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Everything posted by Cynical

  1. It is? Or maybe you do not know where to look: First source Second source They can be found. You just need to look. Irrelevant to the argument. You stated a team should win with 6 picks. You mentioned nothing on how it had to be in a specific year. Horse hockey. Trent had the ball at the end of the game. What did he do with it? Does getting sacked twice jog your memory?
  2. Believe it or not, he is a back up. Marquis Johnson, Senior. He was filling in for Arenas, who has a rib injury. Did you check out Ingram? The guy is a beast, and seriously underrated. He ran 24 times for 240+ yards, 118 of that came after first contact. He's also touched the ball over 300 times, and has fumbled only once. And that last TD drive. Wow. The entire drive consisted of 6 running plays, all carried by Ingram. On the last play (for the TD), you could see he was exhausted. But so was the SC defense as they could not stop him. A smidge. He's 6' 1" and 294 lbs. Does size matter? It's the third weekend in October. That means it's time to play Tennessee.
  3. Considering his "play" this year, he's damaged goods. Financially, it would be in his best interest to remain in school for his senior year, and prove to the NFL scouts he has healed from his injury(ies).
  4. Shocked. Disturbing. ROTFLMAO. Way to go Boomer Sooners, speaks for itself.
  5. You lost me right there. Expecting DJ to have ANYBODY ready is almost laughable.
  6. Plymouth got screwed. The kid that picked up the blocked ball: his knee was down when he picked up the ball. And the head coach for John Glenn was WAY on the field during the play. In fact there were two coaches on the field screaming at the kid to run.
  7. B. His potential to become a qualified starting NFL QB has passed. He's so f***** up in the head right now, it would take a couple of years to undo the damage, and that's assuming a coaching staff could straighten him out. Jauron's apathetic style of coaching has permeated this entire team to the point there is no leadership, no motivation, and a desire to do nothing more than to collect a paycheck from their employer.
  8. How many teams has Greggo been on since his release by the Bills? IMHO, Williams is still a few years away from being seriously considered for any HC position. I would like to see how Mularkey performs without TD breathing down his neck.
  9. Especially one that has already said the employee has been making some bad decisions, but sees no reason in making a change.
  10. Butler cannot stay healthy, and because of that, is only as good as his back up. Time to start looking for Butler's replacement. Edwards is done as a potential starter. Jauron has severely crippled Edwards' future. It would take a couple of years of proper coaching to undo the damage Jauron has done. As this point, Edwards still has a future as a back up.
  11. Hell no. Get a real HC first. It won't take a real HC long to figure out if Trent sucks or not. Thus we got rid of them both (if needed).
  12. I agree change is the only answer. But as I keep stating, changing right NOW will have little to impact on the team, both short and long term. In fact, changing now may be worse in the short term. There is only 1 exception to that rule: If the HC they hire NOW is expected to be the HC next year (ala Singletary in SF)
  13. Magic must have run out. Tate got benched.
  14. 'Quit' as in 'just going through the motions'. Not giving a crap if they win or lose. I know, I know. How can we tell now.
  15. I have passed this 'establishment' numerous times over the years, and have seen his signs. Linky Nah, he's not racist. Not in the least.
  16. Yeah, he didn't look good vs. Bama. And Bama plays a pro style defense (keep in mind, BB* and Saban compare notes in the off season). I'll reconsider Mallet during his senior year, but based on right now, no way.
  17. I get the concept of "Well, the Bills are going to suck regardless, so why not change? What's the worst that will happen? We win?" And "The faster we part ways with Dick, the faster the team can rebuild." The problem is firing the HC during the season rarely results in producing a winning season. Playoffs? Forget it. And unless you plan on making some other coach presently on the team the head coach after the year, disposing of Dick now will do nothing in 'speeding' up the rebuilding. The new HC will probably want to select his own staff, and install his own schemes. There is one more point. The players love "Dick". Firing Jauron now, and installing April as the HC may not go over well with the players. They may just quit on the organization for this year, preferring to take their chances next year with the new HC.
