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Everything posted by Cynical

  1. This used to be such a nice thread. All the posters used to care for each other, knew each other, respected each other, and now ... that "element" has started posting in here. This thread is sliding down that hill of disrespectful, rude, obnoxious, loud, and raucous posts. For shame, for shame ...
  2. IIRC, Michigan is not enthralled with Harbaugh at the moment after making a negative comment within the past couple of years. Besides, why would any university grab such a respected level headed coach like Harbaugh when they could just as easily grab the "shuper shpectactular" Mike Leach.
  3. If he's interested in ever getting another shot at being a HC, he'll listen to ANY coaching offer. As much as I want to think Jauron's HC days are over, the good ole boy network is alive and well, and just love retreads. Both Norv and Wade got a third chance, why couldn't Jauron?
  4. You forgot the sarcasm tags. Or at least give us a smiley. Without them, people will take you seriously, as you can see.
  5. First, the statements released from the university are dated and signed (presumably) on the 12/21 and 12/22. The releases were signed later, after Leach's side released their statements. The statements released from Leach's side were dated 12/25 and 12/31. The 12/25 date is interesting. Leach was not suspended until the 28th. So why does Leach have a signed affidavit dated 3 days before the university took any disciplinary action? And was this affidavit given to the school before the 28th? Second, you're implying the school coerced (in fear of their jobs) the witnesses to sign their affidavits after Leach got fired. That's a pretty strong accusation with almost nothing to back it up accept for speculation on your part. The university may have blundered in handling this matter, but I honestly doubt they are stupid enough to start coercing witnesses to sign statements they did not make. The liability for legal and/or civil ramifications would be huge if they did. What exactly is a "sports medicine garage"? That is probably the only thing people will agree on.
  6. Tuberville might actually be a better coach than Leach.
  7. Actually, would have been fun if Cameron stayed as HC.
  8. Who cares who Lou liked. Now, Nick Saban, Lou's possible cousin, the HC of the Dolphins in 2006, wanted Brees. The mighty Dolphins medical staff would not clear Brees for play.
  9. Huh? Florida ran the ball 14 times. Total. All players. Tebow was the runner 10 of those times. Tebow also threw the ball 35 times. That's better than a 2:1 pass/run ratio. How many more times should Florida passed? Hate to break it to you, but passing is the reason Florida lost that game. Bama shut down the Florida running game, dropped back into a zone coverage, and dared Tebow to beat them by passing the ball.
  10. Doubt it. Other than the Anti-Trust act, what other law gives the gov't the right to interfere? As far as I know, the BCS has never prevented another organization from declaring a "national champion" in college football. (See Auburn University and their "People's National Championship"). Using the anti-trust act, the gov't might be successful in breaking up the BCS, but cannot force the bowls to switch to a playoff system. And breaking up the BCS returns the system back to the way it was pre Bowl Coalition/Alliance. Of course, this might be the outcome the NCAA hopes for. If the BCS is broken up, the NCAA could implement a playoff system, but they would have to get the schools to buy into it to make it effective. Good luck with that.
  11. Sounds easy up front, but there are a boat load of issues that would need ironing out, and in the end, I have personal reservations that it still will not stop the complaining or criticism. Simply put, 11 does not divide cleanly by 2. You may love/hate the bowls, but you cannot deny the bowls have a long history and tradition with college ball. And most bowls have long term affiliations and associations with certain conferences. Both the bowls and conferences are not overly eager ditching those associations just to satisfy fans desire to see a playoff system. In fact, it was those associations and affiliations that caused problems with the original Bowl Coalition and the follow up Bowl Alliance.
  12. When I clicked on the link, I thought I was going to read something about Ron Jaworski.
  13. The BCS. And the BCS is managed by representatives of the bowls, the AD from Notre Dame, and the commissioners from all 11 Division 1A football conferences.
