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Everything posted by Cynical

  1. Even if he was married, so what? That would be between him, his "wife", and the divorce lawyers. Beyond that, I could give a rats azz.
  2. One of the best quotes: "There is no doubt in my mind that our front office and coaches are window lickers."
  3. Sure, blame everybody but the sucky ass QB. Maybe the reason Trent got "worse and worse" (don't know how that happens when he was never good to begin with) was simply because Trent was Trent.
  4. I hope not. I will even say this if Alabama loses the game to LSU. In the present system, if a team cannot even win their conference, why should they be given the chance to play for the NC?
  5. Sorry Dr. Try reading anything and everything by SouthGABillsFan Even you said: "If anyone DOES watch his college career, there is no way they come to the conclusion that he won't succeed in the NFL." How is this supposed to be interpreted? That's a pretty definitive statement. There's nothing in there that says "Give him a chance, and we'll see". That comes across like your mind is already made up.
  6. Dan Reeves sends his regards (Broncos/Falcons).
  7. Before or after the Bills acquire the players to properly run a 3-4?
  8. I have never quite understood this argument. UGA fans made the same argument a few years ago. The rankings are dynamic and are based on games played up to that point. The team wasn't "penalized" for being on a bye, it's that the teams "resume" wasn't nearly as good as the other teams to that point. At this point in the season, I do not put much emphasis on rankings. I'll start worrying about them come mid to late November, as the season winds down. There are still games to be played, and each one could impact the final rankings. Right now, I see BSU being #3. Assuming OU beats OSU later this year, the only way I see BSU making the NCG is for Clemson to take a loss. If Boise St and Clemson both finish the season undefeated, I can see Clemson getting the nod over Boise St.
  9. You're nuts. Bob Evans>Perkins>Cracker Barrel>Denny's>IHOP>(insert name of any local diner)>Huddle House>Waffle House>Waffle King Deep Fried Butter My link
  10. Or maybe you just have gotten older and realized the food really is just crap.
  11. If it is her, she isn't exactly smart. A birth date doesn't need to be public when her bio states she graduated from high school in 1986. It doesn't take much to figure out her approximate age based on that event.
  12. I suspect the SEC will require Mizzou to file it's divorce papers before they will accept any marriage proposal (just like Texas A&M had to). If Mizzou does get accepted, the Aubies have expressed a desire in moving to the East division. The idiots think the competition will be easier over there, failing to realize these things move in cycles. I don't think Florida and Tennessee will stay down long.
  13. Other than being "cheaper", how does starting a rookie QB overcome the same issues? Wouldn't it make more sense to have those pieces in place and then turn over the team to young QB?
  14. Really? Sure seems like you did: "You can draft a quarterback, 10 years younger then Fitz, and with the new rookie salary structure pay him less". First, Fitz is 28, and will be 29 when the season ends. Second, how the hell you draft somebody 10 years younger than that is quite a mystery. Even if you could, why would you want to? (How many 19-20 year old starting QBs are there in the NFL? ) And if he doesn't want to sign what the Bills are offering, you have a solution: "You can draft a quarterback, 10 years younger then Fitz, and with the new rookie salary structure pay him less". Fitzpatrick plays QB. You do realize that, correct? We are not talking about a LB or SS or WR, etc... A QB. Probably the hardest position to fill on a team. You don't toss a player like Fitzpatrick away, and go out to the QB "store" and get another one. Have you forgotten the past 10 years? Do the names Trent Edwards, JP Losman, etc... ring a bell? Nope. 5 years for RB is a long time. 5 years for a QB under 30? Not really. (Hate to break it you, but QB's can play into their late 30's. Fitzpatrick has an easy 5+ years remaining in his career) "Smart Organizational Management" behavior would look something like this: 1. Realize the QB position is the hardest position to fill on a team, and players like Fitzpatrick are not a dime a dozen. (If they can sign him for less than he's asking, great. But under no circumstance does he walk) 2. Realize that even though Fitz may not lead you to the promised land, he can lead the team to a winning record and possible playoff appearances. 3. Realize winning records and playoffs keep fans and other NFL free agents interested in the team (even for the Bills who only sign a few FA a year) 4. Realize that because of the rookie salary cap, it actually becomes possible to pay Fitzpatrick AND to draft his replacement. 5. Realize Fitz is good enough for now, while his replacement sits on the bench a couple of years learning. (No need to rush the young gun into the fire) 6. Realize, because the team uses "cash to cap" for player salary accounting, they can cut Fitz 3-4 years later with minimal salary cap hit (assuming Fitz refuses to be a back up) Or, they just could do it your way: 1. Play hard ball with Fitz (Don't want to overpay for the QB position) 2. Assuming Fitz refuses, draft a QB (and because of the rookie salary structure, it will be cheaper!!!) It's not like the Bills have to worry about some nonsense like a high failure rate for young QB's coming out of college. The Bills drafted 2 QB's in the past 10 years, and rushed them into the starting lineup way before they were ready. Look how good they turned out. Um, Mirror?
  15. Freakin' classic post. You are one of the most vocal "Ralph is cheap" posters on this forum, and now you are advocating the Bills go the cheap route. Frigging Brilliant! Pay the man. Fitzparick may not be the long term answer at QB, but he is the answer for right now.
  16. You have to look at that statement as it was intended. It wasn't a knock against the Bronco players, but a major compliment to HC Peterson. UGA looked unprepared to play, and at times, confused. Even ajzepp noticed it: Under Mark Richt, UGA has become undisciplined and under achieving. That's why people are looking to push Richt out. He has (or is about to) lose control of the team. Edit: Now that Lattimore from USC is out for the year, looks like the UGA fans nightmare is about to come true.
  17. Just a thought: 1. Browse Two Bills Drive with iPad 2. Use file attachment feature when replying OR 1. Use free image hosting service like photobucket 2. Provide link in reply
  18. Classic case of poor fundamentals of tackling. What did the defender expect by "pushing"? Not once, but twice!
  19. Did you watch the UGA vs Boise St game? As one blogger/columnist put it: "On one side of the field you had 3 star talent with 5 star coaching, and on the other side of the field you had 5 star talent with 2 star coaching" I over heard a couple of Bulldog fans yesterday. They were discussing the "Dawgs" remaining schedule, and the possibility of winning the East. What really caught my attention was the discussion of finishing the season tied with USC. Turns out, this is the preferred version for ending the season. Their rationale? UGA would still get a good bowl bid, but they would be spared from going to Atlanta, and getting hammered by Alabama/LSU. Way to support your team there "Dawg" fans.
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