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Everything posted by Cynical

  1. True. But that has nothing to do with why I posted that reply to Ice.
  2. Actually, yes, this is the main intention. Spiller is not an every down back. He may have Chris Johnson's "speed", but he does NOT posses Chris Johnson's toughness. Spiller is Chan's water bug player.
  3. Nice post, but i have to disagree with this point. There is one major difference between Trent and Chad. Chad has balls, apparently Trent has mailed his to Dakota Fanning.
  4. No, Nix said it about 10 days ago: Linky "If you move a guy like Andy you weaken two positions," said Nix. "We're pretty good down the middle and we think he's a better guard. ... And we'd like to keep it that way." As for Jauron, were you blind during his tenure? Jauron was constantly moving people around. How could anyone forget last year where Jauron moved the RT to LT, the RG to RT, and took a back up guard and made him the starting center?
  5. As I said in another thread, this has been said for 20+ years, maybe even longer. Air Coryell, West Coast Offense, Run 'N Shoot, ... Sorry, the NFL is still a 'run the ball, stop the run' league.
  6. If you had bothered to read everything I have posted in this thread: 1. You will have seen I clearly stated the draft was far from over, and I was not classifying this draft based on this one pick 2. I would not get excited over a situational /role type player (and that is exactly what Spiller is) until I see what else takes place. In short, let's see how the Bills address both OT (depth is good, but we need starters) and the QB situation. It will be hard to take advantage of Spiller as a WR if the OL can't pass block and/or QB play continues to blow. It will also be hard to take advantage of Spiller's speed on the outside as RB if the bloody OT cannot get any push or create a lane. Right now, the strength of the Bills OL is on the inside, where Spiller is the least effective.
  7. Did you actually bother to read my post? Or did you respond just for s**ts and giggles?
  8. Linky 1 "All that being said, Spiller lacks the bulk needed to be an every down back, doesn't break tackles well, and struggles running tackle to tackle. Because of this, he has a tendency to want to pop everything to the outside, and that costs him yards. " Linky 2 "Power: Inconsistent as an inside runner. Finds creases well and dashes through them, but doesn't always like to run inside. Doesn't break a lot of tackles because he runs somewhat upright and allows defenders into his frame. Needs to be more assertive running inside. Not a downhill runner." Again, running into the heart of defense is NOT Spiller's forte. Practically every scouting report states that. And from what I have seen him play, he is much more effective outside than inside. He is best in space. Get him in a crowd where it is easier to put a hand on him, and Spiller is going down.
  9. You need to watch Spiller during a game, and not just pay attention to those you tube "highlight" videos. Linky 1 "Power: The power aspect of the position is not his forte. He eludes contact because of his quickness and agility, but not as a result of him being soft. He will put his head down when he has to, but he doesn’t push piles forward. If a tackler can get their hands on him with any strength and balance, he won’t break the tackle. Doesn’t have a thick base to run through arm tackles." Linky 2 "Spiller lacks the bulk needed to be an every down back, doesn't break tackles well, and struggles running tackle to tackle." I also recently read where Spiller got tackled behind the LOS quite often. Trying to find that article again.
  10. Yes, Davis was supposed to be the "Thunder" while Spiller was supposed to be the "Lightning" in that game. Davis touched the ball only 6 times. Dabo used Spiller full time because he had no other choice. Davis was gone. Besides, it's not like ACC is full of dominate defenses. The strongest D (in the ACC) probably belongs to Virginia Tech, and Clemson did not play against them. Bama's DL was all over the Clemson OL. They could not run the ball, period. People are missing the big picture. It will be harder than hell to run the ball if the OL cannot get any push. Spiller strength is in open field, outside the tackles, not inside the tackles. He cannot carry anyone or power through people. Until the Bills OL gets better, especially at the tackle positions, Spiller's skill set is going to go to waste.
