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Everything posted by Cynical

  1. Tonight's game has become typical of the Mark Richt era: underachieving. Richt seems to have lost the ability to get the most out of his players.
  2. Aggies Officially Tell Big 12 Adios
  3. And the schools are even worse.
  4. Recently, ESPN reported Texas A&M going to the SEC was a done deal, and that the SEC was looking to go 16 teams by adding Clemson, FSU, and Mizzou. Then a funny thing happened. The truth came out. Mizzou was never contacted by the SEC, and the SEC never sent invite to Texas A&M (this year). Looks like ESPN was completely wrong. And common sense dictates when both the owner and GM state publicly they had no interest in acquiring a certain player, it is reasonable to believe the organization really had no desire to acquire said player. So, please, stop perpetuating the rumor that Ralph Wilson wanted Tebow. Because that's all it was: a rumor.
  5. Really? Got a link or something to prove that? No? I got a couple of links that say otherwise: Linky 1 and Linky 2
  6. Right now, I wouldn't touch Miami. It's going to get ugly there. I wouldn't mind WVU as a member, just not my first choice. As I hear it, VT and Virginia are a package deal. You don't take one without the other. Why would the SEC want TAMU? Exposure and money. TAMU would open up Texas to the SEC - Easier recruiting, better recruits - TV (At the very least the Houston metro area) TAMU fans travel well Better get your eyesight checked This last go round, TAMU initiated first contact with the SEC. Latest reports have the SEC waiting on TAMU to decide what it wants to do. If/when TAMU decides to actually leave the Big12, then the SEC will throw out an invite.
  7. I guess I should clarify what I meant about "clout". Could Texas football garner enough interest to strike it's own TV deal? Yes, without question. The clout I am referring to is "Could Texas convince a conference to let the football team play as an independent (and keep all the money it generates), but the rest of the athletics get to participate in conference play?" IMHO, not really. Even in the Big12, if Texas pulled out the football program, I see it being the last straw that breaks up that conference for good. However, Texas may be able to convince a mid-major conference to take them in. Then there's the football schedule...
  8. Yahoo! Sports has spent a year investigating this. Unfortunately for the U, this is not an example of a rogue booster sneaking around behind the schools back. The guy is naming coaches from both the football and basketball programs. My link According to Brett McMurphy at CBS Sports and his Miami source, the U is in deep ****.
  9. For now. As the SEC board says: We recognize, however, that future conditions may make it advantageous to expand the number of institutions in the league. We discussed criteria and process associated with expansion. That door hasn't been shut. I agree. As for aTm paying any damages, if you believe this writer, the Aggies have signed nothing that ties them to the new Big 12-2. Since they never signed, do they owe any exit penalties? IIRC, Nebraska paid squat. I personally have no idea what aTm would gain. But if the school thinks it can sqeeze a little more money out of the conference, they may attempt it., especially if a real exit looks nasty and costly. That's one train of thought. Is Texas considering going fully ind across all sports? That would be risking suicide. IMHO, Texas doesn't have the clout ND has, and even ND isn't stupid enough to be fully independent. Would the Big12-2 put up with it like the Big East does with Notre Dame? I did find this interesting: Unless I missed I something, the NCAA has already said no.
  10. Even if aTm and Mizzou jump, Texas and OU will stand pat. Texas has it too good right now with the Longhorn network, and the unbalanced revenue sharing. Plus, 8 teams still makes the conference BCS eligible. The path to a NC would get easier for them. As for OU, their too busy being Texas' B word they refuse to think for themselves.
  11. Hate to burst your bubble, but if the Aggies are willing to jump ship, the SEC would snap them up in a heart beat. Getting an invite is not even a concern. The big concern right now seems to be if the Aggies are serious about jumping, or are they just using the SEC as leverage.
  12. Baltimore got screwed on that deal. The Ravens coughed up 3 draft picks (2 thirds and a seventh), and threw a crap load of money at him (he became the 5th highest paid RB in the NFL) He had one good year, that's it. By year 2, Willis was on Harbaugh's **** list for the same things he did while in Buffalo. It was McGahee's lack of commitment and lackadaisical attitude that allowed Ray Rice the opportunity to shine.
