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Everything posted by Cynical

  1. Yep. From checking the vol board this morning, Muschamp has told Tenn no. How the UT AD feels about Leach is unknown, but the fan reaction is pretty consistent: Hell no. - "kooky" offense (as one poster put it) - serious concerns about the ability to field an "SEC quality" D - think parents of recruits will react negatively towards Leach given how he has handled the James situation - somebody posted this: Linky Possibly. However, some rumors floating around saying he was tired of coaching in the SEC. True or not, I have no clue. Side note: Tubby is interviewing Tony Franklin's successor at Troy. IIRC, he was Franklin's OC while Tony was at Troy.
  2. Apparently, things got "testy" in Knoxville Tuesday night following Kiffin's announcement: Linky Rumors are saying tear gas was used, but I personally am not buying it. Here's a Volunteer fan reaction to Lane's announcement: Coaching candidates: According to volnation.com: Gruden was approached and said NO. Fulmer is NOT coming back as the AD has no interest in bringing him back Going hard after Muschamp.
  3. I think you are confusing/combining employment contracts with other contracts. Most employment contracts have some sort of out clause built in. As long as the parameters of the out clause are met, the employer has no grounds for a lawsuit (they still may try, however). In this case, if Kiffin has an $800k buyout clause (and assuming that is the only parameter of the clause), as long as Tenn receives that $800k, there is not a damn thing the university can do to stop Kiffin from saying "C-ya".
  4. IMHO, if the NZAA gave Bama the death penalty, the poop would have hit the oscillating device. The only evidence revealed in '02 was how incompetent, inconsistent, and possibly corrupt the NCAA is/was.
  5. Are you kidding me? Happens quite frequently.
  6. I thought crashing the server was the whole point of this thread. Am I wrong?
  7. Excuse me while I go laugh my f***ing ass off. What a great year to be a Tide fan. And I just checked out the Tenn Volunteer football website, and their list of coaches. Lane's name and picture have been removed. But so has dad Monte, and fellow USC loser Ed Orgeron. Love it! The Tenn program is in chaos.
  8. IIRC, when Levy stepped down as GM, it was revealed Marv signed a contract for only 2 years. Why should the finger of blame be pointed at Levy when the team belongs to Ralph? Ralph knew he had only 2 years to find a real GM.
  9. 643 National Championships.
  10. Oh, pure speculation, but I am calling it first. Mike Leach will be the new HC of the Raiders. Leach does have a fascination with Pirates.
  11. You need to get out of the St. Augustine area, and travel in the deep south a little more. As the map shows (the one being linked more than once in this thread), the debate is not about pop vs soda, it should be pop vs soda vs coke. Besides, when somebody asks for a Kleenex, would really expect somebody to say "Sorry, all I have are Puffs"?
  12. What reactions? The only things we have been subjected to are rumors and pure speculation. There are very little amount of facts floating around. The Raiders made the SB in 2002, and have been terrible since. Yes, worse than Buffalo. Not a single winning season since then. Hell, even the Bills generated a winning season since 2002. I will agree with the ownership issues. Ralph's age has to be a major concern. When he dies, nobody knows who the new owner will be, nor do they know where the team will end up.
  13. IMO, Wilson is nowhere near as meddlesome as Davis, Snyder, or Jones. Any one of those 3 make Wilson look like a light weight. As for playoff appearances, the Raiders last made the playoff in 2002. Since then (with head coaches): 2002: 11-5 (Callahan) 2003: 4-12 (Callahan) 2004: 5-11 (Turner) 2005: 4-12 (Turner) 2006: 2-14 (Shell) 2007: 4-12 (Kiffin) 2008: 5-11 (Kiffin, Cable) 2009: 5-11 (Cable) I included the 2002 season because that was Callahan's first year. Talk about a coaching carousel. In comparison to the Raiders, the Bills are a "dream" job.
  14. I think it was somewhere around the end of 2008 season, when Jauron was taking a lot of heat. First thing that popped into my head was "Gee, Trent, how many other NFL HC have you played for? Kind of like getting a Yugo as your first car, and then declaring it the best car ever made. Beginning to look that way.
  15. So, an American citizen living on another continent cannot win, but a Mexican residing in Mexico can? Why do you hate America and it's citizens?
  16. What about American citizens that are overseas, living and working, because of a job?
  17. Love a poll that allows me to pick more than one answer. Why do people continue to think Volek is a possibility? The guy had a chance to compete for the starters spot, but he bailed. He chose to go SD to be a back up. I would like for the Bills to get McNabb. His best days may be behind him, but he would be serviceable for the next couple of years. During that time, the Bills could draft a QB, and develop the rook (along with Brohm).
  18. Jauron did not relate well to the young guys? Are you kidding? Did you miss where Trent Edwards declared Jauron the best NFL head coach he has ever had? For over 3 years, all we heard about was how the players loved Jauron. Jauron loved younger inexperienced players because they were more willing to buy into his crappy schemes, and believe his BS. He failed because he was a lousy coach.
  19. Animal House, Caddy Shack, Porky's, American Pie, ...
  20. Tubby is the new HC @ Tech. Should be interesting. Tubby is more of a defensive guy, but is willing to gamble offensively. During his tenure at Auburn, Tubby's offense have varied from a smash mouth power running to a wide open spread option. Tubby has stated he wants to continue the offensive style Leach has created. If he can pull that off, and install his style of defense, Texas Tech could become a major PITA to Texas and Oklahoma.
  21. Actually, the word "coke" is used quite heavily through out the south. Yep. Waitress: Hey darlins', whacha drinkin'? Me: Cokes Waitress: What kind? Me: Coke Son: Dr. Pepper
  22. Depends on the crime and the state. In Georgia, if you witness a murder, and fail to report it, the state can (and will) charge you with at least obstruction, possibly manslaughter/murder, or something in between.
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