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Everything posted by Cynical

  1. I missed the game this week (a project took longer than expected to complete), but at some point during the week, I'll watch the replay. Arenas is good enough to keep Johnson on the bench (sounds retarded, I know). However, Saban is a micro manager who's not afraid to start players that can produce. If Johnson was better than Arenas, I have no doubt Johnson would have been starting. Center is only a sophomore. He's got another year at least. OL seemed to pick up from where they left off from last year. Overall play is still quite solid despite losing Dre and Caldwell to the draft last year. The RG, Barrett Jones, is a RS freshman. The QB ... well, he has "issues".
  2. Why do people automatically assume the "problem" is commitment and conditioning? Maybe the "problem" is he doesn't generate all the "pretty" stats that seem to mesmerize the draft gurus? This guy gets it: Linky
  3. The question that is begging to be asked and answered: If it is NFL policy (protocol) for a concussed player NOT to have contact with the team, than why in hell is Jauron trying to contact Edwards? You would think Dickie, as a HC, would understand contact is a no-no, especially when said same QB suffered a concussion last year. Is this just another example of Jauron's ineptitude and stupidity?
  4. Nothing new. I don't think Evans ever fully embraced Edwards as the Bills starting QB. What I thought was extremely interesting was an article that came out during preseason. In that article, it was revealed not a single member of the team considered Edwards an unquestioned leader. Ouch.
  5. Oh, I think it's safe to say we will need a starting QB for next year. No QB on this team is going to scare opposing teams. But you are right. Start everybody at least once. Can't hurt. Hell, we may even win a few games.
  6. Just as bad? Probably. Worse? Nope. If you looked at nothing but stats, yeah, I can see how you get that impression. However, if you watched the game, you would have seen something else. Jauron has the "play it safe" mentality so ingrained into Trent's head, he's afraid to pull the trigger on anything remotely 'risky'. Fitz is willing to take chances. He may not connect, but at least he is doing something different. Fitz was doing things Trent would never attempted. I saw Fitz throw a pass that split 2 defenders. You think Edwards throws that pass? That's debatable. Change happened, but look at what it got us now. I would rather have Greggo or Mularkey back as HC over the POS that resides on the Bills sidelines now. For the record, I want change. I will take my chances it could end up as another failure. However, it could end up as something else.
  7. Sounds like a perfect QB for Jauron's system. He can only beat the crappy teams.
  8. Linky They officiated the Florida - Arkansas game and the Georgia - LSU game.
  9. It will be interesting to see your reaction if the Bills somehow manage to pull out a win while Fitz is the QB.
  10. We can only hope ... But to answer your answer question: who cares how the players will react. Some will stand up and face the challenge head on, and realize their full potential Others will try but will end up facing the reality they are nothing more than back up material And the rest will take their ball and go home. Good riddance to dead weight.
  11. 1. Mr. Wilson is a human being, just like you and me. If we are supposed to "show a little class", and not show our wrath against the human known as Dick, why should we show our wrath against the human known as Ralph? 2. Personally, I could give a rats ass how much a nice person he is or that his players love the guy. Bottom line result: win-losses are what matter, and the Dick has consistently proven he is incapable of providing the W's. Where have I heard this same song and dance before? Oh yeah, from every Jauron apologist for the past 3 years. Coincidentally, these are some of the same excuses Bears fans heard when the Dick was the HC in Chicago. So it was Wilson's decision to hire Fairchild? The Turk? How about Shoop in Chicago? Funny how poor play calling seems to follow the Dick from team to team. And here you are defending the Dick. Ironic.
  12. Good for you. Now you just need to convince about 70,000 other people to think exactly like you. Good luck.
  13. I'll take my chances. The present guy thinks if he does nothing and sits around long enough, somebody will surely miss him, and will come looking for him in the mud pit. Too bad he forgot to tell anybody where he was going, and he has no idea where he's even at.
  14. Let me get this straight. Some are claiming Roscoe is nothing more than a punt returner. And you are trying to argue Roscoe has been under utilized as a WR. And to "prove" your point, you include a video clip of Roscoe returning a punt. Oh, the irony ...
  15. I don't know about that. If you think Wilson is a meddling owner, both Jones and Snyder make Ralph's actions seem mild.
  16. Seriously? Since Jauron has been in Buffalo, they have had the following Offensive Coordinators: Fairchild, Turk, and now AVP. We have seen the same sackless play calling and boneheaded game management during all 3 of their tenures. And you are leaning towards Jauron being the problem? IMO, I am pretty positive Jauron IS the problem.
  17. Um no. Most people on this board clearly remember MNF game vs Cleveland. Most people get the concept that Jauron manages the game with the intent of attempting a FG takes priority over getting closer, even if that means the FG attempt is on the long side.
  18. Wow. Hitting the sauce early? At this point in time, IMHO, Fitzpatrick is the better QB, but I saw nothing from him that has me convinced he will lead this team to a playoff bid. Make no mistake. Fitzpatrick sucks, he just sucks less than Edwards right now.
  19. Consider yourself fired. Do not go past GO. Do not collect $200. Just leave.
  20. Happy? That would make us ecstatic.
  21. One step at a time. They have other teams to beat to make the SEC title game. McElroy has looked bad these past two games, and the penalties on special teams (especially punt returns) have been a major problem.
  22. Both Edwards and Fitzpatrick suck, and neither one is going to lead this team to anything more than another losing record. With that said, if the Bills are going to lose, I would rather see them going down swinging. I am so sick of Edwards and his "Jauron" like persona ("Nothing needs to change, we just need to win") and playing style, I would rather watch a god awful Fitzpatrick.
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