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Everything posted by Cynical

  1. Johnson? Pffft. Peterson from Minnesota. Unless I am mistaken (and I could be), Vikings would be willing to accept a 6th or 7th round pick in 2013 draft.
  2. Bunch of wussies. The Bills played the Browns in a "blizzard" (a blizzard I tell ya. Once in a lifetime type) just a couple of years ago.
  3. Montana Grizzlies vs. Villa Nova Wildcats Congrats to Villa Nova winning their first football national championship. I only caught the second half, and for the last two minutes of the game, I thought Jauron had taken over the coaching duties at Montana. Down by 9, all TO left, and he has team throwing screens and dump offs. And their hurry up was about as fast the Bills. Even more interesting, Villa Nova did NOT go into prevent mode on D.
  4. Shoulda, coulda, woulda ... But he didn't. In fact, he had the last opportunity, took 2 sacks, and looked completely lost and confused. Again, shoulda, coulda, woulda ... But he did win. No excuses need to be made. Keep kidding yourself. Nobody is claiming Fitz will be the savior, or is the long term answer at QB. But we also realize a QB that regresses in his development rarely turns it around. Trent is toast.
  5. You are right, TO will be gone in a few weeks. And you can attempt to spin it however you want, but it will still not dispute the facts. Back in June, even before the team gathered for training camp, not a single player described Edwards as a leader. Got that? NOT A SINGLE PLAYER DESCRIBED EDWARDS AS A LEADER. Not Evans. Not Whitner. Not Lynch. Not Stroud. Not Josh Reed. Not Schobel. Etc ... After TO leaves, what will be your excuse be when the remaining players still say Trent Edwards is not a leader?
  6. Accuracy is probably Fitzpatrick's biggest downside. But at least he is trying to win, and is a leader on the team. Can't say that about Trent "Not a Bills fan" Edwards.
  7. Nope. Did you forget: Edwards - 21 sacks in 6 games Fitzpatrick - 17 sacks in 7 games
  8. Hell, I wish. For the record: UA recognizes 12 NC, and that seems to be the universally accepted number among rational people*. (IIRC, the NCAA recognizes Bama winning 17 NC. Whatever.) * rational people = any non-Auburn fan, as most Auburn fans are freaking loony Unquestionable. If you go back and read through the thread, I even set out time frame of Tide fan expectation for Saban. An SEC championship wasn't really expected until the 4th or 5th year. Competing for a NC? Hopefully by the time his 8 year contract ran out. (Side note: Saban has already signed a 3 yr extension) Assuming Saban had decided to stay in the NFL in 2006, things would have gotten quite interesting. After being rebuffed by Rich Rod and Saban, I could not hazard a guess who would have ended up as the Bama HC. I know Paul Johnson was a candidate for the position, but would he have settled for being the "third" choice? As for Saban, IMHO, barring a miracle, Saban would have been fired after the 2007 NFL season. It's quite possible Saban may have ended up at Michigan (he did spend 5 years at Mich St). I wonder how Michigan fans feel about that possibility?
  9. Not paying can be a good thing or a bad thing. If the defendant has the money, it is in their best interest to pay as quickly as possible. Once judgment has been passed, the creditor can usually charge interest on top of the judgment. Once you have a judgment, there are several options to collect. To cover a few: You can start slapping judgment liens on any property they may own. If the other party collects a paycheck, you can tap/dock their wages from their employer* Tap a bank account* *These 2 options would usually require getting an additional court order
  10. This must be a state specific rule. IIRC, Georgia does NOT limit lawyers from being involved/handling a small claims case. The only differences between a small claims and a regular civil suit is the dollar amount, and what costs you can include in the case.
  11. If TCU did get the nod, the conference would have to reshuffle the divisions (Mizzou is a North div team). And instead of calling the divisions 'North' and 'South', they could just call them 'Texas' and 'Non-Texas'. The only reason I thought the Mizzou move was the most interesting was due to the Arkansas connection. Beyond that, if Mizzou jumped, the Big 12 has 4 quality choices that would practically beg the conference to join. They could literally have Mizzou's replacement within a week. As for the Big East, it is true the Big East's BCS auto-bid could be threatened. However, I really don't think the BE will have a problem getting a lower tier school to join a BCS conference. East Carolina is a great choice. (Side note: Imagine the irony. Skip got passed over for UCinn job, only to end up in the Big East, potentially having to coach against UCinn)
  12. If you are serious about this, then I am guilty of not getting it either. Bell was put on IR on Friday. The guy starting at LT was J. Scott.
