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Everything posted by Cynical

  1. Congrats. Oh ... wait ...
  2. Reference: Dockery, Derrick and Owens, Terrell
  3. Also didn't realize the Yankees did it dealing with a salary cap.
  4. You must have missed the TD era. As for Ralph's "cheapness", feel free to research this board. There are/were numerous threads that debunks that nonsense. As MattyT points out, take a breath.
  5. Did you not hear/read Nix's comments after he agreed to become the GM? To paraphrase, free agency was not the way to build a team. He was not going to chase high profile FA. The impression I got was the Bills will sign low profile FA to provide depth and to fill the occasional hole. I have no expectation the Bills will make a big splash in free agency this year. The TD era is firmly behind us.
  6. I worked with a guy like that. The dude was even on meds to help control his temper. I got along with him fairly well, but was always conscious that even a joke taken the wrong way could set him off.
  7. You claim a picture is worth a "thousand words", but pictures are like stats. They only represent a point in time, and can be misleading, especially when used by themselves or with bad supporting data. Did that picture tell you that fat, lazy bastard can dunk a basketball? Even when he was heavier than he was in the picture? But if you are going to throw around cliches, here's one: Don't judge a book by it's cover.
  8. Just because Levitre was a decent guard, that does not automatically mean he will be a decent tackle. Thus, moving him to OT creates a giant question mark at the position.
  9. Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but until Trent actually makes it to the regular season this year, Trent has had 3 OC in 3 years. Even that stat is dubious because after Fairchild, each OC was promoted from within in order to promote continuity. Edwards has been working with the same basic offense for all 3 years. The offensive line is just the latest in a long line of "excuses" for Trentative. Yes, the line blew. But the line also blew for Fitzpatrick. Actually, if you watch his play pre-concussion, his performance was nothing to write home about. WTF does Sam Wyche have to do with Edwards? Wyche never coached Edwards at the NFL level. And Jauron, did in fact have QB coaches. Turk was the QB coach under Fairchild during Edwards first year. Turk was promoted to OC (in order to maintain continuity!), and AVP was promoted from offensive QC to QB coach for Edwards second year. During Edwards third year, AVP was promoted to OC (because Turk refused to give Jauron a "pop warner" offense) while still maintaining the QB coach title. Of course you are not a Trent apologist. You just distorted Edwards past in order to justify keeping him, to give him yet "one more chance".
  10. Hitting the glue a little late today, eh? Bell a superb "athlete"? The Bills have a better chance of converting Bell to tight end than leaving him on the Oline.
  11. Part of the problem is your claim of "not as dire", while you freely admit there are "ifs" involved. The other part is the number of "ifs" involved. Let's look at your desired line up; LT - Stud (Draft, FA) LG - Incognito C- Hangartner RG - Wood RT - Levitre Even with this line up, you assumed Incognito is resigned and Woods will be ready to go. You are also assuming (but did not mention) Levitre can play RT, and you are assuming the Bills will acquire a stud LT (like somehow those are just real easy to locate) That 4 assumptions impacting 4 positions. So when we re-look at your 'desired' line up with the "ifs" (represented by "?") in place: LT - Stud (Draft, FA)(?) LG - Incognito(?) C- Hangartner RG - Wood(?) RT - Levitre(?) Based on that, the only position that a question mark (or if) is not involved is the center. If 50% of your "ifs" pan out, 2 still did not. This O-line is farther away than you wish it to be.
  12. He didn't look too bad? The guy was terrible. On running plays, did he even get a push? On passing plays, speed rushers blew past him, and power rushers shoved him back with ease. The guy made back up D-Linemen look like competent starters. There is a good reason why he was considered a project player.
  13. Yes, I do expect Nix to consider Cody hasn't played on obvious passing downs. Cody is a prototypical NT that played in a 3-4 D. Feel free to refresh my memory on the number of times Big Ted was in the lineup on obvious passing downs. Well, DUH! Here's a clue: BEING OVERWEIGHT IS NOT A DETERMINANT OF MOTIVATION If we followed that logic, then we could say the following: "All black birds are birds, therefore, all birds are probably black." You and I both know that is load of crap. When the Bills drafted Chris Ellis, there were issues regarding his motivation and character. From the time he has been drafted to this point in time now, I have never heard weight being an issue for Ellis. Therefore, we can assume he has no problem in maintaining his weight, but just refuses to put forth the effort that would make him more productive at the NFL level. When Andre Smith came out, he had a weight issue. But there were other issues regarding his attitude and his motivation. Even Saban stated Smith needed a lot of motivation to play. In both of those cases, there were issues regarding those players that had nothing to do with weight. And in Cody's case, what do you have? Weight. Nothing else. Where is the underlying attitude/character red flag in Cody's case? So let me get this straight. Terrence Cody wanted to play on passing downs. Saban said he needed to achieve weight xxx in order for that to happen. Terrence Cody "failed" to achieve that goal. Therefore: Cody is unmotivated. So you know for a fact Terrence said 'screw it' and gave up? Or is it more likely Cody attempted to reach said goal but couldn't? There is a difference in those two answers. Let me just say for the record, I am not advocating for the Bills to draft him in the first round. I am not even advocating for the Bills to draft him early in the second round. But if the Bills can grab him in the third, they should do so without hesitation.
