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Everything posted by Cynical

  1. While I get what you are saying, technically, GB did let Brohm go. At least twice. In order to qualify for the practice squad, the player has to be waived. Even when Buffalo claimed Brohm off GB's PS, if GB was really interested in keeping Brohm, they would have upped the Bills offer. IMHO, I think GB matched the Bills offer hoping Brohm would stay so they could move him in the off-season.
  2. Sorry, there really is a reason you do not see a slew of undersized NT in the league. Kelly Gregg is such a fine nose in Baltimore, the Ravens drafted Cody. And can we stop with the Kyle Williams - Jay Ratliff comparisons? One, ONE undersized NT that is playing well does not mean Kyle will be the same or better. Ratliff is the exception, not the standard. The Bills run defense last year ranked 30th in the league, and gave up 4.7 yards a crack. That's with Kyle Williams. I like Kyle Williams. But if he's the starting NT, expect more of the same.
  3. Already some discrepancies in the "new" BigXII-2: http://www.columbiatribune.com/news/2010/j...ons/?tigerextra Seems Beebe might have been promising money to UT, TAMU, and OU behind the other schools backs.
  4. We will continue to agree to disagree. I still say Jauron is/was one of the worst head coaches in the NFL. One winning season out of 8-9 seasons tends to support that theory. Feel free to continue to offer his COTY award as "proof" of whatever, but I will remind you both Wayne Fontes and Dennis Green were awarded the same thing at one point. Besides, Jauron winning the COTY is akin to Gino Torretta winning the Heisman. The part in bold is one of the few positives you can say about a Jauron team. As for the game plan for Dallas, the defense had one, did the offense? And that still does not mean he knew how to adapt as the game progressed and changed. Revis blitzed Edwards 29-30 straight times during one game, and the only reason he stopped was due to Edwards injury. How many times does it take a CB to blitz before somebody says, "Hey! Can we do something about this guy?" 1. The biggest mistake was the Bears giving Jauron the HC job to begin with. That gave him the false illusion he was capable of doing the job. I've said it all long. Jauron's problems were systemic. His approach to and philosophy of the game and team were flawed. It would not have mattered who he brought in as OC. It was Jauron's team, Jauron's philosophy, and Jauron's system. Either the OC did what Jauron wanted, or the OC would never got hired. Or in Turk's case, once he decided he was no longer going to conform his offense to what Jauron wanted, he was fired. 2. I think it was pretty obvious Jauron had way too much input into personnel. The amount of resources spent on DB acquisition and evaluation while he was in Buffalo was similar to the time he was in Chicago. See #1 above. That is a debatable issue, no doubt, But when the HC has significant say in or is part of the FO, it's a moot point. You cannot differentiate the positions he controls. You cannot claim he had no talent to work with when he is responsible for the talent that is there.
  5. Unfortunately, every fan of every NFL team (and probably every college team) can say the same thing. In fact, I have heard the same argument regarding the Bill's D over the years as far back as I can remember even when the Bills were good. I heard it during the Bills glory years, and when Wade and Greggo produced the best defenses in the league. Every team uses the prevent at some point, much to the chagrin of the fans.
  6. Never said that. But the article never states how the same defense picked off Romo 5 times with 2 going for TDs, and the special teams scoring 1 TD and 1 FG. Hell, the reason the Bills were even in position to win the game was due to the defense and special teams. After the game, Romo stated the Bills defense was doing things he never saw before, and it confused him. That's why he threw 5 picks. As for not recovering the onside kick, is that the fault of the special teams coach or the fault of the players on the field? I don't have a problem with questioning the competency of the coaching under Jauron. Hell, I was one of the most vocal Jauron critics on this board. But every close loss was not due to poor coaching, as Real Football 365 is implying. Robert Royal's failure to get his foot in bounds is a coaching fault? I would be willing to bet if we watched that game we could find clear and better examples of coaching gaffes, but Royal's foot is not one of them.
  7. Real football 365? Might as well read and believe the Bleacher Report. This says it all: Just thinking out loud, but if the Bills offense had actually bothered to do something, like score ...
  8. Biggest problem is still the boosters and/or alumni. Schools can crack down and self report violations all day long, but boosters with deep pockets will continue to find ways to "help" aspiring student-athletes achieve their dreams. Like this guy from USC. USC did not cheat. They just broke the rules. Linky
  9. Lovely. So if the fatter TV contracts do NOT materialize, expect Texas to upset the apple cart once again. I bet Aggie fans are just thrilled with this bit of news.
  10. This is weird. No matter which QB a poster prefers, everybody pretty much agrees with this statement (highlighted in bold, above). What I do not understand is the logic of how Fitz is going to be cut based on that perception. The other 3 QB's have serious question marks surrounding them. So you cut your only known commodity? Of the 4 QBs, at this point in time, only Fitz has a legitimate shot to make the team. He might not be the starter, but he would make it as back up. To me, as of right now, Fitz sets the base level of QB play. The other 3 need to look at Fitz and go "I need to be at least as good as him, with the real potential of being better, otherwise, I am getting cut."
