history of firing coaches mid-season?
  7. You assumed a Dick Jauron coached team will make the playoffs. This is a much better question.
  8. As stupid and obvious as it sounds: The same way you would if you were NOT a sole member LLC. I agree, it does look retarded. But in a way, that's pretty much what you do. The big thing to keep in mind here, is that corporate records are the only way to show the separation between the members (shareholders) and the company. It makes no difference if it's a 1 member/shareholder or 35 members/shareholders organization. And from asset/liability protection POV, you want that separation to be big as possible. No. This is one reason why LLCs are less restrictive than corps. And this is how most small LLCs get into major trouble. Think of why records should be kept. You want to create a separation between you and the company. Without that separation, you might as well pull your pants down, bend over, and say "Thank you, sir. May I have another?" Again, the same way as your neighbor. You could make a major business decision while driving down the highway. Just make sure it gets properly "documented" (Obviously, you would not say the meeting took place while driving in your car).
  9. They can't justify it. Oh, they will offer all kinds of "reasons" of why Dick has been unable to produce winning results, but they will never be able to provide evidence as to why he Dick should be able to produce winning results. They will point out things like his 13-3 COY season of 2001 (never mind his overall head coaching record is below .500, he has only produced 1 winning season out of 8, and he has consistently been unable to win against the better teams in his entire HC career). They will talk about the Bills 2007 season as being "miraculous", and indicator of his coaching ability.Only a Jauron fan would consider a team posting a losing record as being "miraculous". You want miraculous? See Mike Smith and the Falcons and, especially Harbaugh and the Ravens. That's "miraculous". That's something you do not expect.
  10. Can't really have it both ways Dick. Either have Trent become more "aggressive" and deal with the mistakes as they happen, or continue to emphasize "playing it safe" and limiting those mistakes.
  11. The only people that are ignorant are the people who believe that a coaching change will result in the team losing. The following coaches would like to disagree: Smith - Falcons Whisenhut - Cardinals Harbaugh - Ravens Billick - Ravens Switzer - Cowboys Holmgren - Packers Sherman - Packers Dungy - Colts Schottenheimer - Chiefs Sparano - Dolphins Shula - Dolphins BB - Pats* Madden - Raiders Cowher - Steelers Seifert - 49ers Gibbs (1) - Redskins
  12. I agree, especially when they continually back a proven loser of a head coach, and expect nothing more than mediocrity.
  13. I already tried that approach with him. He still doesn't get it. I even brought up coaches like Parcells, Reeves, Shula, and Holmgren (coaches that to the SB with different teams) I mentioned coaches like Gibbs and Cowher (made the SB multiple times with the same team, but different QB) I even mentioned the Ravens and Dilfer. He even came up with an excuse regarding Shanahan (according to him, Shanahan has the ability to get more out of players like Cutler) Like a typical apologist, he has an excuse for every example. I always wondered. How many exceptions to a rule must there be before it becomes obvious the rule is the exception and the exceptions are the rule? 1 winning season out of 8. Which is the exception, and which is the rule?
  14. Those records are accounting records. I am talking about "Articles of Incorporation", notices for shareholder and director meetings, minutes of the shareholders and directors meetings, loan papers, stock certificates issued and to whom, etc ... Yeah, these are boring and somewhat tedious to keep, but can be the difference when the IRS or some lawyer comes snooping around. I use this book: Linky. The writer does a great job of informing you what to record and what to keep. The book even comes with templates for all the documents you will need.
