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Everything posted by Cynical

  1. 2011. The start of decade number 3 where people keep saying that. Maybe it's decade 4. Been hearing that argument since the days of the Run 'N Shoot and Walsh's West Coast Offense. Yet, I could have sworn somebody posted a link within the past year where the magic threshold was 20 points. If you can hold your opponent to 20 points and under, you win the majority of your games. Wow, go figure. Still waiting for the time we need to score a kagillion points to win games.
  2. Excuse me, but how does a spread offense reduce the amount of time an OL has to hold their block? The spread is just a formation, nothing more. The Houston Oilers were the last team team to run a spread offense full time, and I do not remember at any point anybody saying one of the "bennie's" of the spread was the reduced amount of time an OL has to block. Now, if Chan is going to implement a 1-2 read/progression type of offense, then yes, the amount of time the line has to hold their blocks will come down.
  3. "If" Until the Bills can prove they can stop a running game, all you have is "if". You're basing the Bills playoff chances on "potential" and luck. If that's all you have, then this team isn't a "playoff" team.
  4. To some extent,it is. Jauron is/was an extremely nice guy whom Ralph Wilson liked. Wouldn't surprise me if Jauron convinced Ralph to give him enough say-so to either develop a winner or to hang himself.
  5. Charging, with out question. The red standing bison reminds me of those practice targets you buy in the sporting goods stores.
  6. First, GA Tech going to the SEC: not a chance in hell.. Time may heal all wounds, but those wounds are pretty damn deep. Secondly, if you want to believe a aTm Aggie (with an alleged source within the SEC offices), not only is Clemson the favorite, it's a done deal.
  7. I'll play devil's advocate. If we have the first pick next year, what gives you the idea we WILL pull the trigger on Luck?
  8. Take a wild guess as to what team and what conference.
  9. Yep. Goes by the name of Edward's Arm now. It's either in his sig or under his avatar where he states he is the former poster known as Holcombs Arm
  10. There were cheers when Dockery and Walker were signed. Now they are the "prime" examples of how the Bills have to overpay to acquire free agents. If the Bills do sign Clabo, he better perform at an all-pro level. Anything less and the bitching on this board will be how the Bills overspent to acquire him, proving yet again how Ralph's "cheap" and the FO is out of touch with today's NFL.
  11. In case you missed it: We sign a free agent: "We overpaid. No one else wanted him. I saw him play once and I thought he sucked. I swear I'm done with this team!" Or is it more likely you mean "player(s) you wanted" when you say " make some splashes in free agency"?
  12. Jasper was the 42nd pick in the 7th round. Just a wild guess, but if BB and/or Rex wanted him, they would have drafted him, even in the 7th round.
  13. Actually, moving training camp onto Canadian soil may be a great idea, along with all pre-season "home" games. Then they can move the regular season and playoff home games back to the Ralph where they belong.
  14. Seems like the mindset of the Aggies has begun to change. They have realized the current Big 12-2 deal is not doing them any favors. Winds of Change Blowing Again? If we are to believe his "sources": Clemson? Clemson?!!! Ugh. Just what the SEC needs, another limp wristed "Tiger".
  15. I guess the $cam Newton investigation isn't done after all. 'Ole Cheez-It thought he was going to be able to pressure the NCAA in to declaring the investigation was over, but instead, got his azz handed to him. My link
  16. Bama vs. the Hokies once again. My link
  17. You are. From the article itself: Willing to spend money on free agents and current players = cheap. What kind of fugged up logic is that?
  18. http://itsluna.files.wordpress.com/2010/04/alice-blog-redqueen.jpg
  19. Don't be so quick to discount. That "technicality" holds a lot of power, and it's the reason the disgruntled followers of numerous schools are beginning to wish their school would tell the NCAA to go !@#$ itself. From a football standpoint, just imagine if all the schools in the Big 10(+2) and the SEC pulled out of the NCAA. The fallout would be nasty. And since the NCAA has no control over the BCS, the bowls would not be impacted. Hence, why there is a growing sentiment of distrust regarding the NCAA.
  20. That's right. Nope. Feel free in finding the law that states schools and universities MUST participate in the NCAA. Good luck in finding it. Did you know every school in the SEC, except for Kentucky, has a hockey team? Don't believe me? Try this link: Linky Further, did you know these hockey teams do NOT participate in the NCAA? The association controlling these teams is the ACHA
  21. Not always. Actually, that's a capitalists dream. Make millions while paying out pittance. Are you serious? That is the new America. The workforce has little to no "rights". Super models get paid millions because they are hot AND society deems that a premium.
  22. When the student athlete decided which school he would attend. As long as the university they are attending chooses to follow the NCAA regarding athletics, then yes. Otherwise, no. There are numerous athletic associations regarding college athletics. The NCAA just happens to be the largest and most well known.
  23. Linky While the site itself is geared towards women, there is work from home opportunities and suggestions(for men and women) posted on her site. These are legit opportunities as she has been featured on GMA numerous times.
  24. I stand corrected. I thought I read the Pryor 3 day out of state test drive took place while he was still being recruited.
  25. Exactly. Atlanta Sports Market
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