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Everything posted by Cynical

  1. Think you missed the concept. Bama forced Tebow to play like a 'QB'. Not an option QB, but a stand in the pocket, and throw the ball QB, something he will have to do more of at the NFL level. IMHO, Tebow proved all the criticisms against him are valid. Any team that is expecting Tebow to come in and have an immediate impact at the QB position are going to be seriously disappointed.
  2. Um, if Tiger can choose all 4, then why can't we?
  3. Cripes. It's smaller than RWS, even in that all important corporate suite category.
  4. Agreed. But if he plans on playing in the NFL as a QB, he better toughen up. Bawling his eyes out after losing a game is not going to win him a lot of supporters in the locker room.
  5. And what's stopping the gent from getting the by law changed? Get enough homeowners to agree with his position, and put it up to a vote. Change the bylaw, and everything else is moot.
  6. Color me confused. How does a Honey Mustard Chicken Finger get mistaken for a Buffalo Wing?
  7. It's not even what Snyder was willing to pay. It more had to do with the Bills unable to pay. By the time Smith was released, Buffalo had a major salary cap issue it was dealing with. IIRC, the Bills needed Smith to redo his contract (again) in order to retain him. Smith said no. The Bills had no choice but to release him. As for Andre and Thurman, they were both past their prime, but were being paid big coin. Both ended up being salary cap cuts, and unfortunately, both their egos rejected the idea of retirement.
  8. Then maybe Bill will finally see he was wrong about Trentative.
  9. I was thinking more along the lines of a big bucket of popcorn.
  10. And Santa Claus is controlling Easter. Did you ever notice how Easter is the only holiday to always fall on the weekend? And it is the only other holiday where the children get "presents"? By making sure Easter always falls on the weekend, Santa makes sure people do not get any 'extra' days off for the holiday. Compare that to Xmas. If Xmas falls on a Sunday, don't you automatically get Monday off in it's place? Santa needs every angle to make sure Christmas has a higher appeal. Think about it. Which is nicer? A fuzzy, cute little rabbit that leaves eggs and candy for everybody, or a perverted old guy that breaks into your house, steals your milk and cookies, and only leaves presents for the 'good' and/or 'special' kids?
  11. Pretty cut and dry. Pop off the 4 interior covers where the seat base mounts to the vehicle. Front mounts are bolts. Back mounts are stud and nuts (IIRC), at least the RR mount will be. Seat belt buckle attaches to the RR mount, so do note how everything comes apart. I would advise removing the back nuts first, then removing the front bolts.
  12. You do realize the majority of teams in the NFL use the same "Cash to Cap" accounting system? And that last year the Bills were 4th in the NFL in player payroll? But you just keep yammering on about how cheap and tightfisted the Bills are. Don't let the facts get in your way of good rant.
  13. Blow up the picture and look at #47 left leg. Looks like its chopped off right below the knee. Can't tell if he tucked his leg back under the bench, or if something has been removed.
  14. This post alone defines why the Big East will continue to be known as the Big Least, and somewhat of a laughing stock WRT college football. Big red flag indicator of how everyone thinks of the Big Least, including coaches. The conference is not considered to be "elite", and therefore is seen as nothing but a stepping stone for those who desire access to bigger and better opportunities. The biggest issue in stopping ND from playing football in BE conference play is the weakness of the BE conference, and ND's ability to manipulate that weakness. IMHO, the Big East needs to grow a set of balls, and inform ND that ND football will start conference play in 2011, or ND will be thrown out of the conference for all sports. I wonder how much exposure ND basketball will generate as a independent program?
  15. [1] He was an uncontested first ballot hall of famer because he sucks? [2] Funny, Kelly supported Johnson, Edwards, and Losman when they first got to Buffalo. If he was really concerned about his past "glory", why would he do this? [3] Unless I missed something, Kelly did not "move back" to Buffalo. Once he got here, he never left. Are you confusing Kelly with Thurman Thomas, who did move back to Buffalo?
  16. Oh, goody. If we are going to run some kind of gimmicky option offense, we might as well go for broke. Do whatever it takes to sign Urban Meyer, and give up all our draft picks to ensure we can draft Tebow. Johnson and Vick?
  17. How can Ralph be in the competition for something he does not want?
  18. Comparing NHL post seasons activity to NFL post season activity is laughable. Why? Because making the playoffs in the NHL is a joke to begin with. In the NHL, you have 15 teams vying for 8 spots. That means each team has better than a 50% chance of making the playoffs. In the NFL, you have 16 teams vying for 6 spots. That means each team has about 38% chance of making the playoffs.
  19. Why do we "have to"? The last time the Bills "had to" turned out to be a disaster. You remember, it was after the 2005 season, the last time Wilson "cleaned" house. The Bills just finished going through their second first time HC. Knee jerk fans started running around screaming how the Bills just "had to" sign an experienced HC this time. No more first timers. They were disasters waiting to happen. And Ralph agreed. How about we hope the FO picks a competent person to run the football operations, who in turns hires a qualified competent HC, regardless if the coach is a first timer, experienced, well known, or not.
  20. You sound just like a Jauron apologist. Dead Dick apologists were quick to find "reasons" (a/k/a excuses) why he was unable to produce the desired result (a winning record), and none of those excuses were due to Dick. And now you are doing for Chokenheimer. Marty has a 5-13 playoff record. Your rationale? Not his fault.
  21. I got to admit Shanahan was one of my top choices, but after reading that, it would not hurt my feelings if the Bills said no.
  22. The wife made one year a few years back. It was actually pretty good. Would we do it again? Nope. It was a PITA to prepare You better have a large party to feed, or there will be some serious leftovers Since then, we tried a couple of mail order / pre made ones, and were not impressed at all.
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