  15. What corporate entity to pick is a pretty broad question with no right or wrong answer. IIRC, from an asset protection/liability standpoint, the C corporation is the best. From a tax and legal POV, the corporation is considered a separate entity, and what ever happens within the corporation, stays in the corporation. From a shareholders POV, any money the C corp is essentially taxed twice. The C corp has to pay quarterly taxes on its profits, and then the shareholders have to pay taxes on the same money IF they take it out as a salary or as dividends. From a record keeping POV, this type can be time consuming, both accounting and corporate records will be required. Big thing to keep in mind, while salaries will be required (and the associated payroll taxes will need to paid), the C corp can choose NOT to distribute dividends to the shareholders. There are no size limitations to a C corp. S-corps are similar to C corps, but with some differences. Both accounting and corporate record keeping will be required to maintain the separation of corporate business from the shareholders. From a tax standpoint, any profits at the end of the year are automatically distributed to the shareholders as dividends (minus any profit money taken out as a salary). Dividends are considered a "passive" income, and are subjected to income tax only. Also, due note, the IRS can decide at any time to stop recognizing the S corp. This should not be a problem as long as you play be the "rules". There are also ownership limitations with this type (how many, etc ..) Shareholders in S and C corps can sell their shares at anytime to anybody. Thus it is quite possible for somebody to want out, and they sell their shares to first person that offers reasonable money. In the end, the rest of the shareholders are stuck dealing with somebody they do not know, and possibly worse, has their own ideas on where the company should go. Both C corps and S corps are "federal" corporations. LLC's are something different. These are state creations, and are not recognized by the IRS for tax purposes. All profits earned by the LLC are distributed to the members as self employment income (unless it's a passive income stream like rental housing). This means all income is subjected to self employment taxes (you get to pay the medicare and SS payments on your 1040). This end of the year sticker shock can be avoided by making quarterly payments to the IRS. Also, I have talked a few lawyers, and most agree this is the easiest corp entity to pierce from a liability standpoint. This mainly due to the less restrictive record keeping requirements, and that has a tendency to expose the members. If you choose this type, treat it like a C / S corp, and maintain the required corporate records.
  16. Good God. I remember reading that as a kid. My great grandparents had a subscription.
  17. 1. If you are going to get testy with people because they did not view the material you wanted them to see, it might help if you post a LINK to said material. 2. IIRC, that video was already discussed about during the 2008 season.
  18. Simple. ROLL TIDE ROLL! Best part will be never having to worry again about my favorite team moving.
  19. Anything dealing with "nasty" "Player X is nasty ..." "We need to get nasty up front ..." "Our defense is going to be so sick and nasty ..." "If we got more players like him, our line would be mean and nasty ..."
  20. Especially red neck hicks running around screaming "War Damn Eagle". Sounds like a bunch of uneducated buffoons who support a second rate collegiate athletic team. "Just Sayin"
  21. If that's what you were "implying", then do not blame my "limited reading comprehension abilities" when the problem is actually your poor writing skills. Feel free to point out in your post where you "implied" Tebow should be used in a "Wild cat". As soon as you learn how to write, it will not be a problem. The Bills had the second, let me repeat that ... SECOND easiest schedule in the NFL last year. I'm sorry, but I'll disagree that "talent" was the main problem last year. The biggest problem last year was coaching. Fine. You can believe what you want regarding system implementation. I choose to believe people like Brian Urlacher. But then again, you are the person who believes Tebow would "revolutionize" the game running a Wild cat type offense at the NFL level. Apparently you did not get the memo. The Wild Cat is nothing more than the single wing option offense, which has been around for decades. What's next? Using the Veer and the Wishbone?
  22. What the hell do you think Tebow is/was? Tebow has been playing the same kind of offense since high school. Yet, according to you: Sam Bradford plays in a spread offense = overrated and bad Tim Tebow plays in spread offense = "set of skills that could revolutionize the game" Oh, the irony ... Actually, it only takes 2-3 years (at least from everything I read, and that includes coaches and players saying it). 1st off season/year - base packages are installed 2nd off season/year - sub-packages are installed 3rd off season/year - for some schemes, the remaining sub packages. However, from year 3 on, it's all about "tweaking/adjusting/modifying" the current systems. In other words, we all saw Jauron's system in it's full glory last year.
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