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Everything posted by Cynical

  1. I'm not convinced he's a good OC anymore.
  2. Yes, yes there is. I never understood the obsession with Mighty Crappo. Dog food in a tortilla.
  3. Is this a concern or a requirement?
  4. Too bad this thread is not about Fitzpatrick. It's about Tebow. Tebow has spent 3+ years trying to correct his mechanics and throwing style. One of those years includes his senior year at Florida where an assistant coach was brought in specifically to help Tebow correct his problems. That worked so well that numerous scouts and observers noted there seem to be no difference after Tebow completed his senior year. Lastly, your poor attempt at diversion does not change any of that.
  5. What does Fitzpatrick have to do with anything regarding Tebow? Was Fitzpatrick his coach at one time?
  6. Proof is in the pudding. We'll see when the season starts going. They should be getting better. He has only been working on them 3+ years now.
  7. Yep. One gigantic conspiracy. Who do we have now: Jeff Fisher Jeff Fisher's coaching staff The Titans front office Merrill Hoge (Is ESPN in on this also, or just Hoge?) The Nashville PD Almost forgot, you did mention the Mayor's office. For clarification, was the mayor himself a part of the conspiracy? Or just his staff? You may have to supply us a score card so we can keep track of all these people who were out to get/smear Vince Young. Secondly, you might want to do some research on male depression. Depression is not like a cold. You do not wake up one day and say "Wow, I am suffering from depression." It is quite common for the depressed person to not even realize it. So it will be a "shock" to them when they do find out.
  8. Mash here Didn't realize the BSU deal was just football, with the remaining sports headed back to the WAC. Now with the uncertainty of the stability of the WAC and the Mountain West telling BSU all sports or no sports, BSU is in a bit of tight spot. Also, looks like Louisville wants out of the Big Least Mash'em again
  9. Apparently Jimbo has also said FSU should look into the Big XII. Of course, it remains to be seen if UT and OU will accept them. Texas is not real fond of playing a conference championship game.
  10. Maybe OP meant Petey Carroll was "tearing up" over how bad his QB's really are?
  11. Vince Young is a Bill, whether I liked the signing or not. Was he worth the trouble? The answer will be revealed in time. My issue with VY is he has shown, since joining the NFL, a history of dealing with stress and pressure pretty poorly. Can he overcome this issue? Possibly. Again, time and circumstances will tell. I just have a hard time with posters who describe Vince's problem as being a "maturity" issue, or that Chan can "fix" him. Teams do not bring in a psychologist because the player is sitting in the corner "pouting". Now, for the poster who's claiming Vince is just a victim of some grand conspiracy, come on, are you not even just a little bit interested in seeing the "evidence"? Maybe there is something to it. Maybe not. Regardless, we will never know until it gets presented.
  12. Does this sound like a maturity issue? "As Wyatt reports, a psychologist met with Young at his home on Monday afternoon, before he went missing later in the night, sparking a search from Nashville police." mash here
  13. In short, evidence does not exist. Carry on.
  14. I think it would be in your interest to start posting the links to your evidence, because you seem to be the only person spouting some half assed conspiracy theory. I do not recall Fisher having any problem starting Young back in 2006 and 2007, prior to Vince Youngs first meltdown. Any problem Fisher had with Young seemed to develop after that.
  15. Once again, people are trying to compare TO's "diva" problem to VYs "mental" problem. TO's issue was ego driven. For the majority of players, if their ego gets bashed enough, they get the hint: "You are no longer the man. Shut your trap and do what you are told". Ego driven people can actually thrive under pressure. VY's issue is different. Once the pressure and stress started building, he snapped. Yes, having a hissy fit and throwing your pads into the stands sounds like a "diva" gone wild, but prior to that, Young suffered from severe depression and, was rumored to be suicidal at one point. And that's just the stuff that got out. Chan may able to do a lot of things, but being a psychologist is not one of them.
  16. The comparison to TO is not even close. TO's problem was "ego". Young's problem is "mental", literally. Everybody remembers Young's hissy fit and tantrum where he threw his pads in the stands, but people forgot what happened before that. That's not immature behavior, that's something deeper.
  17. Why do people automatically assume Gailey can "fix" Young? Gailey has shown he can deal limited physical talent, not limited mental talent. In short, you can't "fix stupid".
  18. How fast can we ride his azz out of town? /sarcasm But in reality, hate this move. Just when I thought the Bills were done dealing with headcases ...
  19. In a hypothetical world, and assuming DeCastro was rated higher than Luck, than yes. In the real world, Luck is rated higher, so Luck will taken before DeCastro You need to clarify what you mean by "top-6" QB. Top-6 of what?
  20. Plays? Who practice plays? Celebrations. That's the difference maker. My link
  21. And you can provide some sort of proof for this? Actually, draft history in of itself says no such thing. Your interpretation may say that, but draft history, like any other stat, is just a record of what was done. There is nothing in the draft history that says why. In order to understand why, you would need to look at each pick, attempt to understand the rationale of why the pick happened. A logical reason more QB's have been picked in the top 5 than non-pass rushing LBs may have more to do with the fact finding a competent NFL QB is far harder than finding a competent non-passing LB.
  22. See my response to Wayne. But to elaborate further: If a team thinks a punter will be a HOF but none of the other players will be, than the best move for that team would be to take the punter in the first round, especially if they really have a need for a punter. This is why you are contradicting yourself. You have applied a value to a punter and determined said value does not warrant being picked in the first round, period. This is no different than the scouts saying you should pick QBs in the first, Lineman in the second, etc ...., and punters/kickers in the 7th. You thought process may not be as rigid as that example, but the concept is the same.
  23. Absolutely and exactly. Bob even used an example in his reply. "You believe Tom Brady might be a HoF player, but you know noone else will take him before New England in round 6:" Thus the concept of draft value is lousy. You do not know how each team values a particular player at a given time during a draft.
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