  13. Linky Conference is only going to explore the possibility of expansion, but the last time it did this, the conference made an effort to sign ND. Some of the names being tossed around: Mizzou Cincy Rutgers Syracuse Pitt and of course, ND As long as the Big East continues being a patsy, ND has no incentive to switch. Would be interested in seeing Penn State/Ohio State reactions if Pitt/Cincy was offered the spot. Neither school may like having an instate conference rival to deal with and recruit against. Also noted that other than Mizzou, the rest are Big east schools. Out of the 6, Mizzou switching provides the most interesting ripple effect. Assuming Mizzou did switch, I could see Boise St, Utah, TCU, and maybe BYU making a hard pitch to join the Big 12. But then there is the wild card Arkansas from the SEC. Arkansas, Texas, Texas Tech, Texas A&M, and Baylor were all part of the old Southwest Conference before it folded, and Arkansas considers Texas one of it's biggest rivals. Considering Arkansas has never won the SEC title, and has never created any intense rivalry with another SEC school (from a football standpoint), could the lure of reigniting old rivalries make Arkie switch? Mind you, this is all pure speculation at this point, as Big 10 has not said it will expand.
  14. No problem with having a differing view. But if Edwards was to start, what makes you believe he will suddenly start playing better? Furthermore, the team doesn't support/respect him anymore. How many players came to Trent's defense when he got benched? Compare that to 2007 when Evans supported Losman, and Whitner was backing Edwards. Heck, a few weeks ago, Whitner said no position/player was safe from being scrutinized and benched, with the implication being the offense needing the most scrutiny. Agreed.
  15. WTF? If you are trying to pin Evans "lack of production" on TO and Fitz, you failed to address how this was a problem before the arrival of Fitzpatrick and Owens.
  16. You said it yourself: long term development project So let's hurry up and play him so we can make a knee jerk snap decision to determine if he is the "franchise QB". Brilliance.
  17. Brohm was picked off the practice squad from another team. He has been on this team for less than 4 weeks. You now want him to play so (to paraphrase) "we (more like you, and people like you) can determine if he is a franchise QB or not". THREE frigging games. Here's a question. Was 3 games enough to determine if Edwards was the "franchise" QB? And here's a clue. Brohm was picked off another team's PRACTICE SQUAD. Let me repeat that: Brohm was picked off another team's PRACTICE SQUAD. I did not realize practice squad really meant "Franchise Squad".
  18. Good point. Except Jauron was respected by his players (for good or bad). The players do not respect Edwards. Forcing Edwards into the lineup will only cause more strife, and a possible team rebellion. Post Trent. AVP mentioned being able to do things like pre-snap motion with the implication being Trent being unable to run an offense with it.
  19. I understand the rationale, I just do not agree with it. You play to win. Period. Accept nothing less. If that means we have to wait another year to get our "franchise" QB, than so be it. IMO, this years class of QBs is looking pretty weak anyways. Other than maybe Claussen, nobody really interests me enough to take a chance on (at least not until the later rounds).
  20. Both of these were done because of Trent. Or as AVP mentioned (to paraphrase), he can run a more complicated offense post Trent. More importantly, THE PLAYERS WANT HIM IN.
  21. And you want them to base their decision on whether he's the guy or not on THREE GAMES? The guy was snagged off a practice squad (after failing to beat out the previous back up who was drafted in the 7th round), has been on this team less than 4 weeks, and you want to throw him into the fire so the new guys can decide whether or not they need to draft another QB? :doh: Stick to shilling for Leach. At least you are amusing doing that.
  22. And despite all that attention, Michigan was the only other school to make an offer to Potts. After 10 years, I hope Leach was able to recruit more than ONE "top" recruit. No, I was comparing Nutt to Leach. You know, how they both came damn close to winning the conference, how they both won Coach of the Year honors, how they both run a gimmicky offense, how they both are "misunderstood" (for lack of a better word) by those outside their programs ... You tell me. You're the one who stated Leach would have won multiple Big 12 championships if they were able to draft players, and to look for the Red Raiders to win the Big 12 next year.
  23. I don't know why people cannot grasp the obvious. Let's start with the blatantly obvious: Wilson hasn't finished "cleaning" house. Why worry (or bother) about evaluating a player when the people who are doing the evaluation probably will not be here next year? Once again, the same guys who would evaluate Brohm now probably will not be here come draft day. Do you really care what these people have to say? Brohm was snagged off the practice squad. Brohm would have to play lights out to even consider NOT drafting/acquiring a QB in the off season. And if Brohm was able to play lights out (or even something close to it), he would NOT be sitting on the practice squad. Other than to pacify people like you, the organization gains NOTHING in playing Brohm now. Why is that so hard to understand?
  24. Makes no difference how good you perceive him to be, Trent's own teammates do NOT believe he is a leader. Hell, it was rumored even Jauron had given up on Trent after the Tenn game. The PLAYERS have given up on Trent.
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