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Everything posted by Cynical

  1. No kidding. I wasn't implying the team itself should/will stop playing, but in reality, this is what the OP wants them to do. I know this is hard for people to grasp, but "understanding" does NOT automatically mean "agreeing". Just because I do not agree with the rationale, that does not mean I do not understand it. I get the concept, I understand the rationale. But if you think Wilson will not cut loose Dickie after posting a 4th consecutive 7-9 record, what makes it certain Ralph will cut him loose if the Bills post a 1-15 record? I want Dick Jauron gone as much as the next guy. In fact, IF the Bills do not make the playoffs, I hope, regardless of their W-L record, when the team leaves Rich Stadium after the final game, the security guards surround Jauron, escort him off the field, through the tunnel, out the stadium, across the parking lot, and into the middle of Abbott Rd. At which point, the guards give Dickie a cell phone, and this message: "Mr. Wilson thanks you for you time and effort, but your services are no longer needed. Mr. Wilson would also like to convey you are no longer allowed to step even one foot onto Buffalo Bills property. You may use the cell phone to contact someone for a ride. You may keep the phone as part of your severance package. By the way, the phone is a prepay type, and you only have 10 minutes."
  2. I get the concept, and I even understand the rationale behind it. I just cannot wish/hope my team loses, and I will never be happy when they do. If that makes me a "homer", then I am a "homer". I respect the OP opinion, and I am not calling him/her a "bad" fan. Their a "good" fan (they want the same thing we all want), but I disagree on what actions to take. If the whole concept is to lose in order to get the coach fired and/or better draft picks, than why bother playing? Just forfeit the games. Hell, then I would not have to worry about missing anything.
  3. Is it maniacal laughter? Ok. Maybe I need to loosen up my thought. I will never be HAPPY with a Bills loss.
  4. Everybody has the right to their own opinion. No matter how bad the coaching/playing is, I will NEVER smile when the Bills lose, even when they are "bad". Being "bad" makes the loss more depressing and frustrating. I want the agony to end, and I want it to end ASAP.
  5. I don't think I have ever said it before, but good job. Keep up the good work. Problem is Dick has blamed "himself" numerous times in the past 4 years. By taking the blame in order to cover for other coaches and players (i.e. Jets, Meadowland, JP rollout, 2008), it has become impossible to tell if he's sincere, or just blowing more smoke. For all the times he has taken the blame, nothing seems to change.
  6. And Wayne Fontes was also Coach of the Year at one time, so you know he's "good". Jauron needs only 3 4 5 6 more years. Everybody knows a head coach needs at least 4 10 years to fully implement their system. Besides, it's the players fault. They are the ones not coming up with any solution to these problems. Jauron's only responsibility is winning a second COTY award, and the players are letting him down.
  7. And if I am Ralph, I'm telling DJ "And your evaluations helped put us in this position. When do you expect to start taking responsibilities for your own poor decisions? How does NOW sound?"
  8. Got to love Jauron and his apologists. Maybe our first round draft choice this year can help. Oh wait, he's a one trick pony DE. He "might" be good in a couple of years.
  9. Horse hockey. You must have missed the entire Jauron regime. Today is only one example of numerous embarrassing performances.
  10. Every time a players head hits the turf "hard" does not automatically mean "he got a concussion". As for it being discussed last year on this forum, I must have missed it. Or maybe it was just discussed amongst the fans of Trent 1. If Trent is suffering concussions that easily, it's time for him to rethink his career choice. 2. Stop trying to compare Edwards to Kelly. At this point in time, Edwards ability to be a viable starting NFL QB has yet to be proven. In comparison, it was evident Kelly was an NFL QB by his 2nd year.
  11. You "ain't" right. things you do not do: 1. You do not cook pasta with pickle juice 2. You do not "boil" real hot dogs. You boil crap like Oscar Mayer or Ball Park.
  12. Wow. You are in deep. So, when did this "second" concussion supposedly happen? What game? Does Trent and the Bills even know he suffered a "second" one?