  14. Sorry, I must have missed all the reports and pictures from the past two years talking about how Ellis shows up for practice 'out of shape' and/or 'overweight'. You are right Nix would probably never draft Ellis, because Ellis took plays off. And speaking of Buddy Nix, JPS was correct. Nix said what the player did on the field would be determining factor. And if it is based on what Cody has done on the field, then Nix would be looking at drafting Cody. Cody has done nothing but dominate while playing. He did it in high school, he did it at the JUCO level, and he did it at 1A collegiate level. He does not take plays off when he is on the field. He has never missed a practice or had a shortened practice session due to his weight or any issue regarding his weight. During his time at JUCO and at Bama, there was never any reports, rumors, or speculations questioning Cody's attitude or motivation. And Terrence Cody is not Mike Williams. Your entire perception of Terrence Cody is based on a single picture and a comparison to Mike Williams. Admit it. You know nothing of Cody's attitude, motivation, or character. And what a shocker, you prefer to make ridiculous accusations based on your limited knowledge instead of trying to learn more. Because if you had attempted to learn more, you would have found out regarding football, Terrence Cody has answered every challenge presented to him. You need to spend time learning and understanding the different concepts of motivation. Even Levy was more than willing to work with players that had issues. And once again, "overweight" does not automatically equate to "unmotivated" (despite your best intention to make it so).
  15. Yeah, because in shape guys like Chris Ellis show all kinds of football character. IIRC, Pat Williams once proclaimed he had issues with eating right and maintaining his weight, but acknowledged he was able to do it with the help of Rusty Jones (the Bills S&C coach at the time). Jones worked with Pat and Jones was always looking to create diet/nutrition plans that not only helped players maintain their body condition, but appealed to their taste buds. I said it before in another thread, and I will say it again: given the right coaching staff, one that recognizes Cody will need extra attention and help, Terrence Cody will anchor somebody's DL for years to come.
  16. No doubt. And in Cody's case, there is internal motivation. The kid was playing JUCO at 410lbs. When Saban recruited him, he told Cody if he reached 380, Cody would be offered a scholarship. Cody made the 380 mark. Saban then told Cody if he could make the 360 mark, he would give Cody playing time. Cody hit the mark. Cody could have came out last year, but refused. He chose to stay so he could work on his conditioning and endurance. Does all that sound like somebody who has no internal motivation? He just needs help staying on track. As NoSaint stated, being overweight is not the same as being unmotivated. Unmotivated players, big or small, should never be drafted. Period. We Bills fans should know this. Two years ago, the Bills drafted a DE by the name of Ellis, and he had motivational issues coming right out of college. But was it okay to draft him in the third because he was NOT overweight?
  17. Anything less than what Bama got in 2002 will be a crock of ****, and could lead one to believe the NCAA is corrupt. But I will not hold my breath as the NCAA has already proven it is inconsistent and incompetent.
  18. With the right coaching staff, Cody's eating problem can be minimized and kept in check. The right coaching staff will recognize and realize Cody will need extra attention and external motivation to maintain proper eating habits. On the bright side, up to this point, Cody has been very receptive in receiving such help, and IMO, see no reason why he would not continue being receptive.
  19. SEC runs the same set up (Tenn is Bama's cross divisional rival). And for the 2 rotational spots, the teams are "staggered" such that during the year, one series is being finished and the other series is starting. I want to assume the B10(1) would run a similar set up, but it is the B10(1). They will probably come up with some weird ass scheduling system based on maximizing potential profit.
  20. I believe the OP was talking about 'political' or 'governmental' states, and not a state of 'lifestyle' and/or 'location'.
  21. Nothing. But Bill Walsh loved the guy, even called him the "second coming of Joe Montana, including super bowls and everything."
  22. You can probably expect that to continue. I recently read an article (last week?) stating how Jimbo has taken Saban's minimalist approach regarding media contact with the team.
  23. Thanks! Excellent article.
  24. Bills Buffalo Bandits (prefer lacrosse, especially the box game, over hockey all day every day) University of Alabama (ROLL TIDE ROLL!) Auburn University football fans (just for the sheer comedic value those delusional !@#$s provide) anybody playing against the Auburn University football team (just so I can laugh at their fans reactions)
  25. The state of Ohio had 5 out of 20 Cleveland Akron Toledo Youngstown Canton The only 2 places worth living in Ohio: Columbus and Cinncinnati
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