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Everything posted by Cynical

  1. That's because you just want to see the Bills make the playoffs. But after about 6 years of seeing the Bills consistently losing in the first or second round of the playoffs, that tune will change. Chokenheimer is the classic underachieving tease, with the key word being underachieving. Stop settling for 'good enough', and especially 'good enough for now'. Demand more.
  2. Oh hell no. In fact, I think it is absolutely refreshing not seeing his name mentioned. Jauron has a better chance of producing a winning season than Chokenheimer has of reaching the SB. And IIRC, Marty has already said he has no desire to be coaching again.
  3. While nobody has come right out and said it specifically, IMO, it is pretty evident why: leadership. The players have lost faith in Trent's ability to lead this team. As bad as Fitz is, the players are responding to him. Just in this game, the cameras showed Fitz, TO, Reed, and another player (Evans?) huddled together discussing a play. In the 2.5 years Trent has been here, have you EVER seen Trent do that?
  4. God, it just feels better with him NOT being on the sideline. It was one of the worst times in my life. The guy just sucked the life out of this team, and any hope I had for them. I hear you loud and clear. I can remember when Saban left the Dolphins to be the HC of Bama. The amount of BS that spouted from the pundits, analysts, and other 'sports' people was terrible. They bashed Saban, they bashed the school, and some were even bashing the Tuscaloosa area. One AJC columnist referred to Bama as the third best program in the state (behind Auburn and Troy). But guess who is laughing now? Now that dead Dick is gone, let the rebirth begin. Let those f***tards laugh and bash. Looks like Ralph is serious about turning this franchise around. And those f***tards are going to look really stupid when the Bills start winning again. You know who will have the last laugh? We will. The Bills are coming back. And those !@#$s are just going to have to deal with it.
  5. Trent may have a better skill set than Fitz, but the difference in leadership is blatantly in favor of Fitz. And the players are reacting to it. So unless Trent figures out how to be a leader, his career is destined for back up status.
  6. Can't speak for everyone, but I felt better after this loss than any other in the past 2.5 years. Looking back at the NE game this year, and difference is stark. In the NE game, on the last drive, Trent took 2 sacks, and overall looked lost and unsure about what to do. In this game, on the last drive, Fitz looked in command of the offense, and knew where he was going.
  7. Why is it mean spirited? Seems every time Trent's play slips it's due to a concussion, both real and if needed to cover up reality, 'phantom' ones.
  8. Aack. I could have sworn Dick Jauron was coaching LSU based on the ending of that game. Nope. Great examples. You could include UConn - ND.
  9. I fall in and out of gaming, all on PC. Games I have played and do like: Myst series Syberia series Call of Duty 1 and 2 Tomb Raider series Presently playing Trackmania, an arcade type racing game. There is a free version available, and even the free version allows players to play online against people from all over the world. I have met numerous 'older' players who play this game, ranging anywhere from their mid 30's to 60+ You might want to poke around here: http://www.theoldergamers.com/
  10. Rich Rod gets another year. He originally signed a 6 year contract which is a significant commitment to a coach and his system. However, the Michigan faithful are going to want to see some major improvement next year in order for Rich Rod to see year 4 of the contract. Weis is gone, with the possibility of one exception. The ND AD thinks Weis has done a good enough job with the talent he has been able to recruit. But I wouldn't bet on it.
  11. Completely agree. Unfortunately, some people have hitched their emotional wagon to a particular player and they cannot/will not accept the reality their 'chosen one' actually is not good enough. They will seek out any excuse, look for any 'rationale', or cling to any conspiracy that allows themselves to believe the reason the 'chosen one' was benched was due to something else besides their natural inabilities or out their control.
  12. Which came first, the chicken or the egg? To answer your question, IMHO, both are needed. However, a good coach should be able to reproduce (or at least come close to reproducing) the same results with different (good) personnel. Other than Billick, the rest of those coaches did. Dungy had TB and Indy. Gruden had Oakland and TB Holgren had GB and Seattle (took Seattle to the SB with Hasselback) Shanny had Denver (first Elway, than used Plummer to reach the AFC Conf Champ) Cowher reached the SB twice with essentially 2 different Steelers teams
  13. A record for what? In 2007, the Bills had 17 on IR. In 2008, the Ravens had 15(16?) players on IR, and went to the AFC Conference Champ game
