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Everything posted by Cynical

  1. He can sell the house for whatever he wants. If it's 400% over FMV, that does leave only 2 options to pay for it: cash up front, or he holds the note (which he essentially is doing).
  2. I was thinking along the lines of "A". I think that's a fair grade. Oh, by the way, my rating system consists of 2 grades: A or B. It's a simple system based on whether the draft sucked or it didn't.
  3. In Georgia, bank can demand payment in full at any give time (the same in other states?). So technically, they can start at any time. IIRC, there is no "standard" regarding length of time. Unless the length is written into a contract, the courts generally consider 3 payment periods behind "delinquent". Mortgage companies will generally send out the nasty foreclosure letter 45 - 60 days past due. That way, by the third month, the house is already being advertised for auction in the local paper. So at the most you might get 3-4 months free living. *payment periods can be daily, weekly, bi-weekly, etc ...
  4. Foreclosure process varies from state to state is greatly impacted by if the state is considered a "power of attorney" state. If the state allows a "power of attorney" clause in the loan agreement, the entire process can skip the court system, and can be finished fairly quickly. IIRC, in Texas, the foreclosure process can last 3 weeks, and in Georgia, 4 weeks.
  5. I thought the guy was cut because he made some major boneheaded decisions like spiking the ball on 4th down. And this was after sitting behind Kelly for 2 years. And despite his little outing in Washington, the guy spent his entire career as a back up for a reason.
  6. Do you honestly think other football teams are looking at this board (or others) and going "Gee, we were going to offer the Bills a second round pick for the guy, but after those comments, I would not give nothing more than a fifth." Secondly, considering Nix and Gailey have thumbed their nose at the media, do you honestly think they are paying attention to any fan board? Thirdly, some players can handle criticism from fans and others cannot. My guess is, the ones that do not probably do not pay attention to any of the fan boards. So in answer to your question: it has little to no impact. The only other people reading this board are other fans. I seriously doubt the relevant people (in this organization or others) read the board or care what we say. Gailey and the coaching staff will choose the starting QB regardless of what the fan base desires. If Trent wins it, so be it. My hats off to him for stepping up and taking the bull by the reins In fact, who ever wins, my hats to him. Let's get some victories.
  7. First, I never said nor implied you were a fan of Edwards OVER being a fan of the team. If that's what you took from my post, then let me apology, that's not what I intended. You are a fan of the team first, just like everybody else on here. You can be a fan of the team first, AND be a fan of a certain player(s). In fact, most of us are that way. We prefer certain players over other players. Just like the Lynch/Jackson/Spiller debate. Who starts, who stays, who goes. And just because Trent Edwards is on the team does not mean he is "fan" of team. As I pointed out in my post, there are numerous players who play football for the simple reason they have the ability to do so, and they will get paid millions to do it. They could care less if the team they are playing for wins or losses. As long as they are cashing big paychecks, it's all good. And I am sorry. Until I see proof otherwise, Trent is a "paycheck" collector, nothing more. I can point to his own statements. I can point to his own behavior during a game. I can point to reports regarding his relationship to other players (he's well liked, respected, but nobody considers him to be the leader.) If you consider those to be BS, fine. But how much BS is it compared to statements as Trent gives 110% on every play, people will not be able to question his leadership ability, has this will and desire to win, etc ... Talk about BS. Where's the proof? Got any? Side note: It is possible for a player to become a player and a "fan" and vice versa. Think Randy Moss. It was all about the big check until he hit 30. Now it's about the ring. He even took a pay cut hoping to get one.
  8. Course you're not. But ... Typical basic argument of someone who wants Trent. Because the OC and the LT were both fired and released right before the season started, we cannot judge the performance of any QB. Got it. Where's Fitz's upside? Whoops! And how did you come to this conclusion that "Fitz is a backup at best"? 1. Really? Based on what? OC and LT were both fired before 2009 season, not allowed to make judgments of QB performance because of that (according to you), what else you got? The abysmal 2008 season where Trent earned the moniker Capt. Checkdown and showed he was continually baffled by 3-4 defenses? How are you judging Fitz (since you cannot use last year, according to you)? Brohm? 2. According to you, we cannot judge the performance of a QB who's OC and LT were both let go before the season started. But in formulating point number 2, you just violated your own limitation. Nah, you are not a Trent "supporter". Not at all. Not in the least.
  9. His personal performance he probably cares about. (And he has made statements that seem to point this out) The outcome of the game and the team's overall performance? Yes, I am saying he does not care. Win or lose, he still is collecting a paycheck. I have seen nothing he said or done to prove otherwise. It is not uncommon to find people working in jobs and careers for the simple reason they posses the ability to do so. They could care less how the company performs. As long as they are performing well enough to earn the paycheck they want, it's good enough. What's ridiculous is assuming athlete's are immune from this concept. I guess the likes of Willis McGahee and the Mike Williams never make it to the NFL level. Or Jason Peters or Albert Haynesworth or Nate Clements, etc ... I could go back years and rattle off names of players who are more worried about the money than they are about wining or losing. Wha?! You mean a person who actually cares about the outcome did not want to play for team he felt was not going to win? Hey, thanks for supporting my argument where "fans" have an emotional interest in their team winning and losing. Even when he eventually came to Buffalo, Kelly still gave a rat's ass whether or not the team won or lost. That's because he was a "fan". I think it does. It represents a snapshot into Trent's leadership abilities, or lack thereof. Kelly was a player and a "fan". He hated losing. And he did his best to push and motivate his teammates to win. Talley was a player and a "fan". Before each game, Talley used run up and down the sidelines challenging each player to make an impact play. Edwards? As he himself stated, he's not a "fan", he's just a player. And it shows. I get it. You and Dog are a "fan" of Edwards. And it shows.
