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Everything posted by Cynical

  1. Gotta a sudden inexplainable urge to spend some time in the North GA mountains.
  2. You missed step 4 in his initial post: "4. Reset the check engine light 3 times now after doing each step to only have the light return on after 40 to 60 miles of driving in the car." That means he's cleared the code from the cars PCM memory which in turns out the light. The light keeps coming back on because the code keeps being set. The code keeps being set because the problem hasn't been fixed.
  3. Long time voice of the UGA Bulldogs, has passed away. I was never a big fan of him, but his passion for his team was never in doubt. The call that created the "Hobnail Boot Game" http://youtu.be/JFzYJ0HmQnk
  4. "A" for effort, but wrong system. IIRC, the EVAP system the OP is talking about deals with the fuel vapors in the fuel tank.
  5. Actually, nothing in that article stating Ole Miss is even remotely interested in Leach (or Rich Rod for that matter). It's an article of a person's opinion of why the school should go after Leach or Rich Rod (because both have a "gimmick"). The author does not make any attempt to counteract any "cons" the coaches may have, but chooses to gloss over them (Rich Rod wasn't a fit at Michigan), or ignore them completely. (Anything negative about Leach)
  6. Lost to an unranked TCU. Good bye to a chance at the BCS CG. With Stanford losing to Oregon, all eyes are now on Okie St.
  7. ... for a new AD and HC. The Nutt is out after the season is over, and AD Boone is stepping down at the end of the year. Let the rumors commence! I'll even start it off. HC: Rich Rod is rumored to be in consideration.
  8. 'Tis official: Welcome to the SEC, the "Tiggers" of Mizzou. My link Being reported they will play in the East division Linky
  9. It has nothing to do with the lyrics, it has more to do with the music itself sucking. Corporate rock has produced some really dull and unimaginative (for a lack of a better word) music, but it has nothing on corporate country. Corporate country is by far the WORST. It doesn't matter who the singer/band is, or when song was "created", it all sounds exactly alike.
  10. Are you talking about Bobby's Burgers Palace ("BBP") or Cheeseburger Bobby's ("CBB")? BBP is Bobby Flays burger chain, and CBB is a burger chain in the ATL area. I had burger from CBB about 6 weeks ago. It was decent, a bit overpriced. Reminded me of Fuddrucker's. Not a big fan of Chik-Fil-A. The chicken is so-so, and that pretty much describes the entire menu. Definitely would rather go to Steak 'n Shake.
  11. There is difference between "employee" and "customer". Two completely different issues. Most stores have video cameras at the cash registers, recording the whole transaction. What is being displayed at the cash register is also being inserted into the recording. Store personnel can tell instantaneously whether or not something has been scanned for purchase. So, to get to the core of the issue, why must a customer prove to the store he has paid for everything in his bag, when the store already has a complete video record of the transaction proving he did in fact pay for it? Let me throw out a question to you. You said you do a lot of online shopping. How would you feel if the UPS guy suddenly starts demanding to see the confirmation/receipt page you were supposed to print out before he hands over the package?
  12. Once the customer buys the product, the product no longer belongs to the store. The item belongs to the customer. That is the core of the issue.
  13. Why don't you try reading what Smurf said, the person I was replying to.
  14. Upon hearing this, somewhere on the plains of lower Alabama, a toothless redneck Auburn fan smiles and says, "Wees fambily, JBU. Wahr damn Iggle!"
  15. Interesting you say that. Remember catalog stores like Brand Names and Montgomery Ward?
  16. The correct answer to your question should be: "In my state, yes. My state gives citizens arrest powers in regards to a larceny. So no, it's not a violation of your 4th amendment rights." Some states have already passed laws prohibiting stores from stopping people and checking receipts at the door. This is already starting off to sound like a different scenario than the OP and others are talking about. The situation the OP is talking about is the person standing next to the exit wearing a WalMart smock checking the receipts and bags of everybody that is leaving the store. What you are describing sounds more plains clothes ("undercover"). Disagree. The customer did nothing wrong, except mind his own business. The store personnel caused the unnecessary scene.
  17. Benched or not, it will not matter. The "he needs a real chance" calls will persist, because you will never convince the "cult" he was given one. The excuses for his poor play have already started, and that can be seen in this thread: "...or an O-line to protect him, a system for him and a defense that is respectable. Trust me Chan would make Tim look like Rock Star, they need to quit pounding a square peg into a round hole." Even if they let Tebow play, and continue to lose, it will just affirm to the "cult" that Tebow is not being used properly.
  18. ??? And that has what to do with a Bills fan being part of the media, and that particular person(s) being bashed because they were a naysayer?
  19. What happens if some of those media types are also Bills fans?
  20. Here's the problem with your position: How many times have they been right versus how many times have they been wrong.
  21. And another thread bitching and crying Newton is sitting on the bench when it's obvious Fitzpatrick sucks, and why can't the coaches see that.
  22. Well, holy crap! He's fat and talks like a girl! The absolute horror! Did you ever go camping, or use a port-a-pottie? If I wasn't married, I might. But I don't have this quirky hang up because the woman is willing to screw a fat guy that once crapped in a bucket.
  23. Having no idea who High Pitch Eric was, I googled him. He's a fat guy. Unless there is something more to him I do not know about, whoop-de-do. She'll bang a fatty. I have no idea what world you live in, but given the obesity rate in the USA, Eric represents a significant portion of the US population. Besides, why do you care what "he" looks like? I would think you would be more interested in what "she" looks like.
  24. Facebook isn't much better. A couple of weeks ago, I overheard a conversation where one idiot was bragging about how many "friends" on Facebook he had as opposed to the other guy. He also just started a Google+ account was excited about how "friends" he could get there. Speaking of egomaniacs ...
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