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Everything posted by Cynical

  1. Tonawanda made the top 10 of Business Week survey to raise your kids. Cheektowaga was a runner up. Linky
  2. I have been saying that for the past 2.5 years. There have been numerous games that phrase applies to.
  3. Remember those three bad passes in a row Trent threw vs the Titans? Come on, you 'member, right? First pass, over TO's head Second pass, bounces off the carpet before reaching TO Third pass, pick 6 while staring down Josh Reed I have no illusions about Fitz. He's terrible. And unlike you, I have no illusions about Edwards. He's terrible also.
  4. Time to give it up on Edwards. Edwards has lost the confidence of his team mates. Doesn't matter how good good you think he is, his team doesn't think he can do it. Do not underestimate the significance of that. If Edwards had taken more chances, he probably would be the starter. Linky
  5. Shake his hand, give him a hearty pat on the back, and show him the door. NEXT!
  6. Permanent? Let's think about this for a minute, shall we? Let's assume the Bills really are going to go after one of the "proven" winners (Gruden, etc..). You honestly think Cowher, et al, would just jump at the chance to take a team over half way through the season? What about coaches on other teams? Cannot even interview them until the season is over. But you want a complete new front office by Xmas.
  7. If he was hired to beat the Bills, he was successful If he was hired to lead the Phins to the SB, he failed.
  8. Maybe it has something to do with his guarantee of the Dolphins being in the SB by his 4th year. Maybe it has to do with him never winning the division during his 4 years in Miami
  9. What's a 'Trecel'?
  10. I will be absolutely thrilled the moment he leaves.
  11. Couldn't hurt. 3 crappy QBs Alternate them. Ryan this week Hamden next week The glove wearing Mary the third week repeat ..
  12. Cause he did such a bang up job with Miami.
  13. Really? He was just really lighting it up, wasn't he?
  14. Did you miss the Browns game where Trent did ... did ... did ... What did Trent do again?
  15. As revealed during the preseason, not a single Bills player would call Trent Edwards the leader. Sorry. Don't care how much "talent" you think he has, if his teammates do not respect him ...
  16. Who cares how they feel about Fewell. Unless Fewell performs some sort of miracle (a winning record with no QB?), I would say Fewell's days are also numbered.
  17. My eyes must have deceived me. I could have sworn I saw Josh Reed also involved in that spat, and Reed was backing Owens. I am with Realist. I think AS comments had a much bigger influence, as AS pretty much stated publicly this team has no direction.
  18. Favre lasted exactly one year in Atlanta before he got traded for a FIRST ROUND PICK. Further, the Falcons had just finished a season posting a 10-6 record, going 1-1 in the playoffs. Call me crazy, Favre was probably traded because the Falcons felt they had their QB, and some other team was coughing up a FIRST ROUND pick. Favre was NOT "jettisoned" from Atlanta. Montana won a SB in his third year. Brees was released because of his shoulder. It had nothing to do with his performance, or perceived lack of. The day Edwards shows he can run and manage a pop warner offense with success is the day I might believe that. Expecting him to run a more complex system is asking for disaster. Even with a dumbed down O, Edwards still looks lost, confused, and generally shows very little passion in playing. Does he even understand the concept of "communication"?
  19. Yep. And I am all in favor of giving Trent all the time off in the world so he develop that game.
  20. There it is. The undeniable recognition. You will probably never figure out what "it" is. You may not even care. But it's there. In reality, there is no "one" thing that's causing it. It's part of his character/behavior. The only way I have been able to convey it is "He lacks passion", but will admit that may not be 100% correct description. He's demeanor created an atmosphere of apathy and no real direction. Win/lose, no difference. Yep. And that SOB doesn't exist on this roster. 7 games to go, and another year already pissed away. The nightmare continues
  21. That's the point, it doesn't. I do find it comical people saying we need or should keep starting Trent. Why do we? Do it round robin, pick straws, paper rock scissors, etc ... whatever. It will not matter who we start, so there is NO need to start anybody in particular.
  22. At this time, Ryan has just as much of a chance of being the Bills back up QB next year as Trent does. Time to start Ryan. Hell, start GH. Start anybody BUT Trent.
  23. Can't forget Roscoe. We may not be able to dazzle with our brilliance, but we sure can baffle them with our bull ****.
  24. I Like the blue ones ...
  25. Which part? Where I defended C.Biscuit? Or your piece? If your referring to finally giving up on Jauron ... color me skeptical, hell, call me cynical, but my gut feeling says you haven't fully given up on DJ as an NFL HC. However, as long as we agree DJ no longer needs to be the HC of the Bills, then, yes share another patch of road.
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