  13. orangeblood.com is reporting Mizzou has denied any contact with the SEC. My link From what I have been reading, IF aTm decides to make the move (#), the 2 leading contenders for the East div seem to be Clemson and FSU. Clemson is supposedly a done deal according to an Aggie. (Hope not. Clemson and South Carolina will end up being the east version of Ole' Miss and Miss St.). Maybe FSU has expressed a really strong interest in joining the SEC? # Note: there seems to be a crap load of politics involved with this: ATM is a public school. The Texas Dept of Higher Education cannot stop aTm from leaving, but they can reduce the schools public funding if the university does leave. (Apparently the Dept has already threatened to do this?) If Rick Perry, an Aggie alumni, plans on running for President, high powered Texas alum may lean on Perry to convince aTm to stay in the Big12-2 IIIRC, UTexas has no desire on seeing the SEC get a footprint in Texas. UT's recruiting advantage in the state of Texas would greatly diminish.
  14. IIRC, Spikes, who was coming off an Achilles' tear, was pretty upset over the way Troy Vincent was treated. TKO also had no desire to mentor a bunch of young guys, and requested to be traded. Bottom line, once DJ came on board, Spikes was not a happy camper. IMHO, Evans will be more productive than McStupid could ever hope. Willis had talent but had zero internal motivation.
  15. # Not exclusive to the spread. Can be implemented into other formations. This has more to do with scheming and play calling. See # above. The shotgun is a formation that is supposed to create distance between the QB and the defense. IIRC, one of the inherent flaws of the Run 'N Shoot was O line. If one/two of the guys are suspect, and can be exploited, the offense was in for a very long day. A defense doesn't need to sack a QB to cause problems, they just need to get into the back field to make the QB hurry his decision and his pass. Agreed. I guess CJ Spiller is NOT the next Chris Johnson (like some many people on here wanted to believe). First, a WR dropping balls has nothing to do with how long a OL holds his block (unless you want to claim the line will give up because the schmuck keeps dropping it) Secondly, what is apparent is the offense will only be as good as the QB playing, regardless of the formation they line up in. A quick decision maker and one that is willing to take risks will do more to keep a defense in check than the formation the play came out of. Just to be clear, I'm not harping on this subject because I think it will fail, but because I hate it when people start throwing out the term "spread" or "option" as some sort of cure all for what ails the team. The spread has been around for decades. The option has been around for at least a century. What was true then is true now: got to have the right people to run it.
  16. 2011. The start of decade number 3 where people keep saying that. Maybe it's decade 4. Been hearing that argument since the days of the Run 'N Shoot and Walsh's West Coast Offense. Yet, I could have sworn somebody posted a link within the past year where the magic threshold was 20 points. If you can hold your opponent to 20 points and under, you win the majority of your games. Wow, go figure. Still waiting for the time we need to score a kagillion points to win games.
  17. Excuse me, but how does a spread offense reduce the amount of time an OL has to hold their block? The spread is just a formation, nothing more. The Houston Oilers were the last team team to run a spread offense full time, and I do not remember at any point anybody saying one of the "bennie's" of the spread was the reduced amount of time an OL has to block. Now, if Chan is going to implement a 1-2 read/progression type of offense, then yes, the amount of time the line has to hold their blocks will come down.
  18. "If" Until the Bills can prove they can stop a running game, all you have is "if". You're basing the Bills playoff chances on "potential" and luck. If that's all you have, then this team isn't a "playoff" team.
  19. To some extent,it is. Jauron is/was an extremely nice guy whom Ralph Wilson liked. Wouldn't surprise me if Jauron convinced Ralph to give him enough say-so to either develop a winner or to hang himself.
  20. Charging, with out question. The red standing bison reminds me of those practice targets you buy in the sporting goods stores.
  21. First, GA Tech going to the SEC: not a chance in hell.. Time may heal all wounds, but those wounds are pretty damn deep. Secondly, if you want to believe a aTm Aggie (with an alleged source within the SEC offices), not only is Clemson the favorite, it's a done deal.
  22. I'll play devil's advocate. If we have the first pick next year, what gives you the idea we WILL pull the trigger on Luck?
  23. Take a wild guess as to what team and what conference.
  24. Yep. Goes by the name of Edward's Arm now. It's either in his sig or under his avatar where he states he is the former poster known as Holcombs Arm
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