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Everything posted by Cynical

  1. Actually, no it's not. Fitz may have not started as many games as TE, but Fitz has been in the league since 2005. He's got a full 2 years on TE. Debatable. TE was cleared to play. Jauron chose TE. Maybe DJ decided to start TE because he was afraid of another QB "controversy" from starting again. Unless you can back this claim up, this has to be one of the most absurd statements I have ever read. Owens is on a one year contract, and will be gone after this season. Bringing Vick to Buffalo serves no purpose for Owens. Pin it all you want on TO, but at some point you will need to face the truth: The players have lost confidence in Edwards, if they even had any. Remember, it was revealed during the preseason not a single Bills player would say Trent Edwards was the leader of the team. I know you like to think TE was some kind of natural born leader, but the people who know him better than we do disagree with you.
  2. I understand the (your?) concept. Why punish the individual when he is doing the best that he can with what he has been given. And you can make a pretty good case for the guys you listed. However, as you stated, this team really is bad. And those coaches you have listed helped in producing what we have seen. That's why I think they should clean house. Will there be collateral damage? Yep. But it is an ugly necessity to restore this team.
  3. This option seems to be a local thing only. Heck, even in WNY not every town/city offers this option.
  4. WOW! Talk about reaching ... Don't strain yourself.
  5. I think he is referring to the point the Bills do not have a legit LT on this team, and to acquire one, the Bills will need to spend a first round pick this year or next year to get one.
  6. And he might the second coming of Hank Bullough. The only way Fewell gets the HC job is for the Bills to win the remaining games, make the playoffs, and win the SB. Other than that: Shake his hand, give him a hearty pat on the back, and show him the exit. This entire coaching staff (except for April, MAYBE) needs to go. Period.
  7. The truly sad part is while Peters is 'average', he is still better than his replacements. Yes, Peters has missed 2 games. Walker, his first replacement, has been cut, never making it to regular season. Tinkerbell, his second replacement is now gone for the year, and was the most penalized OL this year. Don't want to pay Peters huge money for average play? Fine. But you better have a legitimate plan in place to replace him. When they announced they were going with Walker, I knew then it was going to be a disaster.
  8. Good thing Maybin was the 11th pick then. The problem with the Maybin pick was Maybin was considered to be raw talent and a project. To the Bills, he was a luxury pick they could not afford. They needed help NOW, not 2-3 years from now.
  9. The JP ship has sailed. I agree with rabbit that the Bills should have done more in the off season looking for his replacement. Thinking they could go into the season with Walker and/or Tinkerbell at that spot was a horrendous mistake.
  10. Tonawanda made the top 10 of Business Week survey to raise your kids. Cheektowaga was a runner up. Linky
  11. I have been saying that for the past 2.5 years. There have been numerous games that phrase applies to.
  12. Remember those three bad passes in a row Trent threw vs the Titans? Come on, you 'member, right? First pass, over TO's head Second pass, bounces off the carpet before reaching TO Third pass, pick 6 while staring down Josh Reed I have no illusions about Fitz. He's terrible. And unlike you, I have no illusions about Edwards. He's terrible also.
  13. Time to give it up on Edwards. Edwards has lost the confidence of his team mates. Doesn't matter how good good you think he is, his team doesn't think he can do it. Do not underestimate the significance of that. If Edwards had taken more chances, he probably would be the starter. Linky
  14. Shake his hand, give him a hearty pat on the back, and show him the door. NEXT!
  15. Permanent? Let's think about this for a minute, shall we? Let's assume the Bills really are going to go after one of the "proven" winners (Gruden, etc..). You honestly think Cowher, et al, would just jump at the chance to take a team over half way through the season? What about coaches on other teams? Cannot even interview them until the season is over. But you want a complete new front office by Xmas.
  16. If he was hired to beat the Bills, he was successful If he was hired to lead the Phins to the SB, he failed.
  17. Maybe it has something to do with his guarantee of the Dolphins being in the SB by his 4th year. Maybe it has to do with him never winning the division during his 4 years in Miami
  18. Couldn't hurt. 3 crappy QBs Alternate them. Ryan this week Hamden next week The glove wearing Mary the third week repeat ..
  19. Cause he did such a bang up job with Miami.
  20. Did you miss the Browns game where Trent did ... did ... did ... What did Trent do again?
  21. As revealed during the preseason, not a single Bills player would call Trent Edwards the leader. Sorry. Don't care how much "talent" you think he has, if his teammates do not respect him ...
  22. Who cares how they feel about Fewell. Unless Fewell performs some sort of miracle (a winning record with no QB?), I would say Fewell's days are also numbered.
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