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Everything posted by Cynical

  1. Perhaps you don't have an opinion worth responding to? (I'm not saying you do or you don't, but you know, others might think like that) Just a crazy thought.
  2. I doubt it's religious. IMHO, this is Flutie v2.0 (and no, I am NOT blaming Flutie). The "nice" guy vs the "meanie" critics of the NFL. Enough critics have said the "nice" guy will not be successful at the NFL level. Batten down the hatches! Just wait till Tebow takes the field! Boy, will he prove them wrong! Another underdog story for the ages. We are already seeing the same arguments all over again: He just wins! They are not using using him properly! There's nothing to fix, he's not broken! etc ... Just like a certain QB from Boston College.
  3. Proving yet again just how inept/corrupt the NCAA really is.
  4. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Hell no. And so there is no confusion: NO Given the state of the Bills D at the end of the 2010 season (especially the D-line), picking MD was god damn no brainer. I would have come unglued if they chose AJ. I don't hate AJ, but the continued decision to ignore the lines would have been too much.
  5. The Maybin pick was the worst. At least Mike saw some playing time.
  6. I could be mistaken, but on more than one occasion I have the heard the crowd chant 'Freddy' after a big play like you describe.
  7. Agreed. People on here craved it, and now it's happening, some people are starting to complain about it.
  8. My condolences to the Raider nation and the Davis family.
  9. Nobody is saying the sack doesn't count, it does count. But the sack didn't happen because of Maybin's "outstanding" abilities or athleticism. As it has been already pointed out, Maybin was so far removed from the play, if it wasn't for Bart Scott flushing Flacco out of the pocket, Maybin never gets the opportunity to make that play. He was persistent, I will give that. "High Motor" Maybin.
  10. Jealousy and little brother syndrome.
  11. No it doesn't, trust me. You may even come to enjoy it.
  12. Another great article. One thing that really jumped out at me: Gailey must be really comfortable with Fitzpatrick if he's allowing his QB to do that.
  13. I got to stop reading this stuff real late late at night.
  14. IMHO, they will be signed. Right now, season is in full swing, and I think both sides are trying to feel the other side out.
  15. Yeah, but the opposite of that is the number idiots who will "gleefully" dig up old columns and articles of the "experts" in attempt to hold them accountable for their saying negative stuff about the Bills. Jesus, let it go. Enjoy the ride.
  16. Stability - yeah I can see it. Old owner, don't know when he'll pass, what happens to the franchise after that, etc ... Sustainability? Seriously? Yeah, it's pretty freaking hard to sustain anything when a team gets mired in salary cap hell. Can't really do much when 30% of the salary cap is dead cap space. If Butler had one serious flaw it was player value. The guy had no concept.
  17. We can only hope, as a Bills fan and as a fan of the NFL. Getting pretty tired of seeing the same teams over and over again. And before anybody responds, I do understand why we see the same teams again and again.
  18. Don't worry about it. A Jets fan already brought it up:
  19. I heard about the shared TV network. Aggies on the Bama boards have talked about it. FWIW, they claim Texas wanted a 70/30 split. I never brought it up, because I had no idea if it was pure BS or not. What I did find interesting are some of the comments made by AD Dodds. I can't say for sure if it's him, the school or both, but some of those comments smack of arrogance: "It's not about what we did," Dodds said. "It's about what they didn't do -- create their own network." Yes and no. Other than approaching aTm, Texas never proposed a conference wide network. And the only reason Texas approached aTm was due Texas not believing it could do it alone Heck, Texas even admits this: "At the time, the Longhorns weren't sure they could carry a network on their own." Does this mean if Texas knew then they could carry it by themselves, would they have even approached aTm? "Nobody seemed concerned with it until it was done," Dodds said. "I find it interesting that it's a problem today ... If somebody is surprised by this deal, they haven't been paying attention." Actually, no. Many people within Texas A&M had a problem with it. It was when Texas started talking about broadcasting the high school games of potential recruits, that was the last straw. "Dodds would not comment on speculation on which teams that may be invited to join, such as BYU or Pittsburgh." Why is Pitt still being mentioned? They are going to the ACC. Does the Big12 actually think they could entice Pittsburgh? Or Arkansas (Arkansas has already admitted they were contacted by the Big12. )?
  20. No longer a rumor, it's official: My link Welcome to the SEC, Aggies.
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