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Everything posted by Cynical

  1. Not maple syrup, "pancake" syrup. Log Cabin, Mrs. Buttersworth, etc ... High Fructose Corn syrup, water, and an assortment of artificial flavorings. Yummy.
  2. So the entire north must be like NYC. I live in the south. Can't wait to get the hell out. Sun? Don't you mean insufferable heat and humidity? Sweet tea = sugar water with some tea flavoring added. If you like sweet tea, you probably could drink pancake syrup right out of the bottle.
  3. Yet Adams had no problem releasing Young after the 2010 season was over. If Fisher and his staff truly was the problem, why not keep him? Fisher was already gone when Adams pulled the plug on Young. Please, just stop. You went from Homer to stupid with that statement. Fisher may have not wanted Young, but I seriously doubt it was due in part because Texas recently beat USC for the title. The Titans drafted SS Michael Griffin the following year, and he played on the championship team with Vince Young. You do not hear any bad news report about Griffin. Its called "adversity", and how it's dealt with. You do not need video when you have witnesses. And spare me the "That was all Jeff Fisher" nonsense. The media do get to talk to the players.
  4. He has also disclosed he "believes" Jeff Fisher, Jeff Fisher's coaching staff, the Titans owner, the Nashville police dept, and the Mayor of Nashville were all involved in some giant conspiracy against VY. Edit: I think he also mentioned the media being part of the conspiracy.
  5. It is, but it's not easy. My wife is pretty convinced my present employer is one (the employer is a massive nut job). (Side note: The wife has a Master in Clinical Psychology, and has been doing assessments and treatments for about 15-20 years) Unlike somebody who is Bi-Polar, there is no pill to help in treatment. Treatment is strictly up to the clinician to perform, and they are doing it on a person who absolutely believes there is nothing wrong with their behavior, no matter how irrational their behavior can be.
  6. Was he benched after those 2 games? No? The fact he threw only 27 times in those 2 games is irrelevant because he played 7 more games. Look at the aggregate. Hence, 1st vs 2nd half. The Bills threw the ball 431 times that year. JP chucked it 429 of those 431. Since JP threw every ball except 2 for the entire season, if the Bills had intended to minimize JP by having him throw less (as you are trying to claim - 27 times in 2 games!), you would see a shift down in the total number of attempts from the first half to second half. But that does not happen. 213 vs 218. Slight up tick. But wait! Since passing is only one aspect of an offense, we need to look at the other: rushing. It's possible that JP could have approximately the same number of pass attempts, and a smaller role, if the Bills ran more offensive plays in the second half vs the first half. Theoretically, the passing attempts would stay flat, but the number of rushing attempts would go up. Survey says: 212 vs 208. Oops, that didn't happen either. Slight down tick. Compare that to 2011 Bills: 1st half - 261 passes to 217 running 2nd half - 317 passes to 174 running That's a shift, and it matches the perception many people have that the Bills started to abandon the running game in the second part of the year. Yes, but there is a difference in doing it once a game vs 3-4 a game. From the first half of the season to the second, JP threw the ball the same number of times, he had approx the same completion %, but he passed for 300+ more yards in the second half. During the same year, they ran the ball for 212 times and av 100 yds/game in the first half. In the second half, they ran the ball 208 times, and the av per game fell to 93. Yeah, something changed, but not what you trying to pass off. Jesus. This just proves how effective JP was. He threw 3 TDs. How was the running game? 37 times, 2.7 avg, ZERO TD's. Who did the Bills rely on to win that game? This has what to do with anything? I haven't disagreed with this. Losman was only good at chucking it down field. When the team started to do that more often in the second half of 2006, he became more productive. What a shocking concept and revelation. Losman was a one dimensional player, and when the opposing defenses finally figured that out, his numbers and his career went down hill.
