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Everything posted by Cynical

  1. Would not matter (at least here in GA). They just spin it into something like "That's why they were Christians, and this country was founded on Christian beliefs (just look at US currency if you don't believe me!), and there is nothing in the Constitution stating you have the right to Freedom from religion".
  2. People who push for Creationism to be taught in schools are not doing it in order to present a different scientific theory, they are doing it to promote a religious belief. You think the same people would be comfortable with the other religions being taught in the school? If they want to teach Creationism in school, than teach ALL variations, not just the "Christian" one. Yes, that includes the Flying Spaghetti Monster version. As an Atheist/Agnostic, I am bitter and zealous in my belief. That's because I am sick and tired of having Christians trying to jam their belief down my throat every time I turn around. I have stopped counting the number of times I have been told "Freedom of Religion does not mean Freedom from Religion".
  3. Where did Astro "insinuate" Floyd will be a bust? Are you insinuating not starting for the first 3 weeks is grounds for the bust label?
  4. Pfft. Come to GA. The religious kooks are rampant and are in a dire need of being thinned out. Back in the early 90's Cobb County made sodomy illegal in attempt to ban homosexuality. Cobb County Board of Education attempted to get evolution disclaimer stickers put into textbooks. Some of the tards in the GA legislature wanted the phrase "In God We Trust" made part of the new license plate. It didn't pass but a resident can get a free sticker to put on their plate. Don't even get me started on the 10 Commandments.
  5. If he still has trouble reading a defense and/or throwing the ball at this stage in his career ... ... this becomes moot. Defenses will stack the line, take away the run and dump offs, and force the offense and VY into throwing in attempt to beat them.
  6. Some were so anxious to give Spiller a nickname, they completely forgot he already had a well known one from college. IMHO, the best nicknames emerge based on some off the cuff observation or remark, or something leaks out of the locker room.
  7. Yes and no. Just speculating ... The Bills went out and got Dareus and him some help along the line. After that, he may not care who they drafted. His biggest concern has been addressed already.
  8. I'm in the camp with some of the others. I want to see how he reacts when the bullets start flying.
  9. Then there's the matter of the asst coaches. Wait too long to choose the HC and the pool of available asst coaches is weak.
  10. Yes, yes there is. I never understood the obsession with Mighty Crappo. Dog food in a tortilla.
  11. Too bad this thread is not about Fitzpatrick. It's about Tebow. Tebow has spent 3+ years trying to correct his mechanics and throwing style. One of those years includes his senior year at Florida where an assistant coach was brought in specifically to help Tebow correct his problems. That worked so well that numerous scouts and observers noted there seem to be no difference after Tebow completed his senior year. Lastly, your poor attempt at diversion does not change any of that.
  12. What does Fitzpatrick have to do with anything regarding Tebow? Was Fitzpatrick his coach at one time?
  13. Proof is in the pudding. We'll see when the season starts going. They should be getting better. He has only been working on them 3+ years now.
  14. Yep. One gigantic conspiracy. Who do we have now: Jeff Fisher Jeff Fisher's coaching staff The Titans front office Merrill Hoge (Is ESPN in on this also, or just Hoge?) The Nashville PD Almost forgot, you did mention the Mayor's office. For clarification, was the mayor himself a part of the conspiracy? Or just his staff? You may have to supply us a score card so we can keep track of all these people who were out to get/smear Vince Young. Secondly, you might want to do some research on male depression. Depression is not like a cold. You do not wake up one day and say "Wow, I am suffering from depression." It is quite common for the depressed person to not even realize it. So it will be a "shock" to them when they do find out.
  15. Mash here Didn't realize the BSU deal was just football, with the remaining sports headed back to the WAC. Now with the uncertainty of the stability of the WAC and the Mountain West telling BSU all sports or no sports, BSU is in a bit of tight spot. Also, looks like Louisville wants out of the Big Least Mash'em again
  16. Apparently Jimbo has also said FSU should look into the Big XII. Of course, it remains to be seen if UT and OU will accept them. Texas is not real fond of playing a conference championship game.
  17. Maybe OP meant Petey Carroll was "tearing up" over how bad his QB's really are?
  18. Vince Young is a Bill, whether I liked the signing or not. Was he worth the trouble? The answer will be revealed in time. My issue with VY is he has shown, since joining the NFL, a history of dealing with stress and pressure pretty poorly. Can he overcome this issue? Possibly. Again, time and circumstances will tell. I just have a hard time with posters who describe Vince's problem as being a "maturity" issue, or that Chan can "fix" him. Teams do not bring in a psychologist because the player is sitting in the corner "pouting". Now, for the poster who's claiming Vince is just a victim of some grand conspiracy, come on, are you not even just a little bit interested in seeing the "evidence"? Maybe there is something to it. Maybe not. Regardless, we will never know until it gets presented.
  19. Does this sound like a maturity issue? "As Wyatt reports, a psychologist met with Young at his home on Monday afternoon, before he went missing later in the night, sparking a search from Nashville police." mash here
  20. I think it would be in your interest to start posting the links to your evidence, because you seem to be the only person spouting some half assed conspiracy theory. I do not recall Fisher having any problem starting Young back in 2006 and 2007, prior to Vince Youngs first meltdown. Any problem Fisher had with Young seemed to develop after that.
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