  18. For sakes. I am trying to enjoy the game, and the damn announcers keep yammering about Tebow. At this point in time, I could give a about Tebow.
  19. Depends. Assuming the loss, and the change takes place during the following week, then probably not. Changing the HC during the season pretty much means the FO has "given up" the season. As bad as Jauron is (and he really is ugly bad), he stills give the Bills the "best" chance to win every week during the season.
  20. True. Hoping/wishing is quite different from expecting. I hope and wish by some miracle the Bills win the next 12 games, but the reality is, I am expecting something less.
  21. I gave the 3 obvious options. Even if we do agree Trent is getting some kind of coaching, we have no idea if it's good or bad. Yes, he can. Question: What framework is Trent using to make the decision to change the play? Answer: The same framework the coaches have been using. Problem: If the audible fails, was it because of Trent, or was it because the framework he is using? 1. Just recently, AVP blamed himself for not adjusting to what was on the field, and taking advantage of the opportunities being presented. (Saints game I believe?) Issue: AVP is the OC/QB Coach, and trying to work within the constraints and scheme dictated by the head coach. AVP is also the guy directly working with Trent Edwards. 2. What is the overall concept Jauron has been pushing since he has been here? Turn overs and field position. IIRC, he even mentioned these two things when he first took the HC job. If you honestly think Jauron and staff does NOT emphasize "Do Not Turn the Ball Over", there are numerous coaching decisions over the years that emphasize those tenets we can go back and look at, and I seriously doubt those decisions had anything to do with his QB. 1. No, one play does not. However, Jauron has been a HC for 8+ years. How is his track record? 2. He was justified when the play ended in an INT. Would he have been justified if Evans caught the ball? How about if the pass was incomplete? Your reply still did not refute the evidence: Jauron and staff told Edwards NOT to throw a pass they considered "risky". Only an "insider" who has privy to personal information and what is going on can answer that question. Us "outsiders" can only look at the "evidence we see". And unfortunately, bad coaching looks pretty much like bad playing. In short, properly executed bulls*** looks exactly like s***. Like I said earlier, the only way to determine how much is on the coaches and how much is on Edwards, we will need to separate the two to find out. For the record: I am not sold on Edwards as a starting QB. But if I had to choose option or the other, given Jauron's less than stellar history, I'm willing to jettison the HC before throwing Edwards on the trash heap.
  22. These factors can possibly be fixed with proper coaching. (ie. working with the QB on his footwork, throwing motion, etc ..) Since by your admission, you have no privy what's goes on behind the scenes, you have no way on knowing if Edwards is getting proper coaching (and having no impact), getting bad coaching, or getting no coaching at all (which is essentially "bad" coaching). Therefore, you have no way of showing those attributes happen strictly because Edwards suck. Again, by your own admission, you have no privy what goes on behind the scenes. Therefore, you have no idea what plays were called, what the reads are, etc .... And because of that, you have no idea if he has been coached NOT to take those chances. Case in point: During his rookie year vs. Baltimore, Trent Edwards threw a pick deep in Bills territory. On this board, Bills fans were pissed the intended WR (Evans) didn't fight for the ball (and thus was not "fighting for his QB"). After the game, both Edwards and the coaching admitted, prior to the play, the coaching staff told Edwards NOT to make that throw. We can look back at that play from 2 perspectives: 1. Proper coaching that Trent chose to ignore (bad Trent) 2. Trent took a gamble, paid for it then, and is paying for it now because the coaching staff emphasizes "safe" plays over everything else (bad Coaching) I'll repeat what Edwards said during the preseason: He plays the way he is coached. And considering Edwards has had only ONE head coach his entire NFL career, until the two are separated, there is no real way to determine how much of his bad play is coaching, and how much is him.
  23. Yes. And by the way, almost all the other NFL teams use the same philosophy. Linky
  24. And you know this based on what? What you see? And how do you know what "you see" are attributable to only to Edwards? As Edwards said during the preseason: He plays the way he is coached.
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