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Everything posted by Cynical

  1. That's kind of a loaded question. IF (and that's a big if) JP learns and develops his game while under the tutelage of Fassel, then, yes, JP is in the better situation. If JP continues to be the same JP, then, no, he's not in a better situation. The UFL is JP's last gasp. In Trent's case, even if the Bills dump Dickie J at the end of the year, Trent is still good enough to be a back up either on this team or some other team.
  2. Bottom line: Patriots* 25 Bills 24 Only a Jauron apologist gives a s*** about "moral" victories. Only a Jauron apologist accepts and embraces mediocrity. Only a Jauron apologist thinks it's ok for a team to not "finish". Only a Jauron apologist thinks a 7-9 record is "miraculous". Only a Bills hater would find this acceptable for the Bills to be like this.
  3. Missed this when it was originally posted. Maybe I do not listen to the Jim Rome show. Then again, maybe I do, and even though it has nothing to do with the original intent of "War ___", I still could not resist taking a "shot" at the fan base of a hated collegiate rival.
  4. Been a Bills fan for 30 years. Yes, I have suffered through the Stephenson/Bullough years. And upon reviewing my post, I can see how my post would be mis-construed. I should have clarified. The 2 years I am referring to is in regards to the past 10 (of the past 10, the past 2 were the most painful). But I will say this. I have always said the main difference between Bullough and Jauron is the players hated Bullough, and would purposely throw games in order to get him fired. Interestingly enough, it turns out, Jauron got his coaching start because of Bullough.
  5. You haven't looked hard enough. Check out the pinned threads, Lori's thread regarding Bills programming. First link in the first post: Linky
  6. Reality check: the Bills have only produced 1 winning season this decade, with the previous 2 years being some of the most painful. Nothing like watching a team of young talented players being pissed away by one of the leagues worst head coach. It's all about the "continuity". Don't you want the Bills to win? Don't you want the Bills to succeed? Don't you want the Bills to dominate their opponents, all the time, every time? If you do, how in the world do you openly accept mediocrity? Not only accept it, but root for it. Encourage it. Make excuses for it. Why do you hate the Bills that much? Did a former Bill run over your tricycle or something?
  7. That explains a lot. No wonder he likes Dickie as the head coach of the Bills. As long as Ralph continues to keep Jauron as the head coach of the Bills, Al Davis comes across as being "sane".
  8. Really? How long have you lived in Florida? Have you attended any Bills Backers bars to watch the game? You might want to. Just for a reality check. My guess is you will find the atmosphere a little "idiotic".
  9. Where's the "Hitler is pissed about the Bills losing" video?
  10. Continuity!! You'll see. Dickie just needs 5 more years of continuity, and he will produce that second winning record during a season.
  11. I read the whole post. And you made the following two claims: "Let Trent loose." and "Bill Walsh loved him." The implication being that the coaching staff is somehow "hindering" the potentially great Trentative Edwards. First, I will not disagree that coaching and play calling is having a negative impact on Edwards, but Trent needs carry some of the blame himself. IIRC, Trent has been set "loose", because he has the ability to audible. So, he's not locked into "running the play that is called". Secondly, the Bill Walsh endorsement is meaningless. Other than Steve Young, Bill Walsh has been wrong with regards to all the other QBs he has praised coming out of college (with Edwards being an Incomplete at this point). Thirdly, don't you find it "odd" how Trent has struggled again when facing a 3-4 defense, even when given the fact the Saints switched to it for this game?
  12. Once again. A rookie Head Coach with a rookie QB is producing a better record than a Dick Jauron team. Imagine that. Let's look at a couple of last years rookie HC/rookie QB combos and see how they are doing this year: Atlanta Falcons and Baltimore Ravens Falcons are 2-1 and the Ravens are 3-0. But its all about the "continuity", right Jauron Apologists?
  13. Bill Walsh loved a bunch of different QBs during his time. He loved such luminaries as: Joey Harrington David Carr Jake Plummer (the "next Joe Montana") And speaking of Joe Montana, Walsh never wanted him in the first place. Somebody else in the 49ers organization did, and had to convince Walsh to draft Joe. So Bill Walsh loved Trentative Edwards. Big Deal.
  14. Ouch. Linky Gators catch a small break as they are off next week.
  15. You kidding? If the Bills beat the Saints, you can expect to start to hear "Jauron" and "Coach of the Year" being tossed about, at least among the apologists.
  16. And the Bills lost vs. Cleveland. In fact, they lost the following games to end the season at 7-9. In 2007, the Bills were decimated by injuries, and finished with a losing record. I get it. With you apologists, a losing record is considered a "miracle". Another apologist concept: Good result (even if it has to be made up) = because Jauron Bad result = because of the players Don't forget to look in the mirror ... No, 1 winning season out of 8 makes that determination. The consistent inability to beat teams with winning records make that determination. Making boneheaded game day decisions make that determination. WOW, 1billsfan, you hold some serious influence within the Bills organization, especially considering you live in the Tampa area. Are you part of the "inner circle"? Jauron's apologists creedo: It's never Jauron's fault.
  17. One and done for Owens. IIRC, Owens and his agent have already made some noise before the season started about signing Owens to a longer a deal. The Bills said no. The bigger question is: why would the Bills even want him for more than a single year? Owens was a marketing move that solved a performance problem (at least for the short term). If the Bills produce a winning season this year, the demand for season tickets will remain high. This will negate the need for TO from a marketing standpoint, and TO walks. From a performance standpoint, the Bills have 2 second year WRs. IMHO, they are willing to see how they play out, especially Hardy. By the end of the year, if Hardy looks like he is showing progress, I would expect Hardy to become the #2 WR, and TO walks. From a financial standpoint, if TO has a productive season, I can imagine TO and his agent looking for a major increase in salary. IMHO, I do not see the Bills sinking another $7-8M+/yr into a 36 year old player on the downside of his career. If the Bills produce a losing season, it will be moot. I doubt TO wants to be part of a rebuilding team, even if the rebuilding curve should be short.
  18. I find it amusing the vocal "real fans" are always telling everybody else to 'shut up', like somehow the "non-real fans" somehow forced the "real fans" into reading a dissenting opinion.
  19. I expect the Bills to lose, but not be blown out. Brady will still be looking to shake off the game day rust. They no longer have Seymour. And AVP is a wild card BB will "respect" (until about halftime, then all bets are off). .
  20. Or maybe Jauron is desperate to save his azz and his career, he has finally realized staying with the "status quo" wasn't going to work. Jauron doesn't have two years. He has to win NOW.
  21. The team was the Colts, and it was Jeff George's first start as a QB in the NFL.
  22. 100% of it. He made the call and pulled the trigger. While this is true to an extent, a bigger questions is: would it have mattered? Granted, a GM may have forced DJ to interview other candidates, but I doubt the GM would have been able to "force" DJ to accept an OC he did not want. IMHO, Turk would have gotten the job even if Jauron had interviewed others. As for AVP's promotion, timing is a big issue. There is no way to interview, choose, and bring up to speed an "outsider" before the game next week.
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