  13. Oh yes, the "concussion card". We will just ignore the 2-3 good games he had AFTER suffering the concussion. However, for the sake of argument, let's run with the whole concussion thing. NOTE: And before anybody gets their panties in a bunch, I am not saying or wishing Trent will suffer another concussion. If Edwards was truly still suffering from the concussion weeks (and months) later, then Edwards needs to reevaluate what he wants out of life. Concussions, and the effects they have, get worse, not better, with each one. What will happen with the next one he suffers? Can we expect 2 seasons of questionable play or just a bunch of games? Either way, knowing his play will regress for a period of time, should the Bills continue to start him? Would that be fair to him or his teammates? Do we really want another Trent Green? I agree the concussion did have a lasting impact. That hit has made him "afraid" of getting clocked again.
  14. Old timers may also remember Malecki's. IIRC, Ted's used Malecki dogs until Malecki's went out of business.
  15. Almost as good as that Texas HS comeback game from the early 90's: Linky That's a heart breaker.
  16. You referenced "any local Buffalo area bar". Obviously, you haven't been to "any local Buffalo area bar" in quite awhile. In a more "prosperous" time, I would agree with you. And while I do not agree with the sentiments of the "Bills should purposely lose to get a desired result", I do understand the concept (and pain) behind it. And I also realize that type of posting has more to do with frustration and venting than actual desire. That's part of the point. If you HAD attended any local Buffalo area bar, or even some the Bills backers bars where you live, you would see such "idiocy" exists there also. Such "idiocy" is not limited to just this board. It exists on all Bills boards, because it exists in all of Bills fan nation. It's interesting you mention the OP (BillsVet) and Biscuit in the same paragraph, considering those two do not agree on numerous issues. One of those issues is who should be able to post. And I will tell you like I would anybody else who believes a dissenting opinion should not post here: follow your own advice/suggestion. Instead of telling somebody what they should or should not do because it makes your "fan experience" more tolerable, you should make the changes to your habits that make your "fan experience" more tolerable to you. If reading someone's negative opinion bothers you that much, then don't read it. If the board has become too negative for you, go to another board. But I am afraid you will be disappointed with any board you end up choosing. When you said you don't get it. You were right. Just know, we are all Bills fans. We all want the same thing. We just do not agree on how and in what way it takes to get there.
  17. That has more to do with Dick and the coaching staff. Kind of hard to pin that on the Modrak, Brandon, et al. IMHO, depending on who is brought in, I can see Edwards losing the job in the preseason, especially if he continued to play the same way he does now. Let's hope. It would be nice to finish the season with a winning record, and a playoff appearance.
  18. Doubt it. Every time he gets stumped by reality and facts, he starts attacking the poster or posters. It's a C.Biscuit97 posting recipe: 1. Make up crap or at the very least, sugar coat the heck out of it 2. Have other posters call out and challenge the "facts" 3. Get passive aggressive, and start personal attacks against the poster or posters.
  19. As BillsVet pointed out, what a typical expected response from you. Your passive aggressive responses are quite humorous. What else you got? But here's a question for you: Why don't you take your own advice/suggestions? You go find a new hobby. Shouldn't be hard. It's quite obvious "less than successful" results seem to please you.
  20. I wouldn't bet on that. Trent wasn't drafted in the first round, and is not carrying around a first rounders salary. From a financial standpoint, the FO has no incentive to "force" Trent to become the starter. Not saying Trent will be waived, but I wouldn't be surprised if the new coaching staff brings somebody in to compete with Trent for the starter's spot.
  21. Good thing I didn't recommend "Jiggy". User #1: My dog rubs and drags his butt on the ground. Do you know what that means? User #2: Did you get Jiggy with it?
  22. Try shortening the name to something like "Wiggle". I can already imagine the following conversation: Web User #1: I have searched and searched, but can't seem to find the thread with the link to the weekly nfl tv broadcast coverage map. Anybody got a link to help a brotha out? Muchas gracias amigos y amigas. Web User #2: Did you wiggle it?
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