  11. Nobody. If he's really serious about his kid playing in a BCS conference, they would be better off if the son reconsidered the school he's playing for. Let's be honest, Memphis isn't scaring anybody in football.
  12. Right now, there are only 3 schools NOT getting hosed: Texas, Colorado, and Nebraska And hopefully Texas A&M.
  13. And just go ahead and rename the conference to the SouthWest Conference.
  14. The only way TT (the school) moves into the SEC is over TT's dead body (the second TT being Tommy Tuberville).
  15. You're slow. I already posted this on the college section this morning. In other news, the Texas Gov't (the Higher Education Committee) is looking to meet on Wednesday to discuss any school movement. IMHO, that pretty much means the Aggies will be "encouraged" to reconsider any move towards the SEC now that UT, TT, OU, and OSU will be staying put. Shame. I was beginning to warm up to the idea of the Aggies playing in the SEC, and stop being the second fiddle in Texas behind UT. Texas A&M and Alabama share a history, and Arkansas could renew it's rivalry with TAMU (from the old SWC days)
  16. Already being discussed. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/index.php?showtopic=114622
  17. Rumor and speculation is Stallings is the driving force behind TAMU splitting from Texas. Personally, I think this cannot be overlooked. If you have a HS recruit with aspirations of playing in the NFL one day, pitching the concept of TV exposure might have an influence. Which would you rather play: 3:30PM EST on CBS, or 10PM EST on ESPN? Not just TV, but even recruiting. More SEC exposure in Texas leads to more opportunities to recruit the talent out of there. I imagine Arkansas and LSU will benefit greatly with having an SEC foothold in Texas. And IMHO, I think an SEC foothold scares the heck out of Texas, or they would not have threatened TAMU with ending a long standing rivalry if TAMU joined the SEC. GT doesn't stand a chance of ever returning to the SEC. The official SEC stance (for right now) is they have no interest in any ACC program. I think they are waiting to see what happens with the Big-12 (and the Aggies in particular) before they consider what to do next. Even though the Texas legislature may be a non-factor in what UTexas does, it may influence what the Aggies and/or SEC can do. I can see the Texas gov't. in trying to strong arm the SEC in taking another Texas program (Baylor perhaps, as they seem desperate at being left out), or convincing TAMU to "reconsider" it's position on separating from UT if the SEC balks at taking another Tex school.
  18. Joe Schad from ESPN now saying Texas, Texas Tech, OU, and OSU departure to PAC-10 is imminent. He's further stating the Texas Higher Education meeting on Wednesday will be a non-factor. http://sports.espn.go.com/ncf/news/story?id=5284375
  19. It also seems the Texas gov't ready to get involved. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2010/writ...pansion.sunday/ And this quote comes across as rather ominous: And this one: If the locals do not like what is going on, pressure the gov't to arm twist the universities back inline.
  20. Interesting new twist: http://texas.rivals.com/content.asp?CID=1094038 It appears the Big-12 commissioner was able to devise a last minute plan to keep the remaining 10 teams together. The new lynch pin to this plan: Texas A&M Wow. The Aggies grew a set of nuts after all. If I read the article correctly, it seems the Aggies were ready to sever their ties with Texas. However, if the new Big-12(10?) plan is legit, I doubt TAM will leave. But, assuming somehow the Aggies say screw it, we're joining the SEC, the SEC will have to add another team to balance it out. At this point, I couldn't even begin to think who the SEC might consider.
  21. Right now, the only 2 teams that I know of that have been contacted by the SEC are Oklahoma and Texas A&M. OU flipped flopped for a little while, but now it seems it has firmly attached it's little Sooner wagon to Texas. TAM appears to be split on all levels and in different directions. Some want to follow Texas if they leave, while others have had enough of being Texas little brother. There are Aggie fans crawling the Bama boards saying if Texas leaves, they would prefer staying in the Big-12(?), picking up the pieces, invite some new teams, and move forward (if possible). If not, they are all in favor of joining the SEC. As for your suggestion, I doubt GT would ever return to the SEC (Georgia Tech was one of the original schools that founded the SEC). Word is, both UGA and Auburn have no desire in seeing GT return to the SEC. FSU and Clemson generally do get some love from Bama fans in regards to joining. IIRC, the last time the SEC expanded, Florida pushed the SEC to invite FSU. As for Miami, I see very little advocating for them. Personally, I tend to favor FSU and/or VaTech. Quite frankly, I can handle an expansion to 14 teams, but I am no fan of a 16 team conference.
  22. 'Dat right thar wuz a moral victory fur Awbarn'. 'Dem tiggers done scarred the bajeebers out of the Tide!' Wahr Iggle!
  23. To Auburn University folks, getting TP'd is a good thing. I can only imagine what it means if somebody craps on your lawn.
  24. WTF? You think he's worried about fan backlash? Hell, you're proof the "silent strategy" has already failed. And Peters was so "hurt" by fan backlash, he's one of the highest paid LT in the league.
  25. And he also said: "But I don't even know if I'd play in Houston at this point. I really wanted to finish my career in Buffalo." If he's bucking for a trade, he's not making it easier for it to happen with comments like that. If you were Houston, would you trade for a player who publicly stated he's not sure he would play for you?
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