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Everything posted by Cynical

  1. You need to keep up? Topic already being discussed: My link
  2. Only if you were completely devoid of all senses. I thought it was pretty blatant the team had no real identity. Here's all you need to know about Trent's "career": Question: How does a QB become " tentative, scared, unsure, and lacking a winning mentality" when all he's done prior is lead the team to "squeaking away wins against bad teams"? Answer: He doesn't become "tentative, scared, unsure, and lacking a winning mentality" simply because he already was "tentative, scared, unsure, and lacking a winning mentality". Half time adjustments - a myth that keeps getting repeated like it's a fact. No, it does not. This right up there with people who wanted to believe that running the no huddle would help a young, inexperienced line. What helps to neutralize our "average" line is a decisive QB that gets rid of the ball quickly. Simply put, the less time the ball is in the hands of the QB = the less time the Oline has to pass block.
  3. Yes, I do. 2 of them. BB HC with the Browns With Testeverde: 16-15 Without Testeverde: 20-29 With Kosar: 11-18 1. Who was the HC that replaced Kosar with Testeverde? 2. Who was the HC when the Pats drafted Brady?
  4. Kind of like Jauron's 13-3 season in Chicago. But how many people pointed to that "accomplishment" as testament of Jauron's ability? And even a bigger question, how many people still do? Maybe so, but BB's coaching (as DC & HC) resume prior to Brady speaks for itself.
  5. Makes sense. Fans are still in their seats, and security doesn't seem concerned with it coming down.
  6. Pic on the WBEN web site My link Not sure who took it down
  7. <Yawn> Ho-hum, another Leach "puff" piece. I will admit, he is "honest" with his opinions. Now, whether or not is he truthful remains to be seen.
  8. Um, no. You got 11 teams in the east, and 10 teams in the west. You got Boston College, Virginia, and Virginia Tech in the west You failed to mention Texas A&M (you know, the one team that really is joining the SEC) The SEC has already said no to West Virginia (I do wonder if the denial was based on WVU still being a part of the Big East) Clemson is bad enough, but what the hell does Tulane bring to the table? and for that matter, Maryland and Boston College? Georgia State has a better shot at joining the SEC before Miami does (at least in the immediate future)
  9. And in more news: Lots of tasty tidbits in this linky Shocker. Texas refusing to budge on the LHN. Now we know why the PAC-12 said no deal. Just more affirmation that aTm is getting out while the getting is good. Those pesky Conference championship games. Is the Bevo afraid to play in one, or are they just trying to create an excuse knowing the difficulty the conference will have in attracting other schools to it as long as Texas still can call some of the shots.
  10. aTm will move. They may not join the SEC until 2013, but they were pretty candid about not being in the Big12 come 2012.
  11. ESPN reporting the Big East and the Big12 are in talks regarding a merger: Linky
  12. He's 28 (DOB 11/1982). He'll turn 29 this November, and will be 30 next November.
  13. Exactly. We are not talking "Twhitner" here. Look at the amount of money they threw at Kelsay because he was such a locker room guy. Fitzpatrick is that and more.
  14. How about the Big East? The conference has already expressed interest in Kansas, K-State and Mizzou. It's now being reported Baylor and Iowa State have both reached out to the Big East. Even if they lose out on Mizzou, they could still pick up 4 schools. Exactly where it was going - to the Big East.
  15. How about we assume if Luck came out, the Panthers were still interested in taking Cam, So: Cam, Luck, Dareus
  16. Go back and re-read the article first, and then the rest of the thread. The article clearly states Nebraska was willing to do a home-home series. That meant the Cornhuskers were willing to travel to Boise St and play the Broncos on the blue turf. I'm sure Boise St had no problem with that. Oh, that also meant the Broncos had to travel to Lincoln to play a game? Well, that's gonna cost the Cornhuskers ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000). In the thread, I listed some examples of payouts. Ole Miss is coughing up $900k to play Boise St in Atlanta (looks like Boise St was serious about that monetary demand) None of the other examples were close to that kind of money. No school is going to pay another school a million dollars to play against them unless their back is against the wall and they have no choice (reference Alabama vs Kent State). Boise St probably had a better chance last year. Well until they lost to that "football powerhouse" called Nevada. Good thing they play the games. If Boise St loses to a team they are supposed to beat, they can kiss that BCS NC good bye. Side note: Boise St has 25 seniors, 18 of them are 5th years. IMHO, this will be the Broncos last great shot at a NC (at least for a while). IMHO, Bama would do the same thing to Boise St it did to Texas a couple of years ago: pound the hell out of them and grind them into the ground. And Bama has this HC by the name of Nick Saban. I hear he's pretty good.
  17. And I have to agree with Ramius. Boise States "boo hoo. nobody wants to play us" rhetoric is a smokescreen. Other schools are interested in playing Boise State, they are not interested in paying what Boise State demands. Nebraska spent a year trying to schedule something with BSU and got no where. In fact, I started a topic about it in this very forum back in October: My link As for teams going to Boise, good luck with that. Bronco Stadium only holds 33.5k, that alone will discourage a lot schools.
  18. First of all, the second quote and my comments after it were more of a jab at the NCAA, and how they enforce the rules. Secondly, as Boise St is beginning to find out, appeasing the NCAA at this level will have the school doing more of this , than this .
  19. http://espn.go.com/c...rship-reduction Welcome to the "show", Boise St. You may soon regret ever leaving Div 2.
  20. I'm with this guy. Declare, with authority, your house and your property is an official embassy of Bills Land, and therefore it is Buffalo Bills territory. If they don't like it, kick 'em in the throat. If they complain about that, shiv the mo fo. Any questions?
  21. Calling Stevie Johnson a dirty player. In their own words: "I'd like to see Stevie Johnson suffer a career ending injury. In this career and future careers." "That reciever who took his legs out from behind needs to be castrated for being a B word." "I hope Stevie Johnson transforms into a plane and crashes into a building made out of Stevie Johnson clones." And that's some of the "clean" material.
  22. Yes, but that was more of a reflection of the dead guy's opponent than the people being stupid. If I was stuck choosing between a dead guy and a freaking idiot, I'm choosing the dead guy. Kind of hard for a dead guy to !@#$ **** up.
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