  7. And I'll try again. In order to clarify what I meant when I said they "opened up" the playbook, I stated they had Losman take more chances down field. Here's the exact quote: "Tip: When I said they opened up the playbook I meant they were allowing him to take more chances down field as opposed to the dink 'n dunk Jauron wanted" I thought that statement was pretty clear and obvious, especially with the inclusion of "dink 'n dunk". But apparently, you are not getting it. down field - long pass attempts dink 'n dunk - short to medium pass attempts I never said they had JP throw MORE, but they were making him throw LONGER. The Miami game was an example of that. It is when passing attempts are used as a basis for your argument as you have been doing. JP complained at the bye, which came after game 7. So, a comparison between the halves is not far fetched. They ran the ball and threw the ball approx the same number of times in the first half and in the second half. So, yes, JP did not throw the ball MORE in the second half, nor did the team run the ball more. The ratio stayed the same. Other than passing or running the ball, what else can a team do on offense to run a play? The numbers stayed the same across both halves.
  8. Too bad he didn't really prove it. As I previously replied to him: In 2006, JP threw the ball 212 times in the first 8 games. He threw the ball 217 times in the last games. About same amount or slight increase, but definitely not a decrease. Since passing is only one part of the offense, let's look at rushing. In 2006, the Bills ran the ball 212 times in the first 8 games They ran the ball 208 times in the last games. About the same amount, or a slight decrease, but definitely not an increase. See above and try again. Here's the part I am disputing. Unless this coach was a part of the Bills coaching staff in 2006, or has direct knowledge via someone who was part of the team in 2006, he has no idea why the playbook was set up the way it was. The reason I dispute it I find it really hard to believe Dick Jauron, based on game film from one year where JP ran Mularkey's "Go-Go Gadget" offense and one off season, knew, without question, JP was a mental midget. This includes that everybody on the team was being introduced to a new offensive system before the 2006 season. The same Dick Jauron that spent 2.5 years and fired an OC in the process, beofre he finally realized Trent Edwards was just as big a moron. Sorry. I am not buying it.
  9. For AC/DC, only an idiot would pick just one: Highway to Hell The Jack Whole Lotta Rosie Shoot To Thrill Back In Black For Those About to Rock (We Salute You) Dirty Deeds Thunderstruck Money Talks etc ...
  10. Ironic: Case of smoke with no fire. http://www.buffalosportsdaily.com/an-apology-to-merriman-and-everyone-else/
  11. Too bad he declared after his senior year. Best link I can do is from Scout.com. I was off by one. They got him ranked as 4th best QB. My link 212 Att in the first 8 games 217 Att in the second 8 games If you want to make the argument he threw about the same number of times, fine. But it is clear he did not throw "less".
  12. Yes, really. IIRC, he was ranked like the 5th best QB in that draft class. Not exactly screaming first round material there. Yet, his Yd/att went from 6.75 in the first half of the season to 7.5 in the second half. His Yds per game went from 177 to 205. He threw 7 TD in the first half to throwing 12 in the second. Yeah, you are right. They were "reigning" him in. Miami, Dec. 2006 - JP Losman: 13-19-200 yds, 3 TD - What's the Yd/Att on that? 10+? Tip: When I said they opened up the playbook I meant they were allowing him to take more chances down field as opposed to the dink 'n dunk Jauron wanted. In 2006, the playbook was originally set up in attempt to make JP learn to read a defense and make him into a pocket passer. Prior to the 2006 season, Jauron even made the comment of every scrambling QB eventually needs to learn how to read a defense and throw from the pocket if they want to continue playing in the NFL. Furthermore, I am not debating whether or not JP ever learned how to read a D or that he was some kind of mental genius. I am disputing the comment the 2006 playbook was setup ("limited") because he was stupid.
