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Everything posted by Cynical

  1. https://247sports.com/college/mississippi-state/Article/Former-Mississippi-State-coach-Jackie-Sherrill-is-vindicated-in-NCAA-matters-133738210/ Another investigation led by Rich Johanningmeier that turned out to be full of BS. Who is Rich Johanningmeier ? https://www.miaminewtimes.com/news/ncaa-probe-of-um-more-flawed-than-you-know-6391354 At least the SOB is now retired.
  2. You definitely fall into the "build some parking decks and widen a couple of roads. Eazy peazy" mentality. You trying to equate the issues of Pilot Field (17k seating) and KeyBank (20k seating) to the issues of a 65k seat stadium is stunningly ignorant. Building the stadium is only one part of the problem. Having the infrastructure in place to support it is a completely different issue. Prior to the separate football and baseball stadiums in downtown Cleveland, that city had this building call Cleveland Stadium that had a seating capacity of 80k. Neither of the present stadiums seat that many people. The transition to 2 smaller stadiums was easier when the infrastructure was already in place to handle 80k. Pilot Field did not cause a transportation "crisis" because the Aud already existed. The infrastructure to support a stadium the size of Pilot Field was already in place. The new football stadium will not be 20k. It will be in the 60-65K area. 3 times larger. There is nothing in the downtown area that big now. You think your secret parking area near Fountain Square will still be a secret when an additional 40k people are looking for parking?
  3. I agree with all of this. You just do not drop a 60-65k seat stadium into the downtown area where nothing of that size presently exits now, and think some parking decks and widening a couple of roads will be all that's needed. If we assume the economy improves and there is population growth, so will the demand for real estate and housing. Land acquisition will become even more problematic.
  4. Two things stand out to me: 1) "... when two things became clear to the Cuomo administration: The Bills had no interest in a new stadium, and the county had already determined that a new stadium in downtown would not work for a host of financial and logistical reasons. " I wonder if these reasons still exist today. 2) " Poloncarz said then-Bills President Russ Brandon told him that penalty ultimately kept many prospective owners – Poloncarz knew of about 10 – from placing bids on the Bills when Wilson died in March 2014. " Without that relocation fee, the Bills were good as gone upon Wilson's death.
  5. Moulds - 1 turnover (1 fumble) Reed - 1 turnover (1 fumble) Flutie - 3 turnovers (2 fumbles and 1 pick)
  6. " Part of this was dictated by fundamental differences in the Canadian game. CFL fields are longer (110 yards between goal lines, 20-yard end zones) and wider than American fields (65 yards versus 53½ yards), ..." Change the field size, and throw in CFL level talent, he would probably would excel.
  7. Oh, I am under no illusion that Alabama will never lose more than 2-3 games a year. I was more referring to the Franchione-Price-Shula time period, and what caused it, which lead to such disastrous games. And I feel I can speak for the entire Bama nation when I say we are so grateful Rita did not like Tuscaloosa.
  8. Best moment of Kiffins time in Tuscaloosa: "There's no arguments. Those are called ass chewings." Those were the dark days indeed. Shula's first year. It will be a long, long time before that happens again.
  9. Only after the playoffs increase to 8. Then when there are even more blowouts, the cry will be to expand it to 12, maybe 16 teams, because that will fix it. (wash, rinse, repeat)
  10. Yeah, from .01% they don't make it to .02%. The only team in the top 8 this year that had a remote chance to stop either Clemson or Bama would have been OSU. Have you looked at the results of the teams from 5-8? Only OSU won. UGA, Michigan, and UCF all lost.
  11. Yet, I do not remember people pissing and moaning when FSU was dominating CFB. Bobby Bowden had FSU in the top 5 every year for 14 straight years. They won 2 NC with out a playoff. It's hard to imagine how many NC they would have won if there was playoff at the time.
