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Everything posted by Cynical

  1. Yes, winning will change it, but winning isn't possible if the players do not want to put in the effort. Once the player stops putting forth the effort, then the player is nothing more than part of the problem. Mcgahee was a joke. The guy severely lacks intrinsic motivation. Unless he can carry some chip on his shoulder in an effort to prove somebody wrong, the guy is nothing more than your average dime a dozen RB. The only reason he is "productive" in Denver right now is the same reason he was "productive" his first year in Baltimore. He's got a chip on his shoulder. During his second offseason in Baltimore, the Ravens and their fans got to see the McGahee the Bills were so willing to get rid off. The one that refused to show up for workouts and OTA's. The one that showed up to the Ravens TC out of shape, and in Harbaugh's doghouse.
  2. He got to carry a gun? WTF? How did he become so privileged?
  3. And what level would that have been? It took Mangino 4 years to produce a winning record. His overall record at Kansas is 50-48. I will not mention his conference record, because that's flat out ugly. Gill had one of the youngest squads in the BigWhatever. IMHO, he should have gotten at least one more year.
  4. Kansas AD Zenger never got that memo: "... I have concluded that new leadership is necessary to place us on the path toward competing for championships in the Big 12 Conference," Zenger said in a statement." My link
  5. Actually, Lew Perkins hired Gill. Sheahorn Zenger is the AD that fired Gill. Perkins was gone by the fall of 2010. Absolutely. I wasn't trying to imply that any Aubie would take Gill over Gene at this point. I was pointing out how fast Cheeze-It's "shine" has faded with some of the faithful. The problem with this assumption is that Gill would have recruited Newton. I have no idea if he would have or not, but it's not inconceivable to think, given the baggage surrounding Newton at that time, Gill may gone in a different direction looking for a QB. And with no Newton, I do not see Auburn winning the NC last year.
  6. That would depend on who you ask. There is (at this time) a small faction of the Auburn base who have cast a critical eye towards Cheeze-It, and they are not totally thrilled with what they see. Does this mean Cheeze-It is on a hot seat for this upcoming year? Not by a long shot. The criticism against Cheeze-It is compelling though. In 3 years, he has a record of 29-10 (possibly 30-10 if he wins the this years bowl game). Nice record you think, with a NC to go along with it. Time to break it down. His regular season records are: 7-5, 12-0, and 7-5. One great year book ended by a couple of not great years. It gets darker when they dig deeper. Cheeze-It is: 1-2 vs LSU 1-2 vs Arkansas 1-2 vs Alabama 1-2 vs Georgia As long as Auburn is in the West, they have to compete against those top 3, and right now, he's losing the war. And the bottom 2 are Aurburn's biggest rivals. Ouch. To rub salt into the wound, the beat downs those 4 teams gave Auburn this year were ugly. As one Barner poster put it, he could stomach the losses if the team was at least competitive, but they weren't even close. The next year or 2 will be interesting on the Cheeze-It watch.
  7. Looks like the numbnuts who were picking up the yard markers and pylons threw a couple of pylons in the front floorboard, and wedged the accelerator on.
  8. Don't hold back. Tell us how you really feel.
  9. And how nobody has yet to mention the "Hot for Teacher" link about 1/2 way down in the original link that leads to this story: Married teacher 'had sex with student after luring him to her car during football game'
  10. Boise State going to the Big East is old news at this point. However, San Diego St, SMU, Houston, and Central Florida are also joining the Big "Weast". My link
  11. Check out Dave Grohl's side project from a few years ago: Probot. Each song features a different metal singer from bands Grohl was influenced by. Some of the singers include King Diamond, Cronos (from Venom), Snake (from VoiVoid), Lemmy, and Mike Dean (C.o.C.) Here he is with Eric Wagner and Wino:
  12. Where he'll get spanked by Meyer and the Buckeyes.
  13. Here's my $.02: I quit 20 years ago. Prior to that, I smoked for about 7.5 years, and was smoking about 2.5 to 3.5 packs a day. I quit cold turkey. What worked for me? I wanted to quit. Not wished, not hope, not desired. I was tired of waking up and hacking a up lung until I got that first cigarette smoked. I was tired of spending a big chunk of money on cigs. And I was tired of the way my clothes and I smelled. I wanted that habit gone. I looked at my smoking pattern, and figured out the times of day or activity when smoking really was enjoyable. (For me, it was that first cig of the day with a cup of coffee, smoking after eating or sex, and anytime I was drinking). The rest of the time I realized I was smoking because of habit and addiction, and not because I enjoyed it. When I quit, I modified my behavior during those times when smoking would have been enjoyable. I cut way back on the drinking for about 3 weeks. In the mornings, instead of waking up 2 hours before I had to leave, I would wake up an hour before I had to leave. So, instead of drinking coffee and smoking that first hour, and the second hour to get ready, I left myself only the 1 hour to get ready. I would buy coffee on the way to work, and skip breakfast (thus eliminating another one of those moments where desiring a cig would be strong. After about 3 weeks, the cravings stopped, and I haven't craved a cigarette since.
  14. I don't know. I get the feeling Zenger is not going to want to wait 8+ years so they can bask in the glow of a "co-division" title.
  15. And yet another article where the columnist is spouting his opinion on what the school should do. No mention of a rumor, a speculation, or even a whisper the university is even interested in Leach. Leach and his agent are burning up those phone lines making sure Mike's name is out there.
  16. He gets canned after 2 years?!. What the heck were they expecting? "After a thorough evaluation of our football program, I have concluded that new leadership is necessary to place us on the path toward competing for championships in the Big 12 Conference," (Athletic Director Sheahon) Zenger said in a statement." Kansas, football and Big12 Championships =
  17. "Meechigan" fans cannot be happy. Tressel spanked their azz for 7 straight years, and with the tOSU program seemingly in a state of chaos, it was beginning to look like UM's turn to return the "love". Then those "bastages" went and hired Meyer.
  18. I think somebody peed on my rose colored glasses. Count me among those that think the Bills are heading in the right direction, but a lock for the playoffs is a bit of a stretch.
  19. Damn! Last time I tested, I was classified as an ISTP with leanings towards an INTJ. Given that test was nearly 10 years ago, you could bloody well be right. Kudos. Background in psych? Wow. And I thought I was here because I was former WNYer looking for others to talk about the Bills. Good or bad, it doesn't matter. I just want to partake in conversations and read others opinions regarding the Bills. I sure as hell don't come here, the "retard rodeo", because I find it a "challenge" or for the "mental exercise".
  20. If I wanted to call you a dumbass, I would have called you a dumbass. A bit of advice: I do not know how long you have been reading this board before you decided to join and post, but for the next couple of months, you might consider lurking more and posting less. This will help you get an understanding/feel/sense of the different posters on the board. That way, the next time somebody disagrees with your opinion, you will not take it so personal. Or, as it was put to me when I first joined (to paraphrase and minus the swearing) - get a thicker skin or you won't last long.