  13. For a guy that "spends every single working day trying to figure out how to beat opposing quarterbacks", he was pretty bad at picking them to run his offense when he was a HC. Again, having knowledge and applying that knowledge in a specific way are different things. Wanny might be able to figure out a QB's strength and weaknesses, but as a DC, he's looking to exploit the QB's weaknesses and limit his strengths. The last thing he wants is the QB to reach max potential. Or maybe the failure rate among NFL QB's is so high, it is far easier to say player x won't make it. The person making that prediction will be right more times than he will be wrong. IIRC, the Bills had Edwards pegged as a solid second rounder (as did others). They were stunned he was still sitting there in the third when it came time for them to pick. As for Losman being a first rounder, that goes on TD. I do not remember Losman being projected by anybody being taken that early. He was "appointed" the starter with no indication he was actually ready to start. Most "raw" players are not ready for the starting lineup within their first 2 years. The Bills offense in 2006 was geared to make Losman a pocket passer. He wasn't allowed to audible, and he wasn't allowed to scramble. After he complained during the bye, the coaching staff opened up the play book, and took off the "No scramble" shackles. Coincidentally, the Bills offense improved in the 2nd half of 2006. The opening of the offense included taking more shots down field which just happened to be JP's one real strength.
  14. Knowing it and being able to apply it to specific situations are different things. When it comes to the offensive side of the ball, I will take Wanny's word with some skepticism. After the Bills drafted Edwards, perceived QB guru Bill Walsh called the Bills and told Marv they got a "good one". If you had watched any of Losman's game while he was at Tulane you would know he had to scramble just to stay alive. Coming out of college, JP was considered "raw", and would take a few years to develop. In his second year, he was thrust into the starter's position. That was a disaster waiting to happen. Are you sure you are not mixing your players up? When Turk S. was fired, he complained to the media how Jauron wanted him to simplify the offense even more to the point Turk stated Jauron wanted to run a "pop warner" offense. The QB at the time: Edwards. I am not saying Losman was a mental genius by any stretch, but I do remember in 2006, Losman complaining how he felt he was handcuffed by the coaching staff.
  15. I get the feeling the poster was reacting to another poster who said "IMO, it was warranted." How can anyone justify violence in a meeting is beyond me.
  16. Apparently you missed where OP said: And no Dane Cook.
  17. Did not mean to imply there wasn't. If there is one thing corporate America is really good at is sanitizing and commercializing a product. Just follow this "recipe" and don't push the boundaries or limits = $. That is until America gets bored with it, and the "new and improved" formula needs to be rolled out. Corporate country is not what I base the entire genre on (just so we are clear on that). Without getting into a lengthy explanation as to why, do note there are always a handful of groups of any genre that appeal to me. In the case of country, I find myself listening to groups like Cash and Reed. What they play and sing comes across as "genuine". If they are following a formula, it's hard to detect.
  18. Not a fan of country, and IMHO, today's corporate country is a mind numbing, soul sucking, regurgitating formulaic crap that has become the bane of the country music genre. BUT ..... Before the modern version of country, we had the likes of Johnny Cash and this guy: http://youtu.be/bNaN4aZJiZU
  19. Boats and Planes? None I have heard off. Buildings and people? Sure have: http://en.wikipedia....ortion_violence
  20. This says it all. Atheists get blamed repeatedly for something they did not do. Atheists get sick of it. Atheists push back. The spin: Atheists are closed minded and intolerant. Christians being attacked. Why do atheists do this? Why can't they leave us alone?
  21. Follow your own advice before you start spouting. You mean this quote? The religious kooks are rampant and are in a dire need of being thinned out. Yeah, I said it. I stand behind. kooks - as in extremists, the far right, the people who feel compelled to shove religion down my throat, the ones who are busy trying to "save me" even though I have asked and then told them to leave me the *&^% alone. thinned out - there are other ways of "thinning out" besides violence. Educating those people in the proper concept of "you leave me alone, I leave you alone" would be a start.
  22. You have lived in GA since 1999 and you have not come across at least one of these people? How have you managed that? I have run into people who have no problem telling me the South is the best place to live, except for Florida (because FLA is not really southern anyways) Their entire exposure of the "south" means venturing into Tenn once a month Georgia is the best place to live ( they have been to Athens and Macon, they know!) and the occasional "NW Georgia is the best". Rationale? Everything else is just a cesspool of Atheism, Liberalism, and Socialism. Their friend told them so. (The friend is the idiot that went to Athens and Macon.) Even if they do ask, anything less than "I love me some Georgia! Bestest place in the whole wide God fearing world!" goes over like a lead balloon. When I first moved here, any criticism was met with "Delta's ready when you are".
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