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Everything posted by Cynical

  1. The bold part says it all. This is Trent's 4th year, and you are still not sure? And you dare to question others football knowledge? That's a hoot. If it walks like a Trent apologist and talks like a Trent apologist ... You're too busy looking for excuses for Trent, you seem to fail to see the big picture. If Miami playing all 11 guys no more than 5 yards off the LOS wasn't a big !@#$ing clue, then you will never be convinced. Here's something funny. 3/5's of the Bills starting OL (4/6's if count Meredith) have been in the NFL LESS than Trentative Backwards. Based on that time frame, you know without question, the OL sucks, but with Edwards, you're still not sure. Instead of worrying about the magical mystical great OL Trent HAS to have so he can be "properly evaluated", how about the Bills play another QB so they can determine just how bad the OL really is? Or are you afraid Backwards will get outplayed by a career backup (AGAIN), or worse, that PS reject from another team?
  2. That wasn't the reason, that was the match that lit the fuse. Kelly's ego, and his "my sh*t don't stink, and you can't touch me" attitude had more to do with the bickering than anything else. Even prior to 89, Smerlas used to take subtle shots at Kelly during interviews.
  3. Ok. I admit it. I went overboard. I don't follow BB and I don't live in LA, so I have no idea who Mychal was/is. Another lesson learned.
  4. That Mychal person sounds like an ****. Confront Joe pa and rub it in? Despite what people might think of him now, Joe Paterno is one of the undisputed greats in college ball. Sounds like Joe Pa probably s**ts more class than Mychal possesses.
  5. If the Bills went with such a plan, I have a perfect nickname for the Bills RB trio: Three Horsemen of Boulder Dam http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zl18gyFmDAQ
  6. The Wildcat is nothing more than the single wing option. Been around for decades. And what you are proposing is not "new". It's old, about 80-90 years old. Back then, there was little to no passing what so ever. Excellent! Can't wait for the reappearance of the Wishbone!
  7. You did not see a difference, so I gave you an example. It's obvious you will not be convinced. I delivered a message. And if I were hazard to take a guess, it's message you don't want to hear.
  8. You want to know what the difference is? Compare this: "That's going to happen, that's the NFL." -Trent Edwards To this: "... and there’s no excuse for that." - Mark Sanchez People like to brush off those kinds of comments as being meaningless and have no bearing on the bigger picture. bull ****. They could not be more wrong. Those kind of small off the cuff comments are closest thing you will see/hear that give an insight on a player's mental make up. Both QB's said the their own team made mistakes and it cost them. One essentially says "Oh well, **** happens". He's trying to absolve themselves from blame. The other one is essentially saying "**** happened because of us". He's accepting blame. One phrase. Huge difference in attitude.
  9. Prior to the regular season, Nix/Gailey were pointing the finger of blame at the previous regime. Now that the season has started, that finger is finding new targets. Both Nix and Gailey acknowledged that Trent failed. JMO, I do believe 'Trentative' is now working under a microscope.
  10. Correct. And for all the griping about Gailey and his "alleged" failure, here's what Gailey had to say (found in the D&C article link the OP posted): And if you listened to Nix's Monday morning press conference, he acknowledges Trent became gun shy. Trent did what he does best. He looked good in practice, and fooled the coaching staff into believing he was "the guy". IMHO, this game put the coaching staff microscope squarely on him. They will not be fooled by 'practice Trent' again. If he fails to improve in the next few games, I expect Trent to be benched.
  11. We'll agree to disagree. Probably not. But at this point, I am so sick of "Will Not", "Probably Not" is a much better option.
  12. Exactly. So why are we still trying keep Edwards in there? We already know that Fitz has a ceiling, and that ceiling is slightly higher than Edward's. Since the OL is not suddenly going to fix itself, why not play the guy that gets a little more production out of the O?
  13. That's still better TD production than Edwards did last year and Edwards career production.
  14. As somewhat of a comparison: Alabama vs. Penn State: home and home series - Visitor is guaranteed $200K and 5300 tickets Alabama is getting $200K and 6200 tickets to play @ Duke on the 18th GA State is getting $435K to play @ Tuscaloosa
  15. Yes, even on an Internet site: free, paid, or otherwise.
  16. To expand on this: It's one thing for an injury to happen during the normal course of the game, and to realize, because of that injury, there is now an opportunity. It's quite another wishing and hoping for that injury to happen. As somebody pointed out in this thread, while you, Barker, are actively rooting for somebody to purposely hurt Brady (just so your team has a better chance to win a game), there is some idiot out there who is hoping and praying Spiller's knee gets wrecked for life (so his team will always have a better chance to win a game)
  17. So it's not possible they could be wrong and that's it? Why is it allowed to end there for you, but not for them? Nobody says you have to like it. I disagree with their opinions myself. They expressed their opinion, you express yours. Again, why does it have to be more than that? Ah, now I get it. They get PAID to express their opinion, and you don't. I'm guessing the money they got paid with came from you? No? What about the fans of the teams that fail to meet the expectations of these "experts"? Should they also be ready to condemn the experts? Wrong is wrong. Should be no different just because they over estimated the expectations of a team. I'm not surprised. You too busy on your quest of holding those accountable who disagree with your opinion to get it.
  18. Or is it due to the Hot being sold old out?
  19. The team has not even played its first regular season game. Why bother about COTY? I can remember back in 2008, after the Bills started 4-0, the fans running around yammering about how Jauron should win his 2nd COTY award. How did that work out? Let's stop worrying about what kind of nicknames we need to come up, and what kind of awards and accolades the team should/might get. The season is about to start. Let's enjoy the season for what it is. I fully expect this team to do better than a lot people are predicting. Everything else will take care of it self in time.
  20. Accountability is a funny thing. Sometimes it works in your favor, and sometimes it works against you. If the "experts" are more right than wrong, do you still plan to revisit this thread? If you have the right to hold the "experts" accountable for being wrong, they have the right to say "I told you so" when they are right. Can everybody who is contributing to this thread handle being told "I told you so" if the Bills do reach such a bad record? Or do you plan on disappearing, changing screen names, etc...? And we wonder why people get frustrated and leave.
  21. This sounds like a Jauron apologist all over again. They were quite happy having the cool/collected Jauron and were glad the Bills did not have that spitter/drooler Cowher. Until proven otherwise, Gailey is not quite the HC Shanahan was/is. Gailey has the opportunity to change that assessment starting in a few days. I'm looking forward to the season. We may not make the playoffs, but I believe the Bills will shock 1-2 teams, and scare the sh*t out of a few others.
  22. Whats next? A play from last years Cleveland Browns game?
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