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Everything posted by Cynical

  1. I could name about 4 of them right off the top of my head.
  2. Where are the idiots before the season started that were saying this was going to be a top 10/5 defense? During the offseason, I argued drafting a pass rushing DE would be a waste of draft pick. My rational was pretty simple: a pass rushing DE is worthless when the opposing team only has to line up, and shove the ball down the Bills throat. So what did the Bills do? They drafted a one year wonder who at present is a one dimensional situational pass rushing DE. Good freaking job. It's not hard to have a better pass defense when the run defense is a POS.
  3. Forgot to take your meds again "Thread Master"?
  4. And such a format would create it's own set of problems, subject to debate, criticism, and cries of programs being screwed. Essentially, you would be trading one flawed system for another flawed system. But hey, as long as you're happy ...
  5. 1 winning season out of 8 On pace for 1 winning season out of 9. Even if you limit his time as HC of the Bills: 3 straight losing seasons. On pace for 4 straight losing seasons. FIRE HIS ASS.
  6. Anything to keep bashing Peters. What a POS for allowing 2 sacks. What an overpaid POS for being ranked about the 7th best OT in the league. The Bills are SOOOOOOOOOOO much better with his replacement Bell. And to think, Bell is ranked only the 75th best. FIRST from the bottom baby!! WOO HOO!!! Take that you Peter lovers.
  7. Hell, I would have Jauron arrested for fraud: impersonating a HC.
  8. The best way to limit Jauron is to eliminate him. That way his loser mentality cannot infect the team.
  9. I take it watching the same system fail for 4 years is not convincing enough to try something different. Out of curiosity, how many more years of failure will you need before you become convinced the Dick sucks? Typical Bills fan. Willing to accept "good enough". Winning record. Yeesh.
  10. And as Sully pointed out, it was DJ's idea to go with the no huddle. DJ has more input regarding the direction of the offense than some people want to admit. This is his abortion.
  11. I think it's safe to say we can stop blaming Turk for this team offensive woes. Predictability has been a problem since Fairchild. This is on Jauron and his constant demand the offense be simplified (as we learned from both Turk and DJ). I agree with the OP, Jauron has finally got his wish. He dumbed down the O to a point he's comfortable with. Too bad the O is now a joke.
  12. 1. Both the Bills OL and QB suck, so we can't just "fix" one. But you did get my point. A better QB would result in a better performance. And the same could be said for the OL. Get a better line, and even Edwards might generate an extra win. With that said, even if the Bills got a great QB and a great OL, they would still be held back by incompetent coaching.
  13. NO. NO NO NO NO NO And HELL NO I would rather take my chances on a coordinator that has never been a HC before.
  14. I think the obvious needs stated. Essentially, if you have one, you do not necessarily need the other. If a team has a great OL (and running attack), then a great QB is not needed. If a team has great QB, then a great OL is not needed. As bad as this team is, would anybody disagree the Bills would perform better if they had a better QB, even with the same OL?
  15. Would not be surprised to find out the fiasco of 89 is the biggest reason Kelly did this.
  16. Probably why this is the perfect thread for Steely. What have we turned into ...
  17. Not the first time a HC got to decide or had a voice in deciding who the GM would be. As for why the HC is explaining why he was fired: good for the Browns. Mangini wanted him, Mangini gets to explain why he's gone.
  18. Just so we are clear: after 3 games, you are convinced Fitz will be nothing more than a back up. But after 4+ games this year, and 16 last year, you still think Edwards may be the answer? He just needs more time? Edwards is . At this point, he is a mental midget (football wise). The only chance he has left is to ride the bench this year, and hope a new coaching staff can straighten him out. Then maybe he can develop into a back up QB.
  19. And others pinned their hopes on POS HC, convincing themselves everything was being kept "vanilla" because the Bills did not want to tip their hand before the season started.
  20. The problem seems to be you think the Bills may have taken Trent into consideration when they signed TO. You further seem to believe TO was brought here to solve a problem(s), and that the ticket sales increase was a bonus. Trent's psyche, development, or even what Trent wanted had little to nothing to do in TO's signing. You said it yourself: That's because Trent was not a factor in the decision. Further, you do NOT sign a player to a ONE year contract with the belief he solves a long term problem(s). You sign a player to a ONE year contract to solve a short term problem. Furthermore, look at the factoid that came to light during the game. Jauron allows TO to decide what day to take off, and that day was Friday. This is the guy you are trying to say was signed to help develop Edwards? Also, look at the all the FA signings the Bills did since Jauron has been hired. None of them are/were the marquee type player TO is. Players like Tripplett, Royal, Fowler, and Walker were not marquee signings, but they were signed to multi year contracts. That's because those guys were brought in to "solve" long term problems on the roster. Do NOT underestimate the fact the Bills signed the "QB killer" TO to a ONE YEAR contract. The Bills were looking to solve a short term problem.
  21. There never was any intent. Every time an article came out regarding Coles and the Bills, it was always how the Bills were doing x. The Bills were doing all the talking. Coles and his agent never said squat.
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