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Everything posted by Cynical

  1. Saw this story linked on another board: Story is located in the Texas section of rivals (a/k/a orangebloods.com) and dated June 3, 2010. Linky
  2. General observation. Some of the scouting reports I read were even more pessimistic. I try not to put too much emphasis on individual player highlight videos. I have yet to see one where they show the player being owned, being out of position, or showing the player's weaknesses. Coleman being an "inconsistent" player is not something new. That's a label that's plagued him for about 2-3(?) years. I do not even remember what SEC board I first read it. When I started paying attention to him, I notice he seemed to give up on plays. Seemed like he had a great game against Alabama? I have no idea what or how many Coleman highlight videos you have watched, but the video linked in this thread shows only 2 plays vs. Bama. And the QB sack, Coleman beat the Tide's LT, Carpenter, who was banged up, and playing with a leg injury. And the highlight video does not show the next 2 plays after the sack, where it seems he gave up on the plays. Here's a highlight video of the game itself, and more specifically, Bama's game winning drive. Linky There are numerous plays with Coleman in it. Watch the game winning drive especially. Right after his sack of Bama's QB, watch the next two plays. The second play after the sack, Coleman lines up on the left side of the D. Yes, that is him giving up rushing the passer once he realizes he is facing a double team. Never said he could not. Sam Mills(?) played for the Saints in the late 80's and early 90's, and he was only 5'9''. I was only responding to the question of why Coleman wasn't drafted. In my past experience, in trying to determine why a player like Coleman wasn't drafted or drafted late, watching their highlight videos never leads to a reasonable or logical answer.
  3. 6'2", 255 lbs., 4.85 s in the 40 Classic NFL level tweener. Not really big and strong enough to play DE and has borderline speed and quickness to be a pass rushing OLB. Seemed to give up on plays.
  4. Possibly. But after 3 years, I see very little out Trent that suggests he will get infinitely better.
  5. Even during his "flashes of brilliance", Trent has shown a propensity to check down and a stubborn refusal to attack the middle of the field with any consistency. And other than those "flashes", he got benched and was out played by the QB without the tools. Fitz may not be the prettiest, but at least he tried to make something happen. Can't say the same for Trent.
  6. CajunBillsBacker. He was a big time LSU. Used to enjoy his take on the SEC and LSU during football season.
  7. Unless he's just blowing smoke, he said he does not want to be traded. He either plays as a Bill, or he retires. IMO, I think he's done, and it's only a matter of time before he files the paper work. He has shown money is not an issue, and I think the longer he stays home, enjoying that kind of environment, the harder it will be to go back playing.
  8. Ok, technically it has not happened. Yet. But nothing so far has been "required". Even these practices are optional. Back in March, AS was scheduled to receive a $2M roster bonus. All he had to do is come to Buffalo and pass a physical. Schobel has yet to collect the bonus. In fact, he stated he was in no hurry to take the physical, and he was not stressing over the money. Eek. It seems money is no longer the big motivational factor it once was. Just wait. Once a required activity takes place, I think you will see Schobel declare his retirement.
  9. Curious why you feel this choice is interesting. QB spot is wide open, and Edwards has just as good a chance as anybody else. Not overly concerned here. Spiller is listed as RB, but his role will expand beyond being a RB. There is no "hybrid" player position. I find D. Bell as the starting LT to be interesting. Actually, I grimace at the mere thought. This would be shocking for those that believe Hardy is a bust, and that Johnson is somehow much better. Not overly shocking. Schobel retired, and Ellis had motivational problems coming out of college. Maybin by default. Ellison in the middle? Better pray Poz does not get hurt. Ellison will get eaten alive.
  10. I am just happy to see Trent get involved. He seems to be stepping up, and making the effort to be the guy. He must have gotten his balls back from his sister. Then again, this is just practice. Let's see what happens when they put the pads on and start hitting at full speed.
  11. But Jauron had a say in acquiring those players. Yeah, Vince would have struggled with that roster, but IMO, he would not build such a roster to begin with.
