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Everything posted by Cynical

  1. To clarify, I have no idea if he would have been good, great, or lousy. I just think making a definitive judgment based on 1-2 games is laughable.
  2. Not even close. Ole Miss is like the Wisconsin/Minnesota of the SEC. They produce a winner every now and then, and that's about it.
  3. Pardon me, but how many games did Butler play @ RT? And you know for a fact he was a "great" tackle based on such a small sample size? This board kills me.
  4. Oh goody. Yet another "We need to come up with a cheesy nickname for ________" thread. We must hurry. Nobody will know who Spiller, Lynch, Jackson, and possibly Bell are until we come up with some name to call them.
  5. And, if they end up being unfortunately right, do you plan on posting the same quotes to their sites and praising their analysis? God forbid, they have an opinion that differs from yours. I love the fact Chan is trying his best to install a winning attitude, and he will not tolerate any BS. But until that translates into wins on the field, the Bills have 10 years of 'suckitude' dogging them. Respect is "earned", not given. And in the NFL, the teams earn it by winning.
  6. I don't agree that 16 team conferences need to happen or are the way to go from a football perspective. I think it's too big. As for how long it will take to get there, you do realize the Big East is a 16 (17 if you count the associate member) team conference already? 11 of those teams play FB, 8 play in the Big East, 2 play at a lower level, and 1 plays as an independent. I don't think you will see this change unless the conference is forced to. If anything will happen, IMHO, it will happen in about 5 years. That's how long I think the Big XII-2 will last until it implodes. Texas, Texas A&M, and OU are the only teams that made out. Nebraska has already stated they are not going to pay the exit fees (claiming since Texas started the nonsense, Nebraska cannot be held responsible for leaving the conference). The rest of the smaller schools are beginning to realize they just got effed over.
  7. If you include the playoffs, then Dallas went 3-2 vs the Cardinals during 98-99. The Cowboys won both regular season match ups, but unfortunately, lost their playoff game against the Cards. Not a really a knock against Chan. Expecting a first year HC to beat the same team 3 times in one season is a tall order.
  8. If you got the time and desire, than it would definitely be something I would look forward to!
  9. Hear frigging hear!! Word. Agreed. +1,000,000 Absolutely this. :thumbsup:
  10. This is not entirely correct. One of the reasons Jauron promoted Turk to OC after Fairchild left was to promote continuity. From 2007 to 2009, Edwards may have had 3 different OC's, but he ran the same base offense with the same signal calls. IIRC, there was even an article back in early 2008 where Turk states he kept the same calls as Fairchild to minimize any "new" material the offense would have to learn. Given the time line of events prior to the 2009 season, there was absolutely no way AVP had the time to rewrite the calls.
  11. How about Spiller, Lynch, and Jackson? or Jackson, Lynch, and Spiller? or Lynch, Spiller, and Jackson? Crazy right?
  12. Who gives a crap what the media does and does not report? Does media coverage impact the actual won/loss records? Personally, I would rather go 14-2 with little to no media coverage than go 7-9 with the media and analysts dissecting what went wrong.
  13. Thing looks like a practice target you buy from a sporting goods store.
  14. Actually, he does. IIRC, he was the "Lightning" in Clemson's "Thunder and Lightning" backfield (James Davis being "Thunder").
  15. Can you say CON-TI-NU-I-TY? Remember when that buzzword was going to save the franchise?
  16. Agreed. The guy has yet to play an NFL season, and people are desperate to hang a nickname on the guy. I got one: Nunn as in, nick name not needed.
  17. Hear, hear Or for those that have no clue what I just wrote: +1 This
  18. Except the 'instability' Trent has suffered during his pro career is somewhat overblown. Yes, Trent had 3 OC during Jauron's tenure. What's missing from the article (and this discussion) is the fact Trent was running the same base offense during those 3 years. How soon we forget when Fairchild left and the Turk was promoted, it was done with the concept of continuity in mind. IIRC, there was an article where Turk said he was using the same exact signal calls as Fairchild did in order to keep continuity, and to reduce the amount of "new" material the offense had to learn.
  19. Been hearing that phrase now for 25+ years. I started hearing it during the Air Coryell years. I heard it again when the West Coast offense came rolling out. Heard it again when teams started running the Run 'N Shoot offense. Run, stop the run. One of the basics of football.
  20. Bad case of Jauronism. I get the Wood to center, and then Hangartner to G or back up. But why Levitre to RG? He plays LG just fine. Leave him alone.
  21. Am I not dismissing what Brown MIGHT due, what I am dismissing is the posters insistence the Bills need to find out NOW, and have their decision based on a rookie offseason, and 1 (ONE) preseaon game. Even Warner took a few years to develop.
  22. Ah, yes, the infamous "Alabama's championship claims debunked" story. Originally written by an Auburn fan. Imagine that. Full of errors, and hypocrisy, as usual. Typical of a Barner. Let's start with: "The NCAA recognizes 6 NCs for Bama" Actually, the NCCA recognizes 17 for Alabama. Linky The author of the article: Complains about Bama claiming NC during the time NC were awarded before bowl games were played (like somehow only Bama does this) Complains about Bama claiming retroactive NC And no Auburn site recognizes 4 Auburn NC According to the 2010 Auburn Football Media guide, the schools claims 1 NC (1957), acknowledges receiving NC awards in 1913, 1983, and 2004. Oh, the horror for Auburn fans. 1913 was retroactive, and 1957 was during the time NC were awarded before bowl games were played. Good thing for Auburn, as the school was ineligible for bowl play due to being on SEC probation for playing players! In 2004, while the school does not claim the NC title, AU did buy 2004 People Choice Award NC rings! Linky Even funnier, the above blog was written by a Barner, and what does he advocate? Retroactive awarding AU the NC title! The real kicker, War Eagle Atlanta claims: "... three if you include the People's Championship, which was evidently created at the last minute by some sympathetic Alabama fans." No it wasn't. It was created by an Auburn fan! "Anyway, you guys may remember last year's People's National Championship that kid from Opelika, AL started last year. It was little more than a lark by an Auburn fan ..." Linky Barners: some of the funniest and most delusional college football fans
  23. Then wouldn't that be: I = suck? I can say for certain I != suck.
  24. Just to clarify: Our Oline is crap. You sense none of this year's QB will grab the the job because defenses will comprise the QB's ability to execute a play. And to solve this problem, you are implying we should be looking at drafting a QB next off season. The question that begs to be asked: How does drafting a QB next year fix the OL problem?
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