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Everything posted by Cynical

  1. If true, it would seem what he said, she said were the same thing.
  2. For me, college and pro are two different things. I carry no animosity from one level to the next. I don't care who you are. Losing 9 starters on the defense is going to have an impact. Don't have to. The stupid Barners were killing those trees long before jackazz decided he needed to make it personal.
  3. Its becoming much clearer the best fit for Cam is anywhere but in Buffalo. The guy is being massively over-hyped. Let the "icon" go somewhere else, and let that team spend the next 5 years trying to develop Cam into an NFL QB.
  4. You forgot one. - Fitz ranked 13th in TDs - Despite being ranked ranked 9th in INTS, Fitz still threw for more TDs than INTS (23/15) Does that make him elite? No. But IMHO, it does make him better than you claim him to be.
  5. That's an option play, not a spread. Irrelevant. The shot gun has no factor in determining whether or not an offense is a "spread" offense. Like the shotgun, the spread is a formation (4-5 wr sets) It seems what you are calling a "full bore" spread is nothing more than the "spread option".
  6. Other teams have already run "Full bore spread offenses". Ever hear of the Run 'N Shoot? Full bore spread, 4 WR, no TE. How's that working?
  7. Yes, I implied that both acts were acts of vandalism, and that neither school can be held accountable for the stupidity of it's followers. And if I am reading this correctly, are you seriously implying that a level of vandalism is acceptable and rationale? Yep. Looks like you are. Why am I not surprised. Hint: Shop lifting is a misdemeanor and grand theft auto is a felony. One may be more serious than the other (and the punishment will reflect that), but it's still the same thing: theft/stealing/taking something that does not belong to you. Can I assume in "Aubbie World" that shop lifting is an acceptable form of behavior and can be rationalized?
  8. First, to all the Barners out there who insisted $cam Newton was cleared: Guess again. And would love to believe Cow College is "clean": Something is smoldering in Louisiana.
  9. Interesting statement to make. I'll disagree and so does this person: http://www.al.com/sports/index.ssf/2011/02/despite_rivalry_many_bama_fans.html Why? What does the University of Alabama have to do with this? Where was Auburn's statement or action regarding Saban's lake house being vandalized this past year by alleged Aubbie fans? Quite simple. The guy is an ****. I, as well as others that I know, do not condone what he did. I do not condone vandalism, whether it's a tree, somebody's lake house, or a player's lawn. The guy's actions were petty and childish, and embarrassing to the great people who follow and support the University of Alabama. I hope they punish him as harshly as possible.
  10. one possible expalanation: The Bills suck, therefore they will have a hard time selling tickets to the actual game. Of course, this is also a jab at LA. They will not support a team unless its winning.
  11. I'm no electrician, so take this info FWIW. You said the blanket was plugged into a power strip/surge protector. Theoretically, the power strip should have tripped way before circuit breaker did. Is the power strip still plugged into the wall? If so, unplug it and retry the circuit breaker. If it resets, the power strip is most likely shorted out, and time for a new one. If it still wont reset, how did the power strip plug look? Was it black and/or have a melted look to it? Check the electrical outlet in the wall. Remove the face plate and with a flashlight, look at the outlet face and sides. If any part of it looks melted, you are better off replacing it. Circuit breakers are fairly easy to replace and are not terribly expensive. At this point, you could either buy one and replace it to see if it solves the problem, or call in an pro.
  12. You could try Linky NSFW Costs money, but you might enjoy their (point of) view.
  13. I would also like to hear the 911 tapes. When I said I wasn't buying the shooter's story, I was trying to convey I don't believe the events happened the way the shooter states they did. When I read his version, there seems to be a deliberate attempt to paint Park as being something more than a drunken idiot.
  14. Tragic accident, no doubt. Guy was in the wrong place at the wrong time. I get the widow's response, but she will have to accept reality her husband walked into the wrong house. At the same time, I am not completely buying the shooter's story. I think he was scared shitless and reacted in a knee jerk fashion. By painting the intruder as "acting strangely", he can justify the shooting when in reality the guy was probably walking around in a drunken stupor.
  15. Here is some shocking news for you. Bills fans are no different than any other teams fans. Yes, other teams fans are just as critical, nasty and mean as Bills fans. I know it must be hard for you to believe, but it's true. Let's take a close look at your criticisms: So you mean I can play in a small market with no national coverage There are only 32 teams in the league. If a player is more worried about 'how much coverage' he will get as opposed to earning his paycheck, then this fan doesn't want the player anyways. play in the freezing ass cold Every player will get to play in the freezing cold at some point. In Donte's case, this is a joke, right? You do realize Donte was born and raised in Cleveland, OH and played college ball at Ohio State? Last I checked, Ohio was not a state awash in mild temps and weather all year round. for a team that never makes the playoffs The only legit criticism you make. for a meddling owner Another laughable one. When it comes to meddling, both Jerry Jones and Danny Snyder make Ralph look like amateur. And what about Bud Adams from the Titans? Vince Young anybody? to top it off the fans will rage ad nauseum about how much I suck unless I'm a perennial pro-bowler (in which case half will complain about how overrated I am) Why you people like you think this only happens in Buffalo? Seriously, you cannot be this naive.
  16. My bad. Was thinking of their SEC record last year (3-5).
  17. Actually, that would be good news for Bills fans. The Bills run defense blows, and Leach is one dimensional. Pass, pass, and pass again. No need to worry about a running attack, there won't be one. Awesome. Can't wait. How many SB did Danny take them to? Conference championships? Division champs?
  18. Hold that crystal high. My link
  19. FSU people can relax. "The Hat" has met with Michigan and has decided to stay at LSWho: Linky
  20. Actually, quite torn about the whole deal. Happy to see the SEC win yet another NC (even if it's Cow College). Not happy to see it was won under the cloud of an NCAA investigation. It's already tainted, regardless of how the NCAA finally rules. The rules regarding pay for play and eligibility are quite clear. If a parent of the student athlete attempts to collect money for pay for play, the student athlete is ruled ineligible. The NCAA chose to overrule it's own rule (I'm shocked I tell you ...) when Auburn forced the issue. The NCAA has 2 choices now. One, come back and do the right thing by declaring Newton ineligible and vacating all 14 wins. AU, the SEC, and CFB all end up with a blackeye. I can expect to hear this: AU and the SEC are nothing but a bunch of cheaters! Two, come back and do the wrong thing by declaring AU and Newton are clean and clear. AU, the SEC, and the NCAA all end up with a blackeye. I can hear it now: How much did Auburn/SEC pay the NCAA to look the other way and violate it's own rule? It was a sham(e) letting Auburn to continue playing Newton as soon as the Dad confessed to seeking payment. Now it's truly a mockery. Thank you, frigging Auburn.
  21. Isn't funny how Cheez-It, who couldn't produce a winning record to save his life, suddenly goes 14-0 with a player under investigation for pay for play? Coincidence? Possibly. But it's not like it's the first time it's happened in Auburn's history.
  22. Oh oh ... Sources: Michigan plans to talk to Les Miles
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