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Everything posted by Cynical

  1. Anything less than what Bama got in 2002 will be a crock of ****, and could lead one to believe the NCAA is corrupt. But I will not hold my breath as the NCAA has already proven it is inconsistent and incompetent.
  2. With the right coaching staff, Cody's eating problem can be minimized and kept in check. The right coaching staff will recognize and realize Cody will need extra attention and external motivation to maintain proper eating habits. On the bright side, up to this point, Cody has been very receptive in receiving such help, and IMO, see no reason why he would not continue being receptive.
  3. SEC runs the same set up (Tenn is Bama's cross divisional rival). And for the 2 rotational spots, the teams are "staggered" such that during the year, one series is being finished and the other series is starting. I want to assume the B10(1) would run a similar set up, but it is the B10(1). They will probably come up with some weird ass scheduling system based on maximizing potential profit.
  4. I believe the OP was talking about 'political' or 'governmental' states, and not a state of 'lifestyle' and/or 'location'.
  5. Nothing. But Bill Walsh loved the guy, even called him the "second coming of Joe Montana, including super bowls and everything."
  6. You can probably expect that to continue. I recently read an article (last week?) stating how Jimbo has taken Saban's minimalist approach regarding media contact with the team.
  7. Bills Buffalo Bandits (prefer lacrosse, especially the box game, over hockey all day every day) University of Alabama (ROLL TIDE ROLL!) Auburn University football fans (just for the sheer comedic value those delusional !@#$s provide) anybody playing against the Auburn University football team (just so I can laugh at their fans reactions)
  8. The state of Ohio had 5 out of 20 Cleveland Akron Toledo Youngstown Canton The only 2 places worth living in Ohio: Columbus and Cinncinnati
  9. No, he gave a very stupid answer to a very simple, soft, and safe question. All he had to say was "Yes" or "probably" to the question. Again, why did other players "get it" when Edwards did not? Terrell Owens, responding to the very same question: "I'm pretty sure i would have." Lee Evans regarding the game: "If we play like that every week, we don't have a chance of beating anybody." Did anybody question whether or not Owens and Evans were turning on their teammates?
  10. As D. Talley said after he heard Trent's quote: (to paraphrase) "I was a fan and a player." And how was his quote taken out of context? "Edwards, asked if he would have booed the Bills as a paying customer, said: "I'm not a Bills fan, I'm a football player here. I'm a Bills player, so I can't really answer that." I would be willing to bet if the question concerned the LA Dodgers, Edwards would have an opinion. Linky to quote Seems funny how other players "got it", but Edwards did not: "Receiver Terrell Owens, asked if he would have booed the Bills as a paying customer, said: "I'm pretty sure I would have. They deserve more." Albany,n.y., asked if he thought the team played poorly from a player's perspective, said: "I'm not a Bills player, I'm a football fan here. I'm a Bills fan, so I can't really answer that."
  11. No, I am quite certain everybody "wants to forget" Bell's progression last year. Given the rate of Bell's progress, in about another 2-3 years, he will make a pretty solid BU at RT.
  12. 14 teams? It's possible (especially if the Big 10 wants Texas bad enough and is forced to take aTm as a package deal), but I don't envision that happening. At present, the Big 10 seems to be marching to it's own drummer, and was pretty content with 11 teams. I do not see the Big 10 being forced to take teams they do not want, especially if it negatively impacts the bottom line. Probably have no impact. Numerous college teams maintain close rivalries as OOC opponents. (Florida - Florida State, Georgia - Georgia Tech, Notre Dame - Michigan, etc) Heck, the Texas - OU rivalry existed even before the formation of the Big 12 when OU was a member of the Big 8, and Texas was a member of the SWC.
  13. A lot of different of arguments can be made. One consisting of DF being, at best, an average QB when he played the American game of football at the professional level. He failed to stick at Chicago. He failed to win the starting job at New England. Despite being the "best" QB since Kelly, his play left a lot to be desired, forcing the team to keep looking for someone better. He was handed the starting job in San Diego, and failed to keep it (the Chargers being one of only 3 teams interested in him, and the other two wanted him to compete for a back up spot). I find it really hard to believe DF was "screwed" or "shafted" by not one, not two, not three, but 4 different teams. I could even push that number to 5 if I included the USFL New Jersey Generals, where after starting only one year, Trump was looking to replace him. But the league folded before he suffered from that embarrassment.
  14. The greatest Canadian Football player in the history of the CFL (initials being DF) played in the NFL. And all he did was supposedly was "win". How did that NFL career work out?