  21. Actually they drafted D heavily this year. Last year, the Bills had 8 draft picks. 4 went on the defensive side of the ball, and 4 went on the offensive side of the ball. But more on that in a moment. You are correct. They are responsible for the lack of depth on the Oline. But Nix/Chan cannot fix everything in 1-2 seasons that Jauron spent 4 years ripping apart. This cannot be stated enough. Top 5 pass defense his last 2 years? Based on what criteria? According to the NFL, the Bills pass D from 2010 to 2006 was ranked as follows: 2010 - 3 (Chan's first year) 2009 - 2 (Jauron's last year w/ Fewell) 2008 - 13 2007 - 29 2006 - 7 As for the 7-9, you do realize one of those years happened when the Bills ended up with the 2nd easy schedule in the NFL! And Jauron's 2007 team was the worst offense in team history. His 2008 and 2009 teams were not much better. 1.) Chan has not had 2 years "already". We are still in his second year. Before I start up on the drafts, let me re-state something: Nix/Chan cannot fix everything in 1-2 seasons that Jauron spent 4 years ripping apart. When Nix/Chan took over, the foundation of players they had to build with are players Jauron spent the previous 4 years acquiring. You want to see bad drafting? Here's bad drafting: In 4 years of drafting, Jauron spent 19 picks on D, and 14 on O. Defensively, 10 were DB, 4 were LB, and 5 were DL. Offensively, 6 were OL, 5 were WR/TE, 1 QB, and 3 RB. Just absorb those numbers for a second. 10 DB out of 19 picks. One of the 4 LB taken was projected to play as a DB at the NFL level Of the 6 OL taken, only 2, Wood and Levitre, were taken in the first 3 rounds. None of the other 4 were taken before the 5th round. Out of the 2006 draft, only 1 player remains, nobody from the first 3 rounds Out of the 2007 draft, none of the players the Bills drafted remain on the team. 2008 - 4 players remain, only 1 from the first 3 rounds remains. From 2006-2009, they Bills had; 6 first round picks (2 remain, Wood & McKelvin) 4 second round picks (2 remain, Levitre & Byrd) 3 third round picks (0 remain) This is the current Bills foundation as left by Jauron. Yet, people wonder why Nix/Chan haven't "fixed" everything in 2 years.
  22. I think you need to find another hobby as it seems you have some extra free time on your hands. You state this: "Listen I know we have less talent than 30 other teams in the league..." followed by this: "... I have not seen Chan adjust his game-plan to fool other defenses" Even though the Bills have less talent than 30 other teams, you still expect Chan to scheme his way out of it. The Oline is in shambles, and we have no depth. The Dallas game speaks for itself. In the first 3 plays, the right side defensive pass rusher came in untouched twice. Please show me a scheme that will overcome that, and with less talent than 30 other teams. Then you complain about his "failure" to have elite teams at GT. Personally, I thought most people realized the college game and the pro game were 2 different animals. My mistake. Success/Failure in one does not automatically equate to success/failure in the other. If it did, Saban would still be coaching the Dolphins, and Weis would still be at ND. Then you bring up the "stacked" Dallas teams he had, completely ignoring the reality those players were on the downside of the careers, the Cowboys failed to make the playoffs the year before his arrival, and failed to make the playoffs after he left. During his tenure, they made the playoffs both times, and did so with an owner who is far more meddlesome than Wilson. Jauron spent 4 offseason's destroying the Bills organization by building a team that was undersized, soft, and convinced it was hard to win in the NFL. After this season, Chan gets 2 more years.
  23. IIRC, Whitner was offered a contract before he hit FA, and Whitner declined it. Whitner even tweeted about it, essentially calling the offer an insult. Donte thought he was going to be in high demand and was going to get a huge contract in the open market. The Bills pulled their offer, and Donte learned the hard way just how "valuable" he was.
  24. One position filled. Rich might actually work out there. Been saying it for awhile now: that's due to Leach and/or his agent throwing his name out there trying to keep Leach relevant as a HC. Interesting quote from Nutt: "... he didn't have the best players compared to OU and Nebraska, but playing him in the Cotton Bowl and studying him, he had something a little bit different. Along those lines maybe is where Ole Miss will be." So, Leach didn't have the best players at TT, that means he would be a good fit at Ole Miss because they can't attract the best players? It should be noted, the year Nutt/OM played against Leach/TT in the Cotton Bowl, was the year TT went 11-2. Ole Miss won the game. Doubt it. Even this article you linked to spells it out: Mike Leach Interested in Old Miss Job "He's yet to be hired anywhere, and as long as he has his current lawsuit against his former employer Texas Tech, the odds are he won't be on the sidelines anywhere." I've been saying that for awhile also. As long as that suit continues, nobody will touch him. Doesn't matter how many people speak out in his favor.
  25. That would THE Ohio State University: My link
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