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Everything posted by Cynical

  1. Bravo! You captured the essence, and brought it to life.
  2. That's the question and problem. Are any of these QBs entering the draft worth a first round pick?
  3. Insightful, musing, and thought provoking. Your best work to date.
  4. You do remember the power struggle between TD and Cowher while they were in Pittsburgh? Cowher probably can envision it. Still doesn't mean he wants anything to do with it. Bills fans B word about Ralph firing Polian (yes, it was a stupid decision ), and being a meddlesome owner. Jerry Jones makes Wilson look like a child when it comes to meddling, and fired a 2 time SB winning coach just to prove a point of who was in control. Why would Cowher be "drooling" to land that job?
  5. Flexible ... Is that what they are calling it now? And here I was thinking "incompetent, inconsistent, and retarded". Ouch.
  6. Recent? Didn't the Reggie Bush part start 3-4 years ago? Edit: just read one of Lori's links. The NCAA has been aware now for almost 4 years.
  7. I'm shocked, just truly shocked to find out that video was made by a booger picking delusional cow college fan. And like a typical Aw-Barn fan argument, it is filled with very selective pieces of information, inaccuracies, and half-truths. For those non SEC folks, I implore you to take any argument from any Aw-Barn fan regarding Alabama with a grain of salt. We are, after all, talking about a group of people who truly believe the SEC, the SEC officials, and even certain aspects of the NCAA are controlled by Alabama alum and boosters, and whose sole job is to find ways to "ruin" Aw-Barn, or to cover up for Alabama. Here is a great example of an Auburn fan: Linky Seriously, what kind of f***** up fan base toilet papers their very own town when they win?
  8. Here's to #14 next year. And #15 the year after, #16 the year after that, etc ... In football, I would rather be hated and feared than loved and hugged. During the Bills glory years, who could forget the sign "We're back!!!! Deal with it America!"
  9. The conservative play calling may have been due to McElroy. Turns out he played with cracked ribs sustained in the SEC Championship game. Linky Also explains why his play was off.
  10. Me? Really, me? I do not know what to say. I am honored and privileged. Thank you, thank you.
  11. Thank you. If Gilbert continues to build off his play tonight, Gilbert will be a star. That will topped when the Bills win the SB. Then we ALL can celebrate. Props to Brown and Longhorns for refusing to quit.
  12. Atlanta did not "give up" on Favre. Favre was a 2nd round pick, made the team as the 2nd stringer, and was traded a year later for a 1st rounder. And while Tampa did give up on Young, Steve was also the starter. And now you are trying to compare those 2 guys to Brohm, who could not even make the active roster. Twice. Brohm may or may not develop, but to bank the future of the team on him would be a HUGE mistake. If he's as good as you claim, he will have no problem beating out some competition for the job.
  13. And Nebraska had Texas beat. Auburn thought the same thing. Their fans even gloated about being able to ruin Ingram's chance at the Heisman. How did that work out? Seems they forgot about McElroy and Richardson.
  14. No. But you do get an "A" for effort.
  15. It doesn't end pretty. There's a nice little plot twist. Steely thinks he gets it in the end, but the "it" wasn't what he was expecting. Oh, by the way: Spoiler alert.
  16. Crap. I missed that one. Who started it? How old is it? What was it originally about? What forum was it under? Details, I NEED details ...
  17. Excellent. Maybe we can start to expect TOUCHDOWNS in about 2 more years.
  18. Preseason game #1: 3 of 10 for 18 yds, 0 TD, 2 INT, 1 Sack Preseaon game #2: 12 of 19 for 83 yds, 0 TD, 1 INT, 0 Sack Preseason game #3: 4 of 5 for 45 yds, 0 TD, 0 INT, 0 Sack Preseason game #4: 20 of 28 for 154 yds., 0 TD, 0 INT, 2 Sack If I did not know better, but based strictly on these stats, the dude looks like the second coming of Trent Edwards. No, thanks.
  19. Try putting a little more thought into it. Here's one thought to start: franchise instability.
  20. Oh yeah? ^^^^^^^^^%%$##$##@%%---______+++++====>>><<><><<><.,.,.,.,.,..,.,????/?//???////::::::;;;;;;;;||||||\\\\\\/////@@@@@{}}}{}][][][]][]}{}
  21. Speaking from personal experience, never say never. Everybody is entitled to their opinion. However, entitlement does not make it correct.
  22. My guess would be Ralph and his age. Kind of hard to ignore the guys age, and not to think of the ramifications if he dies in the middle of your contract.
  23. Not exactly earth shattering (and Harbaugh is correct), but I do not think a university wants to hire somebody that has criticized their program. Linky 1 Linky 2 Then again, throw enough money at him, Harbaugh may admit he was "wrong".
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