  14. Will Michigan be looking for a new HC come January?
  15. Yes, it does hinge on Walker being considered a useful member of the line. At least useful enough the Bills actually thought they could plug him in at LT, and solve that problem (at least in the short term). I really hate to think switching Walker was some kind of ruse to eventually dump him, and that Tinker Bell really was the organization's Plan A @ LT. If so, the idiots that came up with that plan need to be shot. That depends. Did the Bills really need to upgrade the RT position? Walker was not the best RT, but he wasn't the worst either. If the Bills had left Walker @ RT, they could have focused on fixing issues with team that needed to be addressed now. Correct, with one caveat. The Bills used the acquired 1st RD pick on a RG instead of using it to acquire a LT. And as you pointed out, the Bills will now probably have to spend one of their first round picks to acquire a LT. Kind of like having your car totaled in an accident, the insurance company sends you the check, and then you using the money to buy a large screen HD TV. You got a sweet TV, but you still do not have a car. That is the key. Any 'upgrade' in that chain that fails not only makes the trade a short term disaster, it also diminishes the long term benefit.
  16. You do realize if the Bills did not trade Peters, there would have been no need to draft a RG? And we still do not for certain if Butler is a viable RT. And if I continue to play the lotto with the same numbers over and over again, I have the potential to win some nice coin. And it only costs $1 to play! Whoopie! Is he still playing? Lets look at how well his replacement is doing on the Bills: Plan A, Walker, was doing so well they cut his ass before the regular season started. Plan B, Tinker Bell, is doing so well he was THE most penalized OL in the league, and is considered the WORST OT in the entire league. Dead freaking last. Good thing he's not hurt. Oh wait, he is. In fact, he's gone for the season. Is Peters overpaid? Yep, no doubt. But that overpaid, lazy, fat ass, slob, mid level producing LT is still playing and producing at a level MUCH HIGHER than any attempt the Bills have tried to replace him. Please stop comparing the RG position to the LT position especially when the Bills initially did not need a RG, and still have no LT.
  17. A matter of semantics. Doesn't matter if you call it 'giving up' or 'use', it still means the same thing: spending a resource (a/k/a "cost"). In this case, the resource is a draft pick. Yes we are. To both your question and and your attempt at a sarcastic statement. To acquire that player, it is costing the Bills a draft pick resource. Actually, it is simplified basic economics. The Bills had a starting caliber LT. The Eagles wanted said LT. Monetary units aside, to acquire said LT, it cost the Eagles numerous draft picks. In exchange for the draft picks, the Bills gave the Eagles the LT. To compensate for this 'loss', the Bills moved their RT to LT, and moved their RG to RT. Theoretically, the Bills needed to only address the hole at the RG position to fulfill the final 'cost' of the trade. Unfortunately, since the organization grossly overestimated the abilities of Walker and Tinker Bell, the Bills did not realize the 2 holes to fill. Up to this point, this is what trading Peters has done: They had to spend a draft resource on a RG They have gone through two players in attempt to find Peters replacement. And they still have no viable LT. In the long term, the Bills will probably find a LT (ask yourself how many resources will be spent in finding that guy). But there is no denying, in the short term, the Peters trade has been an absolute disaster for the Bills. And that assumes Butler works out at RT. If he fails at the position, then the Bills will be spending additional resources to fill that position. So, just by trading one unmotivated, fat, lazy, LT to the Eagles, it is possible the Bills will spend more resources (than they acquired in the trade) in finding his replacement.
  18. Figures. Not only did he get demoted, but the Bills canned his 'bestest' buddy Dick.
  19. With Tinker Bell out, we should automatically see a big drop off in false starts.
  20. And we have seen Trent for who he is. Cleveland x2 Dallas and numerous others. As for me citing the article, I took a guess at what the poster was referring to. I made no claim it was in fact. I have no illusions about Fitz. He's terrible. But what cannot be ignored is the feelings of the rest of the team. They do not view Edwards as being a leader. They have lost confidence in him. They have given up on him. However, you want to proclaim it, it still means the same thing. THE PLAYERS DO NOT WANT TO PLAY FOR EDWARDS.
  21. You are missing the point. Owens never defined the term "experience". In attempt to bash Owens, you created your own definition of "experience", and claim he is talking out his ass. In reality, you have no idea what TO meant by "experience", but you have no problem in falsely claiming he meant yours. What you posted is only one aspect of experience. There are others. How long have they been in the league? How many different teams/coaches/schemes have they been subject to? (this could be a good or bad) Learning different ways to deal with a situation provides more "experience".
  22. Maybe he was referring to this? Linky I am sure they do remember Fitz's last start. And I am sure they remember some of Trent's "memorable" games also. Reference: Cleveland x2 Dallas etc ...
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