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Everything posted by Cynical

  1. Some of the scores during his time at TT sure looked that way Come on, WEO, you know damn well Leach won the co-divisional championship one year.
  2. Excuse me while I LMAO. Their football program has been nabbed 6-7 times by the NCAA for major infractions The schools one national title claim is clouded by the fact Auburn was serving a post season suspension - for paying players Pat Dye, who is held in high regard by Auburn and their faithful, was forced out of his position because his coaching staff was caught on tape arranging payment to players and for promoting racism even as late as the early 90's. When the 2004 team failed to make the BCS national championship game, Auburn fans created their own National Champion Award, and called it the People's National Champion. Despite not "officially" claiming or recognizing the People's National Championship, the school did go out and buy rings for the team, celebrating said "national championship". About 5-6 years ago, the school had to serve a 1 year accreditation probation. About 2-3 years ago, Auburn was exposed for grade fixing student athlete's school records. And the fans toilet paper the town when the Tiger's win a game. Cheating, racism, and vandalism = Auburn tradition and class
  3. IMHO, Jauron would be lucky to even get a gig as a DC. His day's of being a HC are over (at least in the NFL). 1 winning season out of 8-9 years across 2 different teams puts a mighty big red flag on the HC resume. Greggo might get another shot, but the word is he is hard to deal with. If true, if he can learn to temper his attitude then I can see him getting another shot.
  4. What? You mean he would be willing to forgo being the next head coach of the University of Miami to coach Pitt? Oh, that's right. UM said they would not hire Leach. So I guess Leach would be available to coach the Panthers.
  5. Most recent: 2009 vs. Jets. 4th quarter, Bills - Jets are tied, Bills get the ball at the Jets 49 yard line, just under 4 minutes to play and 2 TO remaining. Second play of the drive I realized douche bag Jauron was playing for the field goal. I came unglued. Almost 4 minutes, 2 time outs, and the 2 min warning to drive exactly 21 yards to get into FG range. Lindell missed a 46 yarder. Luckily, the Bills won in OT. I absolutely despised Jauron and his gutless cowardly "it's hard to win in the NFL" coaching style.
  6. Ironic. It's not just a song ...
  7. The U has already talked to Gruden, and according to this piece: Linky Miami university's short list includes: Miss State Dan Mullen Stanford Jim Harbaugh UConn Randy Edsall Zona's Mike Stoop Utah Kyle Whittingham Hmmm. Don't see Leach's name anywhere on that list. In fact: You keep dreaming, Senator. But the U isn't the only school that needs a HC. Maybe another school will give him a call: Maybe not. Of course, Leach thinks his firing is causing the issue: Couldn't be the lawsuits ...
  8. First, the NCAA has nothing to do with the BCS. If anything, the NCAA would like to eliminate the BCS. In that sense, the NCAA could care less who plays in or wins the BCS championship game. My guess is, Auburn pressured the NCAA into making a decision. Far easier to to say yes now, and make Auburn vacate wins later as compared to saying no now, and finding out Cam was clean. There would be lawsuits 'aplenty' under the second scenario.
  9. KW I know, really "radical". Here's a concept - why worry about it. Let fate take it's course. IMHO, fate has the great ability to present a situation that creates a phrase/nickname associated with a player far better than a bunch of fans sitting around could ever hope for. Case in point: Who so serious? Anybody see that one coming? Did that one come about from a bunch of fans sitting around going "You know what? Steve Johnson needs a nickname or catchphrase. Who has an idea?"
  10. Excellent news! Hope they continue with their winning ways. Personally, would love to see an Oregon/TCU match up for the BCS big game. !@#$ 'AwBarn'. Damn stupid hicks.
  11. Shannon's coaching record is irrelevant. The fact Ms. Shalala is still the university president and Leach's reference insulted her is going to be very relevant. Combine that with the baggage from the lawsuits ... looks like he's got a better chance of "coaching" the U from his armchair than he does coaching the team from the sidelines. Plus this, from Liggett (in his response to the TT lawyer): "Every day that Mike is out of work ... raises the damages model." Until the case is settled between ML and TT, Leach isn't taking a coaching job anytime soon. 1. Never put too much stock into "sources" with a "vested interest". Unless that "source" with a "vested interest" came from within the University, the "source" knows squat. Sources with a vested interest in Alabama stated Spurrier was near the top of its wish list 4 years ago after Shula was fired. Turns out, Spurrier was never contacted by Alabama, was never on it's wish list to begin with, and the "source" with a "vested interest" was Spurrier and his agent. They used the rumor to squeeze more money out of USC. 2. Yes, even Leach has something to gain by having his name associated with every college HC opening, even with one he has no shot at. It's called "remaining relevant". He's been out of coaching for a year, and he's embroiled in multiple lawsuits. If he wants a shot at a top tier program once the lawsuits have settled, he needs to keep his name out there, and continue the perception he is still in demand. That's quite easy to do, in fact. Anytime an opening pops up, have friends, family, agent, lawyer, etc ... talk to the media, and use phrases like "Leach was mentioned for the Minnesota position". Of course, it is never revealed who "mentioned" it (probably his agent). And what gives the rumor some credence, most schools will not comment on such rumors. That's because it actually works in their favor. While the media chases the "speculation" rabbit, the university can contact those it really is interested in without the media looking over its shoulder. My guess is he is one of the "sources" with a "vested interest" helping to spread the rumor (See #2 above). Besides, unless JJ is on the school board or is a major donor to the university, I am willing to bet the U could give a crap what JJ thinks.
