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Everything posted by Cynical

  1. I replied to your question in the college football area. Somebody has already mentioned Rivals, and you could also check out scout.com http://mbd.scout.com/mb.aspx?s=157 Similar to Rivals
  2. Please note the use of the word 'elements'. At no point does it state BB is looking to run the spread option at the NFL level. There is also a difference between the spread option and the spread. IIRC, the last spread type offense to exist in the NFL was called the Run 'N Shoot. Does elements of that still exist? Yes. Does any team run it on a regular basis? No. Don't let your man crush for Leach over come your sensibilities.
  3. And I could see him joining TO in that blowup. We do not need Kelly, or Thomas, or Smith, or Talley, or <insert any SB year player> to fix this team. Did the Bills of the late 80's early 90's need Kemp and company?
  4. Holy crap! I have seen this van. Linky
  5. Gives new meaning to Pittsburgh "Squealers" Linky
  6. Have you tried scout.com or rivals.com? Scout usually has a premium area and a free area.
  7. How does a 2 yr. 3rd stringer gain a lot of experience with the K-Gun?
  8. I'll believe it when I "see" it, and not when it appears on a rumor site.
  9. Lies. All damn lies. Everybody knows that coaching in the NFL is overrated. It's the players fault for not executing the plays properly.
  10. I never stated there was a correlation between preseason records and regular season/playoff records.
  11. Interesting concept. Kind of hard to do that when players (and coaches) are possibly "phoning it in". You would be correct. But I would argue the foundation for that SB win was set in August.
  12. Excellent! The practice games don't matter, and now the we find out practices themselves don't matter. Why bother having a training camp?
  13. As bad as Edwards was, he still produced more winning seasons than Jauron. And the Bills hired Jauron.
  14. Nah. He's just miffed everybody is picking on his beloved Jauron. For all his bitching about "over simplification", I find it ironic how he states (essentially) it's preseason, and we should not take anything we see seriously because it's "quite possible that these guys, coaches included, are just phoning (it) in,...", yet in the same paragraph, declares TO the best offensive player on the Bills. Correct me if I am wrong, but to date, TO has only played in a couple of series of ONE preseason game as a Bill. And if you notice, Big Cat is expecting (hoping?) TO will completely change the dynamics of this offense. Now who is "over simplifying" the problem?
  15. Sorry. I was trying to channel the Jauron apologists. When they defend Jauron, thats one of the statements they like to make.
  16. Lee was at one time. He has been effectively neutered. TO will be. Whether his influence will be positive or negative remains to be seen. Edwards? Don't make me laugh. Even his own teammates would not say he is one. Whitner is a wannabe. He tries, but I don't think he has any influence. As much as I hate to say it, it would be interesting if JP was still the QB. With TO and Evans, JP MIGHT have been a serviceable QB.
  17. FIRE HIM! FIRE HIM NOW! I don't care if the players love him and play hard for him. He spits. Cannot, will not, must not have that.
  18. I don't think its possible. Trentative will not remain healthy all year. He'll get a boo boo at some point, and miss a couple of games. Fitzy will come in and beat another POS team for at least one win. When that does happen, could be the start of the next QB controversy in Buffalo.
  19. Yeah Cowher won't do squat. lifetime win/loss/tie record of 149-90-1 2 SB appearances, 1 SB win produced a winning record in 11 seasons out of 15 has actually beaten BB and the Pats* But you choose to focus on the fact he "spits when he yells". No wonder some Bills fans accept mediocrity with open arms. F*** winning, he spits. Can't have it.
  20. If you notice, all that is ever said about Jauron is how "nice" a guy he is. They never actually talk about him "winning" or being a "winner". Other than his nice personality, the guy is proven perennial loser as a HC.
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