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Everything posted by Cynical

  1. My eyes must have deceived me. I could have sworn I saw Josh Reed also involved in that spat, and Reed was backing Owens. I am with Realist. I think AS comments had a much bigger influence, as AS pretty much stated publicly this team has no direction.
  2. Favre lasted exactly one year in Atlanta before he got traded for a FIRST ROUND PICK. Further, the Falcons had just finished a season posting a 10-6 record, going 1-1 in the playoffs. Call me crazy, Favre was probably traded because the Falcons felt they had their QB, and some other team was coughing up a FIRST ROUND pick. Favre was NOT "jettisoned" from Atlanta. Montana won a SB in his third year. Brees was released because of his shoulder. It had nothing to do with his performance, or perceived lack of. The day Edwards shows he can run and manage a pop warner offense with success is the day I might believe that. Expecting him to run a more complex system is asking for disaster. Even with a dumbed down O, Edwards still looks lost, confused, and generally shows very little passion in playing. Does he even understand the concept of "communication"?
  3. Yep. And I am all in favor of giving Trent all the time off in the world so he develop that game.
  4. There it is. The undeniable recognition. You will probably never figure out what "it" is. You may not even care. But it's there. In reality, there is no "one" thing that's causing it. It's part of his character/behavior. The only way I have been able to convey it is "He lacks passion", but will admit that may not be 100% correct description. He's demeanor created an atmosphere of apathy and no real direction. Win/lose, no difference. Yep. And that SOB doesn't exist on this roster. 7 games to go, and another year already pissed away. The nightmare continues
  5. That's the point, it doesn't. I do find it comical people saying we need or should keep starting Trent. Why do we? Do it round robin, pick straws, paper rock scissors, etc ... whatever. It will not matter who we start, so there is NO need to start anybody in particular.
  6. At this time, Ryan has just as much of a chance of being the Bills back up QB next year as Trent does. Time to start Ryan. Hell, start GH. Start anybody BUT Trent.
  7. Can't forget Roscoe. We may not be able to dazzle with our brilliance, but we sure can baffle them with our bull ****.
  8. Which part? Where I defended C.Biscuit? Or your piece? If your referring to finally giving up on Jauron ... color me skeptical, hell, call me cynical, but my gut feeling says you haven't fully given up on DJ as an NFL HC. However, as long as we agree DJ no longer needs to be the HC of the Bills, then, yes share another patch of road.
  9. Why would Trent giving up make a difference if he should start or not? He's not getting the job done, regardless of the reason or rationale. Plan A was to develop TE while he played. Plan A has turned out to be an utter disaster. Time for Plan B.
  10. Like I have said before: We all are Bills fans. We all want the same thing. We just disagree on the path to get there. And this time we happen to be on the same patch of road.
  11. You are not convinced yet? How much more do you need to see? Players complaining he's missing reads. 3 consecutive downs of the same passing play, 3 bad passes. But you need to see more ...
  12. They were not this demanding at Stanford ...
  13. We have thought about it, and discussed it. The following QBs were recommended/highly touted by Bill Walsh: Joey Harrington David Carr Jake Plummer Steve Fuller (sp?) Steve Young The following QB was NOT highly regarded by Bill Walsh: Joe Montana You need to think about THAT. That's because a certain QB with the initials of TE doesn't throw him the ball. During the preseason, it was revealed BOTH Evans and Owens were begging TE to throw the ball deep. Some of Trent's problems were caused by poor coaching, but the time has come to admit, not all of them. And those ones not caused by poor coaching are on Trent.
  14. Third. And lets stop with the nonsense that Trent should/must start. The only thing Trent is better at than Fitzpatrick is giving me a headache. Ryan sucks, but at least he looks like he's trying to win.
  15. TO did? When? The outburst on the sideline was backed up by Josh Reed, and it was presumed to be about Edwards missing reads, and nothing more. I don't think TO and Reed were bitching because TO was open, I think they were bitching because they saw the same thing, tried to tell Edwards, and he blew them off. Maybe TE did do it intentionally. But I doubt it. I wouldn't be surprised to learn if those were plays were called just to see if Edwards was processing the defensive reads correctly. My guess would be he wasn't.
  16. let me get this straight: You are willing to get rid of Stroud (because he is old and only has 3-4 years left), and you are willing to keep Boo-Boo Butler (when he gets healthy again.) That's frigging smart. Let's get rid of a guy that has performed consistently and has not missed a game since he has been here. On top of that, by dumping him, you create an immediate need at the DT position. And we'll keep the guy that has shown the only thing he can do consistently is get injured, thereby necessitating a need for a high quality back up to fill in for said young starter. Brad Boo-Boo Butler is nothing more than Jonas Jennings redux. If anything, that's a prime example of what hes been WRONG with this organization, especially under Jauron. Dump what works and create need where one did not exist. Retain marginal talent because it has potential.
  17. Russ? How about Jauron? He can longer defend/shield his precious Edwards, and claim the football equivalent of 'stay the course'. His players are not buying it. A **** storm is a brewin', and poor little Dickie knows it. Do people still believe Russ has any actual authority over this team?
  18. Other than Wood and maybe Levitre, who else on the Bills OL fits that description to begin with? Tinker Bell? Boo-Boo Butler? Chamber Pot?
  19. Nice. Maybe it's my age, but it seems the Twilight zone always had some nice little plot twist with their stories.
  20. Strictly my opinion, I think he does to some extent. I would like to think he realizes his own poor play at times limits his "desire" to vocally hold others accountable. i.e. Kind of hard to blast Edwards poor play on a public stage when TO whiffs on a catch that goes for a pick 6. IMHO, I think that is just another way TO is calling out this coaching staff. I think it has become pretty obvious TO has given up on this team. There's not much public information to go on WRT the relationship between Edwards and Evans. However, based on the limited amount of info available, it rarely speaks in Edwards favor.
  21. Just something to think about: You hit the button numerous times. You're rich. You rush home to tell the family, only to find out your spouse and your kids all died in a car crash. Hmmmm....... Or how about: as soon as you hit the button for the first time, you start suffering from a heart attack ....
  22. Correct. He has also thrown other players and even a coach under the bus. I was actually excited by TO's signing. Given TO's nature, either he was going to light a fire under this teams ass, or he would start calling people out. Simply put, play better or be held accountable. It was a win-win situation in my book. And he's been holding people accountable all year.
  23. Cassel? Really? In some ways, I think that's an apt comparison. Cassel was never really good to begin with. He benefited by the talent surrounding him and from superior coaching. Is this what Edwards needs to be productive? Superior coaching and great supporting talent? If so, does that not bring into question just how good Edwards really is? If you are not, why do you keep bringing up 3 OC in 3 seasons? It's not like Edwards had to learn 3 completely different offenses. It is the same base offense from his first day as a Bill. Every OC was chosen to ensure continuity so the offense would NOT have to learn a new system. Same base system three years later, and he still looks confused and unsure of what to do. If he can't be decisive in this simple offense, he will never grasp the complexities of a west coast system. Trent's problem is mental. Better talent, different coordinators, and/or systems will not change a thing.
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