  15. Finally. Somebody that can give a Texas perspective. Didn't realize the Big 12 TV deal was that bad. The talk is beginning to make sense now. IIRC, the Big 10 splits money evenly among the schools. If so, Texas would not get more money than Perdue. However, even getting Perdue money would be an increase for Texas. As for recruiting the Big 10 area, I will assume you meant they would have a bigger presence than they do now. I would find it hard to believe given the visibility of the Texas program, UT is not recruiting the entire country like the other big schools. I wonder if the Texas gov't would attempt to force a package deal. You want UT, aTm comes along for the ride. Rumors of Colorado leaving the Big 12? Wow. Any rumors to where they would go? Any thoughts where the other schools would go to? Assuming Mizzou was asked to join the Big 10, Colorado bolts (WAC, Mountain West, PAC 10?), thus forcing Texas to jump ship: Would the Big 10 take both Texas AND Mizzou? (Thus creating a 13 team conference) Would the Big 10 consider revoking the Mizzou invite and take Texas instead? (The PR would fall out would be nasty) I would assume the PAC 10 takes Texas as long as another school came with them. (or already joined) Then again, Texas could "come to it's senses" and ask to join the SEC. The SEC would then have to find a school for the East division. Among Bama fans, there is definite interest in WVA, USF, and Louisville.
  16. They can rumor it until they are blue in the face. IMHO, it will not happen. The blog you linked (and the article the blog references) talks about how snagging Texas would be great for the Big Tenleven. At no point does the article state how Texas would benefit from such a move. The last time the Big Tenleven tried expanding, everybody was certain how Notre Dame would be great for the Big 10+1. Problem was, everybody forgot to consider how ND would benefit. As we found out, ND had no problem telling the Big 10+1 "NO". There are about 4 paragraphs in Kansas Lawrence-Journal World I find interesting: (my comments are in italics) "Getting TV sets in the massive state of Texas tuned to the Big Ten Network would qualify as a home run for the Big Ten." (Again, expansion talk in terms of how it benefits the Big 10. How does it benefit Texas?) Texas already receives the most TV money in the Big 12 because of its frequent national network appearances, but the source said Texas still thinks it can get a better deal for itself and is considering forming its own state-wide TV network. (These 2 items cannot be ignored, and to some extent, are in direct contradiction of why Texas should join the Big 10. Do you honestly think the Big 10 will allow Texas to keep all that money to themselves?) Geographic concerns don’t carry the weight they once did because TV revenues have grown so much, and this wouldn’t be the first time Texas has considered such an odd geographic match. Before joining the Big Eight with three other schools from Texas, the Longhorns looked into joining the Pac-10." (And the author fails to point out the reason Texas was looking to join the PAC-10 had more to do with the failure of the old Southwest Conference, than Texas looking to jump ship) And: “No one seems to recognize the genius of this suggestion, which may be evidence of its genius,” DeCourcy wrote. “Everyone else seems to be thinking small and boring, but as I suggested not long after the Big Ten Network was conceived, Texas is the one program that could dramatically expand the money-making power of the league's cable operation.” (Once again, expansion in terms of how well it benefits the Big 10.) Link to LJ World article
  17. Maybe because their products were garbage? I used to work at a multi-line dealership group, and one of the makes the group used to carry was Renault. I talked to numerous techs, and hands down the Renaults were the biggest POS they had the "pleasure to work on.
  18. Sorry, I meant to say there was no ODI (NHTSA) action number. Without an action number, there was no investigation by the feds. (Just to clarify, all recalls, voluntary or not, are monitored by the NHTSA-ODI, and will show up in their database.) Just off the top of my head, the 2010 Ford F650/750, the 2010 Jaguar, and the 2010 Land Rover have no action numbers (that I could find). With no investigation, how do the feds force the recall? In comparison, the 2010 Toyota Prius, in regards to it's braking problem, does HAVE an action number (PE10-006), meaning an NHTSA-ODI preliminary evaluation investigation was opened (on 2/3/2010). Linky Note, it is a preliminary evaluation investigation meaning the feds received enough complaints to take a look at the problem. Interesting, Toyota issued a voluntary recall of the Prius on 2/9/2010. Visit My Website And no, I do not believe the feds "forced" Toyota into a recall.
  19. Are you sure those are all federally forced recalls? Just for giggles, I checked out a couple of them. Like most recalls, the ones I checked were voluntary. In fact, there was no ODI regarding the defects. With no active investigation ever taking place, how does the feds or NHTSA "force" the companies to comply?
  20. Creed and Limp Bizkit. Maybe we will finally see that boxing match.
  21. Besides the tubing, need to include some of this: Crashed Ice / Ice Cross
  22. Brohm was drafted in April 2008, and participated in the Packers 2008 and 2009 training camps and preseasons. In both instances, Brohm ended up on the practice squad after being released by the Packers.
  23. In order to be on the practice squad, the player has to be released from the team. Any player on any practice squad is considered a free agent, and can be claimed by any team.
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