  10. Mine or the Canadian's? Pay?! You don't get some kind of credit for taking one in?
  11. Exactly. "a fans perspective". Are you (and Trent) saying Trent has no idea what it means to be a "fan" of something? Well, that can't be, because Trent has stated he is an avid fan of the Dodgers. So he knows being a "fan" carries an emotional interest in whatever you are a fan of. In fact, during the same interview when he revealed he was a Dodger fan, he admitted he could be overly critical of them. Third graders and everybody else gets "it". Owens got "it" Talley got "it" Why is it Trent and his followers do not? Either you care about how the team performs or you don't. If you do, you are probably a "fan". If you do not, then you are probably not a "fan". By saying he was "not a fan", he just told everybody he does not care how the team performs. (Bet you he cares how the Dodgers perform) I will make this simple for you and all the others who are struggling with this concept. It is a simple question: Do you give a sh*t how well the Detroit Lions perform?
  12. No it's not. D. Talley said he was a player and a "fan". Being a "fan" means giving a sh*t about the performance and outcome. Edwards knows damn well what it means to be a fan, as he is fan of the Dodgers. Even acknowledges he might be overly critical of them. It was a simple question. Amazingly enough, the same question was presented to Owens. Owens responded with "probably".
  13. Comparing Edwards to Montana? Some sort of joke? FYI: Montana earned his moniker (Joe Cool) because he was calm under pressure. He was not easily rattled. When his pass protection broke down, he moved around, sometimes delivering a pass with a defender in his face knowing full well he was going to be drilled. And you are comparing him to Trent Edwards? Seriously? Sorry, I want a Trent-esque type QB. One that does not communicate with his teammates, but one that spends his time on the sidelines, alone, "contemplating" (as you once put it). And while you attempted to answer the first question, you never bothered to answer the second question: I want to see some proof of Trent's "fire", proof that he gives 110% on every play. From my perspective, Trent looks like a poor man's version of Jeff George. He has the ability to play the game, so he does. Other than that, he could give a rats ass. He would prefer to win, but if he losses, so what. He still earns a paycheck.
  14. Time to start calling you on some of your ramblings. Name some of these Trent-esque QBs. Amazingly, Fitzpatrick who is supposed to be worse than Edwards, produced more with essentially with the same people. Yet, we didn't hear him complaining about "mixed signals" from the coaching staff. Maybe Edwards was receiving "mixed signals" because he wasn't doing anything he was being told or expected to do. Leaders rally the troops. Leaders expect communication. If it doesn't happen, they initiate it. They do NOT sit on the sideline with their thumb up their ass. You got some proof of this (even vague), or do you just "hope" this statement is true?
  15. I care could less of what walterfootball says. It's one of the worse football sites out there IMHO. Couple of examples: He mentions the Pats did nothing but draft a bunch average players. Their grade? B And from the Carolina summary: "Carolina got the No. 5 player on my board and a legitimate franchise quarterback in Clausen at No. 48 overall. This was highway robbery, but I really feel like if they wanted Clausen badly they would have moved up for him. Here's a concept, maybe Carolina could not justify moving up to grab Clausen. Know what? They were right!
  16. Their open to him because they really have nothing else. Edwards = chicken sh*t Fitz = Back up Brown = project He'll get a chance to compete and start. He has talent, but just could not adjust to the NFL. The GB offense is supposedly complicated, and he struggled to grasp it. My guess is this is Brohm's last chance. Either he grasps the playbook, and performs, or he hits the waiver wire as another highly touted college QB that could not make it.
  17. Despite all the hoopla that people try to push that the NFL is a passing league, the basic adage of run and stop still applies. The Bills were not going to fix everything in 1 year. This year, they addressed stopping the run. Hopefully, next year they focus on some road graders.
  18. Yep. Not only did Jauron use high value resources (like early round draft picks), he spent as many resources as he could. Other positions he tried to "quick fix". Need a lineman? Pluck one off the free agent scrap heap and plug him in. DB's? Bring as many into camp as he could. If Jauron spent the same number of time, energy, and resources on building the OL and DL, the Bills would be set for years. God, I still cannot believe we spent 4 years dealing with his piss poor coaching and the number of people that actually defended him.
  19. He was working that way. To him, there was not much difference between DB and LB. And the way he liked his undersized D lineman ...
  20. Since Trent has shown a lack of taking chances and throwing down field, yes. Call his style of play anything you want: chicken s**t afraid wussy P***y scared coward
  21. I like the timeline. March 23 Open competition among all 3 QB with 4th possibly drafted April 9 Mort has hinted Bills are ready to wash their hands of Edwards My guess? Gailey finally watched game film of Edwards and came to realization he could not compensate for kitty.
  22. Yeah, it's pretty bad when even the announcers were saying players were open. At one point last year, during an after game press conference, Jauron mentioned there were opportunities in the passing game that were never taken. During this off season, even Trent mentioned missing open receivers. Of course, Trent tried to blame the previous coaching staff for "mixed signals". Amazingly, Fitzpatrick, with the same coaching staff and players, did NOT have said "mixed signal" problems.
  23. Nice post. I have been saying for a while now, coaches can can scheme and game plan around a players abilities and limitations. You cannot create a scheme or game plan for 'coward'.
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