  12. Did you read the Yahoo article? "Levi’s Stadium happens to sit on the other side of the country from the participating clubs." So all the fans of the teams that would be interested in attending suddenly find themselves with expenses in the thousands. "Travel costs just to get to San Jose are considerable – $1,000 flights are the minimum from the Southeast." Now throw in hotel, dining, and costs just to get around the Bay area, the option of staying home and watching the game on TV becomes the more viable choice.
  13. This. IMO, the one thing the CFB playoffs has spot lighted is that 2-3 teams every year separate themselves from the rest of the programs. Note, this was the same way pre-CFB playoffs, but the playoffs have made it more visible. So instead of accepting reality, the current cry is to expand the playoffs. Yet, nobody can give a logical rationale why including even weaker teams will fix the problem.
  14. Latest SEC Shorts: https://youtu.be/5q8l4YFS4Mk Love the digs at ND including the nonexistent GF Probably the best line: "It's a little iffy if he can ride roller coasters ..."
  15. " Things are so rough, even normally staid power brokers are lobbying for an eight-team playoff to shake things up." Oh, yeah, that's the answer. 8 teams, because a 4 team playoff has been absolutely flawless, and is just screaming to add more teams. It's like watching someone bashing their head against a wall while complaining their head hurts. So they keep bashing their head against the wall hoping the pain will go away.
  16. Clean legal hit. IMO, Targeting is probably the most inconsistently called and enforced penalty, and needs some serious tweaking. But even I saw there was nothing in that hit that could be classified as targeting.
  17. Yes, haven't you heard? 8 teams will fix everything. There will be rainbows, and leprechauns, and unicorns.
  18. Feel free to post all the criteria you use before SOS to rank/separate teams from different conferences. Auburn lost because of the $7M+ anchor running the team. And after yesterday's big win over Perdue, I can only hope the Auburn AD feels pressured to give that anchor another big fat extension with even a bigger buyout clause.
  19. I think I am developing a serious man crush for this guy. Jalen Hurts: 'The story is not over' "Q: How do you want to be remembered at Alabama? A: Everyone wants to go down with a … I think every competitor wants to leave some kind of legacy, and be remembered in a great fashion, and go down in a legendary style, but I can’t say that my story is over." "Q: Have you submitted any paperwork to potentially put your name out there in that transfer model, or are you going to wait until after the season? A: I’ve spoken about that already in the fall. I’ve never said anything about transferring. Those words have never came out of my mouth. Those have always been kind of assumptions, and if I haven’t spoken about it, then I don’t think it’s a conversation to be had." ???? Could it be ...
  20. For somebody who thinks it's insanity for SOS to be a major standard, you just used SOS to make your case.
  21. Here's a concept. Why don't the G5 teams band together, and petition the NCAA to create a new football division level just for them? Then, they could do whatever they wanted without interference from the mean ole P5 teams. They could call it the Cupcake Series. And they could play for their own national championship, the Golden Cupcake. And every team gets to make the playoffs, and receive participation trophies, because that's only fair. But back to a more serious side. Why don't the G5 teams petition the NCAA for own division? If the G5 teams had their own division, they would be free of the constraints of the P5 teams. Is that why Auburn lost? And here I thought Gus Malzahn was just a crappy coach. Silly me. Oh, jeez. This old tired argument. Yet, not a peep about UCF playing South Carolina State. Please explain why adding even more crappier teams fixes any problem? You think watching the #1 team slaughter the #16 team would add meaning? Might as well watch the Cheez It bowl. Sure, why not. Question: What are schools like UCF , and their fan base, doing to increase their teams exposure other than feeling entitled that P5 teams should give it to them? I agree. There are to many bowl games. Of course, the irony is, if it wasn't for the "Cheez It" bowls, the G5 teams would have even less exposure.
  22. It's been about 10 years since I last saw a movie on the big screen. I figured I needed to stop spending gobs of money to listen to someone else's phone call and/or hear their film commentary.
  23. It appears to be a battery powered Lego train set. No transformers needed.
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