  11. The only thing that will slow down a pass rush is the belief the QB will beat them down field. And since Trentative refuses to attack the field, choosing instead to constantly dump it off, defenses will sit on those short routes, just waiting for Trent to toss the ball. It will not matter how fast Spiller is, his speed will be negated by the ball being intercepted, or having a defensive player in his face as soon as he catches the ball. Spiller's strength is not in breaking tackles, even arm tackles. Put a hand on him, and he's going down.
  12. Good point. For all the you tube links pointing out the Spiller highlight films, I got one nobody wants to see. Just search on you tube "Alabama Clemson 2008 football" Here's a quick summary: CJ Spiller Rushing - 2 attempts for 7 yards, longest was 8 yards Receiving - 2 catches for 27 yards but he did have a 96 yard KO return for a TD And no, he was not hurt before or during the game. Clemson got destroyed 34-10. This is what happens when a "speed" backs OL cannot get a push for the running game, and the OL is getting blown up in the passing game. And before anybody gets their panties in a twist, I am not calling this draft a "waste" or a "joke". I realize the draft is far from over, and the draft itself will be judged on ALL picks. But you will excuse me if I do not get "giddy" over drafting a situational/role type player (and yes, every scouting report I have read lists Spiller as such. Not a single one states he is or will be an every down player) until I see if the Bills plan on getting other players that allows them to take advantage of Spiller's speed.
  13. IIRC, many on here were saying the same things about TO last year. TO was going to relieve the double team off of Evans, can't cover both, make the whole team better, give Edwards another weapon, etc ... and IIRC, that move failed miserably. (Come on, anybody really expect 1, ONE, player to have that kind of impact?)
  14. Think they have been saying something similar now for the past 20+ years. Maybe even before that (Air Coryell comes to mind). The original West Coast offense was partially based on the concept of using the short passing game in place of the running game. Then came the Run 'n Shoot offense, that was supposed to redefine the game into a passing one instead of a running one. How's that worked out? The old adage still applies. Run and stop the run.
  15. Got a link to that article? (or at least a direction to go look?) There are many in Bama land (me included) that would love to see the NCAA get booted to the curb. That organization, at the very least, is inconsistent and incompetent, if not flat out corrupt.
  16. Story on USA Today site: "It now appears that the Big Ten may take on three or five schools to bring its total number to 14 or 16." Crikey. 5 Teams? USA Today: Campus Rivalry
  17. Modrak being Asst GM is similar to Russ being the GM. Title only, no real power.
  18. On a 92 Exploder, the cooling fan is mechanical and belt driven.
  19. Jags, Rams, Raiders, and Vikings I understand. Chargers? I knew they had stadium issues, but I thought that was cleared up? And the 49ers? Unless i missed something, I do not see this happening.
  20. Please. The Trent card? "Oh, the concussion, ..." Bama devised a great defensive game plan, and executed it perfectly. The Tide forced Tebow into a one dimensional player that had to read and react to the defense. He struggled; surprise, surprise.
  21. Sorry. It's a software program. Just Google 'Mavis Beacon'. Fairly cheap (cheapest version is like $20). It worked for me, but YMMV.
  22. Ouch. Only one? On personal level, I am looking at the Tide's offense in general (running game could even be more dominant than last year). Ingram, Richardson, McElroy, Jones, etc ... Defensively, the Tide has lost numerous starters, leaving this unit with numerous question marks. However, with 3 straight top 5 recruiting classes, the 2010 team could be better overall than 2009 NC team. But since I have to pick only one: Dont'a Hightower, LB In 2008, he was true freshman, played the Will spot. Recorded 62 tackles, 1 sack, and 1 FF. In 2009, he suffered a left knee injury (tore his ACL and MCL) early in the season, and was gone for the year. In 2010, Saban is moving him inside (McLain's spot), and is expected to be an every down player on D. (Rehab is going well. During the recent spring scrimmage, Dont'a stated he had at least 90% of his mobility back) Why I did select him? Many are arguing he is a better LB than McLain ever was. We will see.
  23. What part was funny? His antics? I am not a 15 yr old, so I don't get it. Maybe you can explain it us that are older than 20, what is actually funny about that clip?
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