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Everything posted by Cynical

  1. And if anything, Edward fans will be creating new excuses for their boy. Just like the latest is: "Trent was hindered by the no-huddle. We cannot fully evaluate him until he plays using the huddle".
  2. Unfortunately I can see Jauron returning for another year under the right circumstances. One, the Bills suddenly start winning, and achieve a record around .500 Two, the Bills become aggressive and pursue a big name FA QB in the off season. Beyond something like that, Jauron is toast this off season.
  3. Who are you seriously trying to convince that TO was brought here with the single purpose of helping Trent? You are forgetting some real facts ... The Bills originally pursued L. Coles, and had offered him a THREE year contract. When it was leaked, Coles was talking to the Bengals (who were offering a FOUR year contract), the Bills upped their offer to a FOUR year contract. Coles told the Bills to !@#$ off (essentially). Season ticket renewals were tanking at about this time. TO agreed to and signed a ONE year contract. When the Bills announced the signing TO, in the same press release, the Bills also "conveniently" announced the ticket office would be open extended hours. The Bills knew exactly what kind of buzz TO would create when they signed him. TO was signed to stop the bleeding. The fact he "solved" the WR problem (for only a year) was a bonus. Plus Jauron could no longer use the excuse he had no talent. Trent's development? Probably never came up in the discussion.
  4. A real HC that has a clue on how to lead does NOT let the players decide on when they can take days off. In fact, given the state of the offense this year, this behavior is unfathomable. I always wondered about this statement. DJ may be intelligent, but he seems to lack some basic common sense.
  5. Not sure what you are talking about, unless you are confusing the time when the Bills D suffered numerous injuries to both LB and DL positions. In effort to put the best 7 guys up front, Corey switched up to a 2-5 defense, and threw CB into the middle. This was a variation of the 2-5 defense the Rams had run/ran (devised by Shumur). IIRC, CB made it quite clear and known he was not happy playing in the middle, and the only reason he did it was due to the unusual circumstances (inuries).
  6. Kiffin is a !@#$ing retard, and deserves whatever punishment he gets. He's been running his mouth ever since he took the HC job at Tenn.
  7. The Auburn faithful are calling. They are looking for new recruits. Tin foil helmets are required.
  8. This thread is really up your alley, isn't it?
  9. It's worse than expected. You all must flee. Go to other threads. Engage in civil discussion.
  10. Last two? Can we assume you were satisfied with the way the offense performed vs Saints, Dolphins, and the Browns?
  11. Stop posting in this soul sucking thread to start. Realize there is more to life than a "LAMP". Just look at the damage this thread has caused: DC Tom: "This thread makes me happy." The horror. For shame, for shame.
  12. A Monday morning press conference where the Bills would be announcing the firing of Head Loser Coach Richard Jauron. That would definitely fire me up. And before anybody can say it, I realize it will NOT happen this Monday, and that Jauron is the head coach of the Bills probably until the end of the year, regardless of record, and he could the HC even after this season.
  13. Why the hatred? Your thread has produced a discussion far more relevant and informative than this one could ever be. You think such a discussion would have taken place in this thread? I say no sir, it would not. This thread has been reduced to an outdated concept of "Look at me!" nonsense. I am trying to free my fellow wallers of this never ending cycle "one-up-man-ship". Go on, be free. Engage in conversation in another thread that is more stimulating and thought provoking than this one.
  14. Oh, I don't know about that. Seems like this thread is losing some steam. It has a "dated" feel to it. There are "newer" and "modern" threads dealing with "todays" issues. Look, dib bought an iphone. That's compelling. Dramatic, and so "right now".
  15. Is it possible for someone to "have time for" something, when said people have no clue that something even exists? For Tenn. people: Tee-vay? Wat is tee-vay?
  16. What are the odds of this thread reaching 200+ pages? Anybody? Bueller?
  17. IDK. I hear a certain team in Florida from the SEC runs this contraption called a spread option. Been pretty successful too. And, no, I still am not in favor of Leach becoming the next HC of the Bills.
  18. Tebow would have a better chance of doing both. And no, I do not want the Bills to draft Tebow or McCoy.
  19. Auburn University football is in a 3 game skid with the last lost being a good old fashioned beating by LSU. So what is causing this "problem"? Lack of depth? Playing more talented teams? Poor play? Nope .... Auburn Fans = Delusional And while the next poster has "zero proof" ... Wow. Just wow. Alabama is the reason Auburn is losing? Auburn fans are just !@#$tarded on a whole new level. The retard roller coaster at TSW does not even come close to that level of idiocy.
  20. Um, considering this year is still in play, you will have to wait until the season is over to find out how hard the schedule was.
  21. Throwing the ball and trusting his WR will make the play. The only thing Edward's trust: "it's hard to win in the NFL".
  22. Fitz, without question. People are hung up Trent's "accuracy" as the be all end all stat that defines how much talent a QB has. Accuracy is only 1 definition. If you have 2 good RB, you do NOT use them at the same time on a consistent basis. One of them gets hurt, and you can can all those "plays" that were designed for both of them being on the field at the same time. Another stat that people tend to focus on without looking at other factors. Can turnovers impact a game? Yes. But like QB accuracy, turnovers are not the be all end all stat. The Vikings won their division last year with a negative turnover ratio. The Ravens came in second in their division even though they had a much better TO ratio than the division winner Steelers (Steelers won the SB with a TO ratio of 4). The Cardinals, the other SB team, won their division with a TO ratio of 0. Furthermore, the Pats* did NOT win the game because of Mckelvin's fumble. Did it help. Yes. But the Pats* did NOT run the ball back for the TD. The Bills defense needed to come up big after the fumble, and they failed. Even after the TD, the Bills offense had 2 time outs left, and needed only to get back in field goal range. Kind of hard to do when your QB looks lost and takes 2 sacks in that final drive.
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