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Everything posted by Cynical

  1. I just love how people are insisting Brohm needs NEEDS to play just so they can evaluate him. Like 3 games is enough to determine if Brohm is a bust or a steal. Brohm is under contract, and will be here next year. The new staff can properly evaluate him starting in the off season.
  2. If he was as good as you keep claiming him to be, he would attract the top recruits, and not the rejects. After 9 years, the best he could do is come "damned close". Houston Nutt and the Razorbacks came "damned close" to winning an SEC title in his fifth year. And in both cases, it means the same thing: they failed. And if he doesn't, do you have your excuse ready?
  3. Love this. Brohm could not even make the roster as a back up on his original team, but people like you can't wait to see if he can play. You will get your chance. Next year. Brohm is under contract and going no where. Absolutely no need to rush the guy this season just so "you" can be one of the first people to claim Brohm is a bust or a steal. Maybe in your little world.
  4. And yet, after 10 years, the guy still has been unable to win at least ONE Big 12 title. Seems to me Leach has already reached his potential: being second rate. Pass.
  5. Go ahead and put that one in there. How does Trent answer the question "Well, the organization fired said OC because the HC wanted an offense you could understand and run. Why do you consider that a mistake?"
  6. As revealed during the preseason: NOT A SINGLE BILLS PLAYER WOULD CALL EDWARDS THE LEADER OF THE TEAM Don't care how "good" you think he is, the rest of the team does not want to play for him.
  7. If Lane is going to pimp out those girls that way, I hope he didn't forget to pay them. Lane's father (Monte) can coach, but Lane is nothing more than a clown. Nothing he has done this season has me convinced he has turned the Vol program around. The guy seems happier generating headlines than he does coaching. Right now, I would give Lane about another 3 years, before Tenn sends him packing. I'll give Cheez-It down at the 'Barn more respect. It's just too bad a big chunk of the 'Barn faithful are delusional.
  8. Bart: I better go check out this Mongo character. [bart reaches for his gun] Jim: Oh no, don't do that, don't do that. If you shoot him, you'll just make him mad. Blazing Saddles! followed by YF, with honorable mention to Silent Movie.
  9. 1. How about achieving similar results over numerous years. 2. Quite a quandary. When the elites play a 'weaker' out of conference opponent, people B word about the elites 'soft' schedules. We did? So, if Texas had lost to Nebraska, Texas would have still been in the title game? IMO, I seriously doubt it. Bama would have been playing TCU or Cincy. Maybe I missed something. I do not remember this kind of "outrage" when Auburn went 13-0 back in 2004, and was not selected for the BCS title game. It's the system's fault Syracuse has become irrelevant? Or WVU (especially before Rich Rod's appearance)? What does it say about the conference in general when one of the "better" programs started playing football a mere 12 years ago?
  10. Or at least the gentle whirl of a video camera ...
  11. Will be interesting to see how UCinn responds. Will they let Kelly walk, thus continuing the perception BE schools are stepping stones on the coaching career ladder. Or will they put up a fight, become aggressive in trying to retain Kelly, and thus telling the rest of the nation they have every intention of remaining/becoming an "elite" program.
  12. Why waste a 2nd round pick on a transitional player? Seems strange to pick him as QB, spend 2 years teaching him how to run an NFL offense, only to convert him to a TE. Now you have to teach him how to play that position. Either pick him to be a TE or as a QB, and spend the time resources to make him the best you can at that position.
  13. Exactly. The people who justify the trade because we drafted Wood are missing the big picture, and ignoring an important concept. Prior to trading Peters, the Bills did not need to replace/upgrade the RG position. If a person would step back and look at the upheaval across the OL trading ONE player caused, instead of laughing at the Eagles for "overpaying" for a fat, lazy, unmotivated LT, they would see the horrific decisions made by this FO in order to compensate for Peters loss on the line. Hell, even if they didn't draft Oher, how about somebody/anybody that resembles a LT? How the hell does anybody convince themselves that a slow footed adequate RT backed up by a 2nd year project pick is a viable solution to play LT? Agreed. People can blast Guy and Modrak all they want (and to some extent they are justified in their criticism), but I doubt either one of them "scout" and evaluate their own team. I believe that is left up to the coaching staff to do.
  14. As far as I am concerned, Joyner's analysis of Cody is worthless. The guy spent zero time researching the details surrounding Cody. If he did, he would have found out, despite what he and Gary Danielson thinks, THERE WAS NO PENALTY TO CALL ON BAMA DURING THAT PLAY. Try researching and verifying the details first, idiot.
  15. No, what's a complete joke is what the Bills FO decided they could replace him with. That overrated player is still much better than the POS scrubs the Bills tried at LT.
  16. The Bills have a Pro Bowl LT? That's good to know. I was getting worried the POS scrubs that are/were playing for the Bills this year was all they had.
  17. Exactly. What the hell does Pete shacking up with a grad coed have to do with Weis being a crappy college HC?
  18. I think that's the point. The performance was against Nebraska. Last I checked, the Huskers O is ranked in the 80's. That puts them in the bottom third in the nation. Not exactly a powerhouse to contain. Meanwhile, the #9 defense made the #9 offense ineffective. And Bama leads the nation in passes defended. You might get the ball off, but it still means the same thing: the play failed. Tebow had time to pass. How did that work out for them? Does Texas even have a run game? Good luck in getting that "push". I am betting on Cody and company saying otherwise. On offense, Bama brings a balanced attack with big play capability to the table. Texas is going to have it's hands full trying to contain McElroy passing and Ingram/Richardson rushing. On defense, Bama plays a pro style of defense which has confounded numerous collegiate QB's. I doubt if Colt will be any different. And with no running game to fall back on, it could get ugly for Texas.
  19. He was blackballed from the NFL because he was a lousy HC.
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