  12. Of course he's been following Bree's. That's what Edwards does best: follow. Now, leading .... It's hard to lead in the NFL ...
  13. Didn't you say the the TE/TO connection was going to be great? And that TO would be hard pressed to find fault with Edwards and his leadership? How did that work out? You might want to wait on the team putting on some pads and doing some hitting first. ... to be the best damn clipboard holder ever.
  14. Absolutely true. IIRC, Trent Edwards called Jauron the best NFL HC he's ever had (he made that statement pre Gailey).
  15. Your holier than thou passive aggressiveness has reached new heights. You remind of the type of person that will run around an office leaving sticky notes in attempt to shame others, and correct the "wrongs" of the workplace, even when the situation does not even concern you or has no bearing on you. Kind of like 'Joe' complaining about people taking the last cup of coffee and not making a new pot when 'Joe' doesn't even drink coffee. Good question to ask yourself while looking in the mirror. What kind of response did you get? So what? I know people that will give you the shirt of their back, their last one, if it helped you more than than it helped them. There it is. The trademark C.Biscuit97 "Ultimate insult". How does one respond ... You are right. My resume does not compare to Jauron's. I looked real hard, but I do not have a "Failed at" section on mine. Depends on what he was trying to accomplish, doesn't it? Being an NFL head coach? Yep, he's part of the select few. Being a successful NFL head coach? Nope, he's part of the majority. I got to admit, that one is rich. Were you looking in the mirror when you said that statement? Let me guess. I took the last cup of coffee again? Back at ya, Sparky!
  16. Ironically, Flutie "won" the starting QB position for the Bears playoff game back in '86 because he looked good in ONE game (the last game of the season). Karma can be a B word.
  17. Not. Even. Close. Kelly hated losing. If stepping on toes and hurting people's feelings is what it took to win, then so be it. And from the multiple closed door players only meetings during the SB years, I want to assume he was not the only one. Compare that with the past 4 years under douche bag Jauron. No heart, no passion, and no real desire to hold each other accountable.
  18. He was NOT asked to dissect the problems of the offense from a fans perspective, he was NOT asked to name anybody specifically, he was asked a simple question: Would you have booed the Bills if you were a paying customer? Here's the question and the quote: "Edwards, asked if he would have booed the Bills as a paying customer, said: "I'm not a Bills fan, I'm a football player here. I'm a Bills player, so I can't really answer that." Terrell Owens was asked the very same question after the very same game: "Receiver Terrell Owens, asked if he would have booed the Bills as a paying customer, said: "I'm pretty sure I would have. They deserve more." Linky How did Owens get it and Edwards did not? Darryl Talley twittered he was both a fan AND a player. How did Talley get it and Edwards did not? Christ, he would have been better off NOT answering the question.
  19. Kelly's "leadership" was not the main cause of the Bickering Bills. It was the perception of how Kelly was being treated and how Kelly viewed himself. Smerlas used to take shots at Kelly during post game interviews. Calling out Ballard was the straw that broke the camels back. Even after 1989, Kelly still called out players. He stopped doing it during post game interviews.
  20. As written by a LongHorn blogger: Burnt Orange Nation Gotta admit, guy makes a compelling case, especially point #8.
  21. Absolutely agree on both highlighted points. Dead on. This team needs a healthy dose of "Jimbo" mentality. If that's all we get when Trent stands up for himself, somebody, please, ship his ass back to California where he belongs. Losman had more fight than the kitty Trent.
  22. The article does not say "as a rookie". Gailey has stated he covets a water bug/hybrid type player. That's what he got in Spiller. Why do people insist on trying to make Spiller something more than what he is? It's comparable to people who keep insisting the Bills goal is to move Levitre to LT, despite the FO stating they like Levitre right where he's at, and that moving him to LT would leave 2 OL spots weakened instead of one.
  23. I don't get the whole Krispy Kreme thing. Other than their glazed donuts, I was never impressed with the rest of their choices.
  24. Do I really need to explain "blind side"? He may or may not have seen the guy, but he was not blind sided.
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