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Everything posted by Cynical

  1. I stand corrected. The article I read stated he needed to pass a physical to collect his bonus, nothing more. The article did not mention there were other requirements tied to the bonus. The article reinforced this position by stating the previous year, AS initially failed his physical, and that failure caused a delay in AS receiving the bonus.
  2. Seriously, you do not have a clue if you believe that article discusses all the facts pertaining to what happened from 1993 onward. It does not even come close. Do you know what Langham did to become ineligible? Do you know what steps the University took in attempt to verify Langham's eligibility? Bama's probationary period was scheduled to run out on 1997. Means graduated from HS in 1999. How did Bama get listed as repeat offenders, and get put into position of '"looking down a gun barrel" at the death penalty' if the probation period ended? (Hint: It didn't. The probation was extended in 1997.) Did you know the Tennessee HC Phil Fulmer was the NCAA secret witness that testified against Bama? How come the University of Kentucky got slapped with a one year bowl ban and 3 years of probation, yet Tennessee, UGA, Memphis, and Arkansas got nothing? (It was revealed that at least 3 coaching staffs were directly involved in trying acquire Means) How does a HC know who is and who is not involved from other schools?
  3. They rolled Toomer's corner after hearing about USC's sanctions. Barn fans are hoping the AP and BCS will award Auburn the championship retroactively. Oh, the irony if it did happen.
  4. When Bama got slapped with sanctions back in the early part of the decade, the NCAA admitted to violating it's own rules and regulations in regards to the investigation of Alabama and the student athlete involved. When Alabama appealed the decision citing said admission of rule and regulation violations, the NCAA appeals board (shockingly) said tough nuts. The NCAA wrote the rules, the NCAA interpreted the rules, and the NCAA chose to ignore their own rules. So, yes, that is "exactly how it happens." And if the NCAA truly gave a crap about the student-athletes, why are they only allowing juniors and seniors to transfer from USC (and out of the conference) without penalty? Why not remove all restrictions, and let all the student athletes impacted transfer without penalty?
  5. Here's kind of what I was looking for: And 14.8.2 Essentially, the sanctioned school can have it's student athlete's raided (excuse me, recruited) by other schools, but the student cannot transfer without penalty unless the NCAA deems it OK.
  6. Auburn University being one of them. That's why I always laugh when Barn fans complain about Bama cheating.
  7. I am trying to find it, but IIRC, since USC has been slapped with a postseason ban, the student athlete's can transfer without penalty (meaning, they will not have to sit out a year).
  8. Get a clue yourself. Feel free to explain how an organization that gets to write the rules, interpret the rules, and can choose to ignore it's own rules is NOT corrupt.
  9. NCAA?! Are you kidding me? Talk about corrupt, greedy, and incompetent. Besides, the NCAA has no authoritative control over the schools. As far as I am concerned, the big schools need to stand up and tell the NCAA to go !@#$ itself.
  10. Sorry, I thought it was pretty clear. By saying he's not coming back, and assuming he keeps his word (either he plays for Buffalo or does not play), he's attempting to force the Bills to make his retirement decision for him.
  11. Where does he come to that conclusion? Everything I have read says the opposite. Texas would have a huge say in how revenue gets dished out.
  12. Back in March, he was due a roster bonus. All he needs to do is show up, pass a physical, and collect $2 million. He has yet to do it, stating that he was not stressing about money. If he's not motivated to take a physical to collect an easy $2m ... IMO, I think the competitor in him wants to continue, but he realizes his heart is no longer into it. He wants the Bills to make the decision easier or for him. He has stated he does not want to play for another team. Assuming he has not changed his mind, if the Bills trade or release him, he would file his retirement papers.
  13. Strictly rumors (no source), but being talked about on a Bama board: Texas A&M split about going to the PAC-16. Some want to continue the close ties to Texas, while others want out, citing the move to the PAC does nothing to help them, as the new revenue deal for the PAC would still favor Texas and others. Apparently, it has been confirmed (again, based on a rumor on a Internet message board, fwiw) that the SEC has contacted Texas A&M about joining the conference, and there is some serious interest.
  14. Linky 2 year post season ban plus a loss of 20+ scholarships. No word on Bush being retroactively ineligible, yet.
  15. Where's the Mass Air Flow sensor located? On the air filter housing or the throttle body/intake manifold? If it's on the air filter housing, check the large rubber hose between the sensor and the throttle body for cracks and/or leaks.
  16. Are you sure? I am not overly familiar with Dodges, but starting in 1996, all cars had to be OBD (On-Board Diagnostic) -2 complaint. In English, codes were standardized across the manufacturers. The end result was all manufacturers have to use the same 5 digit codes.
  17. He'd make a perfect politician.
  18. Saw this story linked on another board: Story is located in the Texas section of rivals (a/k/a orangebloods.com) and dated June 3, 2010. Linky
  19. General observation. Some of the scouting reports I read were even more pessimistic. I try not to put too much emphasis on individual player highlight videos. I have yet to see one where they show the player being owned, being out of position, or showing the player's weaknesses. Coleman being an "inconsistent" player is not something new. That's a label that's plagued him for about 2-3(?) years. I do not even remember what SEC board I first read it. When I started paying attention to him, I notice he seemed to give up on plays. Seemed like he had a great game against Alabama? I have no idea what or how many Coleman highlight videos you have watched, but the video linked in this thread shows only 2 plays vs. Bama. And the QB sack, Coleman beat the Tide's LT, Carpenter, who was banged up, and playing with a leg injury. And the highlight video does not show the next 2 plays after the sack, where it seems he gave up on the plays. Here's a highlight video of the game itself, and more specifically, Bama's game winning drive. Linky There are numerous plays with Coleman in it. Watch the game winning drive especially. Right after his sack of Bama's QB, watch the next two plays. The second play after the sack, Coleman lines up on the left side of the D. Yes, that is him giving up rushing the passer once he realizes he is facing a double team. Never said he could not. Sam Mills(?) played for the Saints in the late 80's and early 90's, and he was only 5'9''. I was only responding to the question of why Coleman wasn't drafted. In my past experience, in trying to determine why a player like Coleman wasn't drafted or drafted late, watching their highlight videos never leads to a reasonable or logical answer.
  20. 6'2", 255 lbs., 4.85 s in the 40 Classic NFL level tweener. Not really big and strong enough to play DE and has borderline speed and quickness to be a pass rushing OLB. Seemed to give up on plays.
  21. Possibly. But after 3 years, I see very little out Trent that suggests he will get infinitely better.
  22. Even during his "flashes of brilliance", Trent has shown a propensity to check down and a stubborn refusal to attack the middle of the field with any consistency. And other than those "flashes", he got benched and was out played by the QB without the tools. Fitz may not be the prettiest, but at least he tried to make something happen. Can't say the same for Trent.
  23. CajunBillsBacker. He was a big time LSU. Used to enjoy his take on the SEC and LSU during football season.
  24. Unless he's just blowing smoke, he said he does not want to be traded. He either plays as a Bill, or he retires. IMO, I think he's done, and it's only a matter of time before he files the paper work. He has shown money is not an issue, and I think the longer he stays home, enjoying that kind of environment, the harder it will be to go back playing.
  25. Ok, technically it has not happened. Yet. But nothing so far has been "required". Even these practices are optional. Back in March, AS was scheduled to receive a $2M roster bonus. All he had to do is come to Buffalo and pass a physical. Schobel has yet to collect the bonus. In fact, he stated he was in no hurry to take the physical, and he was not stressing over the money. Eek. It seems money is no longer the big motivational factor it once was. Just wait. Once a required activity takes place, I think you will see Schobel declare his retirement.
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