  12. No, it's not obvious they think their position has weakened. For all you know, TT may have concluded it will be cheaper to settle the case out of court than it will be defending the case in court. McBride couldn't wait to go to trial either. 100% sure they would win. They had the proof. Millions of lines of code. The only difference I see at present is that McBride completely underestimated IBM, and TT is no IBM. Nothing in that statement that contradicts or reverses TT's position from 4 months ago. If anything, TT sounds more pragmatic about this issue. If TT can settle for less than it will cost them to defend themselves in court, they're going to try to settle. Bottom line, how much money is it going to take for Leach to end this charade and go away?
  13. Anti-Fitzpatrick crusade noted and laughed at. Do you and billsfreek share notes per chance? Here is the only thing you need to know about that pass, which you even admitted: Was it catchable? Yes. Why are you even discussing this?
  14. And IIRC, early on, McBride never stated he was willing to settle either. He was "convinced" he was going to win. Even filed numerous lawsuits in attempt to prove his position, and protect his company's interest.
  15. Taken from the article you linked to: So, 4 years ago, the U told Leach to take a hike, and now you're convinced he'll be the new HC despite the lawsuits. You're writing this for The Onion, aren't you? Leach already has a rep for being hard to deal with, and he's presently suing his ex-employer. Until the lawsuits are over and done with, no major school will touch him with a ten foot pole.
  16. Too busy tweeting/twittering, whatever the heck it's called ...
  17. Leech reminds me of McBride of the SCO Group vs. IBM. Lots of bluster and bluffing, lawsuits all around, and in the end, no real evidence.
  18. First of all, the NCAA has absolutely no say in regards to post season DIV 1A football. The Bowls have existed for years/decades before the NCAA came into being. Secondly, the NCAA would absolutely love to be able to get their hands on Div 1A posts season college football. The NCAA was the driving force behind getting the US govt (Congress) to investigate the BCS and college football. IMHO, the god damn NCAA need to keep their fingers off Div 1A football post season play, and for that matter, should be removed from controlling any post season play in any sport at any level. Actually, most big school football programs generate excess cash for the school. It is that excess cash that is used to help fund other programs. No it would not. There are 11 conferences in Div 1A football, plus a handful of independents. No matter how you slice and dice it, 11+ does not divide by 2 cleanly. As long as humans still control some aspect of the selection process, there will always be issues and controversies. Wow. Okay, so the guy is under-HYPED. How does that translate into being under-RATED, especially when it was already pointed out, the QB is a Heisman candidate? And why does the #4 and #3 seeds have "legitimate claim" on the national championship, but #5 and below do not?
  19. Interesting. Didn't realize BSU wanted a home - home series, especially when they have stated, in public, they are willing to travel to opponents field to play a single game, but they can't do that, because "nobody will schedule them". Since you brought up Nebraska, Nebraska was willing to do a home-home series (1-1 as you call it), but BSU's refusal to compromise on their $1M demand to play a game away from their home field essentially killed any deal Nebraska tried to put forth. BSU supporters need to realize BSU is going to struggle to find big schools willing to play them at BSU. And no, it's not because other schools are afraid of them, it has to do with another problem. More precisely, 35,000 smaller problems. 35,000 - that's the size of the stadium at BSU. When the big schools agree to do an out of conference game, one of the major sticking points are tickets for the fan base. Alabama was paid $200K to travel to Duke, but they also received 6200 tickets. Alabama vs. Penn State home-home series - the away team will receive $200K and 5300 tickets. Do you honestly think BSU will cough up 6000 tickets to an opponent the larger more popular schools are going to demand?
  20. Great idea. Except: - At present and last count, there are 110 schools that play Div 1A football. Your scenario allows 80 teams to compete for the big one, leaving 30 schools never getting the chance to play for the big game. So, how exactly did you "fix" the BCS problem? - Your scenario assumes a "status-quo" among the schools. If you think the outrage is bad regarding Boise State now, imagine if they were one of the 30 teams not allowed to play for the big game. The cries of injustice would make the ones we see now look weak. - How does a "non-playoff" team become one of the 80 "playoff schools"? Who gets to decide which team gets bumped out? - And yes, this is a serious question, how does this realignment impact college basket ball?
  21. see: Boise State never contacted Alabama
  22. Actually, that's a reason why you would want more mods. I frequent an Alabama board that is free, open to the public, and heavily moderated. Insults and discourse are not tolerated, even slightly. Yes, the mods can be heavy handed, but I can disagree with a poster and not worry about being called a 'moron', 'idiot', etc... because I do not agree with their opinion.
  23. Not quite sure how Modrak, the VP of College Scouting, decides who gets to start. But thanks for the thread anyway.
  24. Found a piece in that article I disagree with: Actually, as a Bills fan, unless he suddenly becomes better, I can only hope and pray Maybin would consider quitting his day job to pursue his "dream".
  25. And what do you have to base your opinion on? Because it isn't facts. Went downhill so fast he went to the playoffs both years. How terrible. This is a joke right? Yeah, he's got that trophy, and he backed it up with 8 losing seasons. But feel free to keep clinging to that COTY award like it means something. But you are a fan of the Dick. Just like you are a fan of Edwards. Let me guess. Still not convinced Edwards is a lousy QB? There it is. The Jauron apologist in you just dying to get out. Yep, Jauron was "given" those players, like somehow he had no say in personnel decisions. The Dick spent 4 off seasons, and 3.5 years pounding into the head of every player on his teams that losing was acceptable. And you think the problem can be fixed in one off season. Now, that's hysterical.
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