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Everything posted by Cynical

  1. No conspiracies. But based on this: Linky - Credited v Accrued Brohm's time on the practice squad accounts for squat.
  2. Correct. Player has to be on the actual roster for at least 6 games before it will count as a "year of experience". (That's why players that hold out will always come back to play by the tenth game).
  3. Agreed. If he wins, he is the best in the coaches opinion. Why can't it be the QB's just plain suck? The FO has said they will not over pay to fill a need and that all problems will not be corrected in one year. So, they did not "prioritize" the QB position over the other needs for the draft. Patience. If the QB is replaced during the year, and the replacement plays better, I will not be upset. That means the coaching staff continues to evaluate the players as the season progresses. This is not a bad thing. It becomes a bad thing when they STOP evaluating players during the year.
  4. The first TD run was pure Marshawn. The second TD was Spiller (note the speed and agility) The last TD was Freddy
  5. T-Bob is nickname. His real name is Bobby Joseph Hebert III. Link to Bio page
  6. The home and home series (2013 and 2014) has been postponed. Mash Here
  7. Um, no. Like Alpha, you guys are stuck on a "name", and you associate that "name" to a self opinionated ranking or "value". And since the Bills went after such a "highly ranked" QB, you assume the ONLY reason the Bills went after said QB was due to the QB being so "highly ranked". Then you turn around and justify your argument by declaring since the Bills did NOT draft a QB earlier in the draft, it only makes sense they are truly comfortable with who they already have. Let me apply your train of thought to a different position. Since the Bills did NOT draft a LT, nor did they acquire one via trade or free agency, then it must mean the Bills are truly comfortable with who they have at that position. Correct? Except Nix/Gailey did state, before the draft, the LT (and the QB) position was a problem that needed to be addressed. But they wanted starters, and they were not going to overpay to acquire them. They also said all the problems were not going to be addressed in one year. And the failure of the Bills to acquire players to fill those positions is NOT necessarily a hearty endorsement of the players they already have, but more of an admittance nobody else has met their criteria. Again, it's not about McNabb, it's about the Bills trying to acquire a starting QB. If the Bills were truly comfortable about Brohm, Edwards, or Fitzpatrick starting, they would not be wasting time trying to acquire one.
  8. Trent got injured in the 6th game vs. the Jets. Fitzpatrick started the following two games. Then in week 15, Trent got injured again, and was lost for the season. (so at the very least he would have missed 2 more games).
  9. It's not about McNabb. YOU think the name is relevant because YOU place such a high value on McNabb. I'll post this in the simplest form possible. It is NOT about the Bills going after QB xxxxx, it's about the Bills going for a QB. Period. How would you feel if you found if the Bills went after Campbell? Go back and read Red's post #50. He gets it more than you do.
  10. Fine. The GB coaching staff felt so highly of Brohm, they waived him. TWICE.
  11. You and Alpha should not be focusing on the name "McNabb". The name of the QB is irrelevant. I mentioned McNabb because he was the only QB that was considered to be starting quality, in that he could come to Buffalo and start immediately. The point was the Bills attempted to sign a QB to be the starter. If the Bills were really comfortable with who they already had, they would not be willing to sign another QB.
  12. 1. This coming year will be Brohm's third year in the NFL. When the Bills snagged him, Brohm was NOT a rookie. 2. People on this board watch preseason games so they can see how players are doing. Are you assuming Packer fans do not? 3. People on THIS board are passing judgment on Brohm based on a SINGLE SOLITARY game. Yet, somehow those Bills fans know more than the Packer fans?
  13. Problem was that "hot" start was not overly "hot" to begin with. 4 games, 4 TDs. The Bills went 4-0 because the teams they played were crappy.
  14. Which is ironic considering people on this board are judging Brohm (good and bad) based a on SINGLE game. You do realize that the PS gets to practice with the regular team? So the GB coaching staff had seen this kid for 2 full off seasons, training camps, preseason, etc ..., and 1.5 years of practices during the regular season. What does Chan and company have? Game film from the one time he played, and some OTAs. So yes, I do think the GB coaches know more about Brohm than Gailey (at this point) based on the simple fact Gailey has not done anything with Brohm yet. This last part says it all. You need to pay attention to Nix and Gailey more. They have consistently said they will not over pay to fill a position of need and that all the problems will not be fixed in one year. Nix and Gailey are as confident about the current QB position as they are of the current LT position. IIRC, they said both positions needed to be addressed.
  15. It's called "preseason". He did start and play in some of those while in GB.
  16. Actually in defense of ND (oh my GOD!), the video is a faculty-student production. It is NOT an official ND video release. Award winning musician Freekbass? I didn't realize the Cincinnati Entertainment Awards was such a prestigious honor. Now, if you will excuse me, I must go "cower* in the corner" over the sheer magnificence of this video. * Actually I am lmao at the video
  17. Your adoration for Brohm is known, but this post is a classic case of spin. Those fans don't know much about him? They know more than we do. Others talk about him as if he was there for more than 1.5 years? They did get to see him for 2 training camps, and that's 2 more than we got see from him here. "He has been so far off the radar, even in GB because of the emergence of Rodgers ..." Are you honestly trying to stay that GB literally FORGOT about Brohm because Rodgers panned out? Seriously? But they paid attention to the seventh round pick Flynn? "NO ONE, not even the GB Packers staff, really knows where he is at in his development." "In fact, our staff is about the only people who can really say for sure if the kid is progressing or not as they have seen him how he is now in practice." Oh, come on. Brohm spent 2 training camps in GB, and the coaches there got a first hand view of how the kid played in preseason. They know what plays were called, and they know he reacted during those plays. But only the Buffalo staff knows anything about him because of some OTA's? Let's see how he reacts when the pads are on, and they are hitting. Having him running around in shorts playing catch with the WR won't tell the staff a whole lot regarding his ability to play during a game. Yeah, the Bills were so confident with those 3 they contacted the Eagles about trading for McNabb. I like Brohm (at this point) because he is not Edwards or Fitzpatrick, but I think this is Brohm's last chance. Either he stands up and shows the Bills he CAN lead this team* forward, or I expect the Bills will be looking for a QB next off season. *Winning the QB battle will not cut it. He needs to play like a franchise QB.
  18. So what's the plan if a renter/buyer has a house fire?
  19. I got to admit, there is a whole lot of irony in his idea.
  20. This ain't team Jauron no more. 19-0, Baby!
  21. Here's the issue. There's is an investment banker. You're it. IMHO, I am with KD and DC on this. You have a good idea but you really need to put some thought into this. As KD stated, you can't ignore the time value of money. What you are putting into and what you are expecting out of it will be diminished over time. What was the interest rate he spouted: 8%? Eek. Dealing with the people you are expecting with to deal with, I would want something twice that.
  22. Isn't that the problem with today's real estate market?
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