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Everything posted by Cynical

  1. You got one thing right. Flutie coughing up the ball was par for the course ... One other thing. On Flutie's game losing fumble, he wasn't blind sided.
  2. Coulda, shoulda, woulda ... IF Flutie did not throw a pick ... IF Flutie did not fumble the ball (TWICE) ... Did Moulds and Reeds mistakes hurt the team? Yes. But I find it amazing how the mistakes of 2 (TWO) other players are needed to cover up and gloss over the multiple mistakes made by 1 (ONE) player.
  3. Yep. It's not like Flutie's 1 TD / 3 Turn Overs had anything to do with it. Kind of hard to score if he's giving the ball away.
  4. His followers are the same way. It's just not his fault. It cannot be.
  5. The only thing I saw out of Bell last year was why he was considered a "project". He still has a way to go.
  6. 18-1. The only loss being the last game of the regular season when we rest our starters. Brohm is going to grab the bull by the horns, and become the franchise QB we have all wanted. He'll throw for 3,500 yards, 30 TDs, and only 4 INTS (each one caused by Roscoe because he ran the wrong route on a timing pattern). Evans and Hardy will each have 1,000 yard seasons. (Steve who?) Evans will have 15 TDs, 7 of them will be across the middle running a slant pattern. Hardy will have 8. Spiller will lead the league in all purpose yards (running and receiving, ala Thomas) and will post another 20 TDs running, receiving, and returns. Lynch will earn the starting gig, crank out over 1,500 yards, and 10 TDs The defense will still be a work in progress, but since the offense will be so explosive, opposing teams will have to abandon their game plans, and start throwing to play catch up. This will make opposing offenses one dimensional, and thus easier to defend. Maybin will bust out, and post 18 sacks. The Wilson and Byrd safety combo will snag at least one INT per game. Donte will quit Twitter AGAIN, but nobody will know because everybody gave up reading his tweets. Buffalo Bills - Super Bowl Champions!
  7. Duuuuuuuuuuuuuudddddddddeeeeeeee .... Sssssswwwwwwwwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeettttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Not quite that vulgar, but Donte did say something along the lines of "there are 31 other teams to root for" a couple of years back.
  9. The media is only a small portion waiting for this to happen. Calculated? He's reckless and thinks he is untouchable. That's what happens when a coach comes from a dirty program and the NCAA seems nonchalant about enforcing "it's" rules. Oh yeah, he did a great job at Tenn. It only took him one year to start violating the recruiting regulations by pimping out those girls. I wonder how much money it will cost Tenn to make that problem go away. But there are those damn pictures, and this is the internet age ...
  10. The McKelvin issue was far more damaging than Donte closing his Twitter account. Donte closing his Twitter account is similar to a player refusing to speak to the media because they will not write nice things about him. Big freaking deal. I can't vouch for anybody else, but I will not be losing sleep over this.
  11. You got proof of this, or are you just spouting off? You do know that Elway got ripped by the media and the fans in Denver one year based on what he gave away for Halloween. But only Bills fans would be this idiotic.
  12. Oh Jesus. Like somehow only Bills fans are idiots and disrespectful towards players.
  13. If the NCAA wasn't a corrupt POS that seems more intent on dragging it's feet in regards to the investigation of USC ...
  14. Could you do elaborate a liitle more on why these "tree" jumped out at you? Are they lazy? Unmotivated? Trouble maker? Character issues?
  15. Thanks for the correction. He will be missed. Loved his time Sabbath. Heaven and Hell is one of those "must have" albums in your collection if your a big metal head.
  16. Are you talking about the site or the actual guy? The site's down, but he seems to be still alive, but not doing well. Linky
  17. Just wait. When Jauron gets another DC gig, the Tampa 2 will rear it's ugly head once again.
  18. Without question, Jauron was the worst coach this decade, and possibly even worse at player personnel decisions. The guy was handed the 2nd easiest schedule in the NFL in his third year as HC, and the fugging idiot could not even coach the team to a winning record.
  19. The problem with your argument is you assume the FO thinks the same way you do. For this draft, the Bills were only interested in one QB and 2 LT. And if they couldn't get one of those guys, they were not picking somebody else just for the sake of picking the position. Now, in relation to your scat back situation, it's in the realm of possibility that Nix/Gailey did not think the other two scat backs were worthy of being picked in the first round. Of course, the other concept in play is: why keep settling for second or third best players to fill a position, it's time we start looking for and acquiring the best players to fill a position.
  20. You might want to rethink that. I can't get you quarters, but I can get you halves- Saints: 1st half - 16 attempts for 89 yards, 5.6 yd. av. 2nd half - 22 attempts for 133 yards, 6.0 yd. av. Final - 38 attempts for 222 yards, 5.8 yd. av. Texans: 1st half - 13 attempts for 67 yards, 5.2 yd. av. 2nd half - 28 attempts for 115 yards, 4.1 yd. av. Final - 41 attempts for 182 yards, 4.4 yd. av. 5.6 and 5.2 averages. That's not "shut down", that's "come on through".
  21. In essence, there is no difference in running 3-4 as opposed to a 4-3 (Side note: the Tampa 2, like the 46, is just a variation of the 4-3). Both defensive formations have their positives and negatives, and it comes down to the HC having a personal preference for one or the other. And in all cases, you have to have the right personal to run it. For whatever reason, Jauron seemed to favor smaller, lighter players. It was almost like he was trying to create an 'opportunistic' defense, one that reacted quickly to offensive mistakes, and capitalize on them. The only assumption I made was Gailey needed to acquire the personal to run a 3-4, because we did not have the people to properly run it. Beyond that, I could care less if we run a 3-4 or a 4-3. Just give me one that's aggressive, and can create opportunities.
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