  14. IIRC, the NCAA has no control over the bowls.
  15. Strange. I thought the Outback Bowl was a BCS bowl. If so, than Northwestern's Kafka should get props for shattering the yardage record. Kafka's stats: Outback Bowl Box Score Passing - 47 of 78 for 532 yards, 4 TD, 5 INT Rushing - 20 for 34 yards, 1 TD 532 + 34 = 566 yards 566 > 533 The only thing I can figure is the Outback went into overtime, and they do not count yardage gained during the OT. Otherwise, WTF?
  16. Got nothing to do with it. Pretty common for teams to lose coaches (retirement, termination, etc...). Falcons had Petrino quit on them, and how that turn out for the Falcons? Edit: Oops.
  17. While I get the point you are trying to make, Florida only won 2 SEC championships with Tebow on the team. And to play devils advocate, I could argue Tebow wasn't the starting QB for the first one of the NC and the SECC.
  18. By declaring in public your firing had nothing to do with the "alleged" infractions, but was due to financial reasons? Granted, I am no lawyer, but unless this is some PR move to pressure the university into a settlement, I cannot see how this helps his legal case. As you pointed out, the James family and their complaints are beginning to look foolish. Assuming the allegations are complete BS, I still do not see how Leach bashing on those people in public helps his cause, or puts him a better light. And said owner is being ridiculed and mocked, and his organization is probably the most dysfunctional in the NFL. Being a "petty" HC may not matter at the pro level, but at the collegiate level, being a "petty" HC can have an adverse effect on recruiting. Leach can hope and pray that people forget, and after time, people will. Unfortunately, Leach's recruiting competitors will not, and they will gladly remind those recruits (and their parents) of Leach's "pettiness". Of course, that's assuming Leach will be able to land another HC gig at the collegiate level. Schools tend to avoid coaches with negative baggage.
  19. Yes one would. One would also notice the coincidence the "accused" making sure this point of view is made public. Is it a possible attempt to deflect the focus off him and to enhance his "victim-hood"? This maybe true, but it still does not justify ripping the student, the parent of the student, and the university in public. Even if he is vindicated, and signs with a new school, he will have one hell of a time trying to recruit players.
  20. I also like the fact it is being reported Leach is saying the reason he got canned was due to money. Nice. So, according to Leach, everybody is basically out to get him. Leach better start looking at being a coach in the CFL, where his offense might actually work.
  21. Actually, Steve Fuller from Clemson was Walsh's favorite choice, and was scouting him when he "discovered" Dwight Clark. IIRC, Clark was the TE for Clemson, and was the guy running routes and catching the ball from Fuller during Walsh's visit. He couldn't draft Fuller because the 49ers traded away their first round pick to the Bills (for OJ). His second choice was Steve Dils, QB from Stanford. Somebody within the 49ers organization convinced Walsh to draft Montana instead of Dils. (I have never been able to find any reference to who it was) As for creating the offense "around" Montana, that is not really correct. He may have "tweaked" it (like any good coach should) to match Montana's abilities, but Walsh created and implemented his offense when he was an assistant with the Bengals. I had the vast majority of this stuff linked in a post I did, but I believe the post was lost in the last great server crash a couple of years ago. And unfortunately, like an idiot, I did not save any of the links.
  22. Give it up with the Bill Walsh endorsement, like it actually means something. Walsh has been wrong on numerous QB's, and in fact did NOT like Montana coming out of college.
  23. F*** Florio. This article is a complete POS. The Bills didn't look outside the organization? Sorry, I could have sworn Ralph said they did. Decision came down to Guy or Nix? Sorry, I could have sworn the decision came down to Modrak or Nix. Nix is 70 yrs old. So !@#$ing what? I listened to the press conference, and Nix sounded more coherent and rationale than Florio's article did. Christ, Florio's "source" sounds like Mort. And WTF does this hire have to do with Bama signing Saban? Let me guess, he's still pissed that Bama signed Saban, and now 3 years later he has to deal with the reality the Crimson Tide has once again become a perennial power. Maybe that Florio's problem with the Nix hire. Nix will lead the Bills back to glory, thus proving once again, Wilson is no idiot.
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