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Everything posted by Cynical

  1. So, the Bills need to start drafting QBs just for the sake of drafting QBs? Damn the logic and evaluation, draft QBs rounds 1 -7 next year.
  2. Something else = he's an over-hyped mediocre QB.
  3. Maybe, maybe not. (OP did say she was shy.) The fact that she has new friends and wants a break, yeah, there is at least one guy that piqued her interest, and he's local. She wants to test those waters without fully letting you go. I concur with the others. Time to head out, and see what you can find locally.
  4. No urgency? How about a freaking job? It's not like teams were lighting up his phone to have at him. If being out of work is not "urgent" enough, then waive his sorry ass.
  5. It's a conspiracy, I tells ya. Both Chan and Wanny hated Vince Young, and are deliberately trying to "sabotagey" his career. Don't believe any of those reports about Vince not picking up the offense. Those were started by Chan and his buddy in the media, Jerry Sullivan (who also hates Vince Young). Vince not picking up the offense is news to Vince. VY has already mastered Chan's offense, and Chan's jealous because VY only needed a week to do so. It also doesn't help that Chan and Wanny were college head coaches back in 2005-2006. They both know if they had to face VY, VY would have destroyed their teams. Just wait for the "news" to come out where VY was picked up by the Orchard Park PD for littering. Chan has a bunch of friends on the OPPD. VY does not litter, and there are no videos showing him littering.
  6. You must be a "young-in". I can still remember people complaining and bitching about wanting Frank Reich being the starter over Jim Kelly. And that was back in 1990 after Kelly had been on the team for few years. So, if you think having a "decent" (in your opinion) starting QB would only limit this thread to one page, you are just fooling yourself.
  7. Uh oh. http://sports.yahoo....767--ncaaf.html
  8. Thank you for making my point. Wood and Levitre were 1st and 2nd round picks. In the 4 years Jauron drafted, can you name any other OL drafted in the first and second round? I'll make it easier, can you name any other OL drafted before the fifth round? Here's another question: how many DB's were drafted by Jauron just in the first round?
  9. Levitre without hesitation. I spent 4 years watching Jauron obsessing over the secondary. It took Nix 3 years to rebuild the lines because of that stupidity. It all begins in the trenches.
  10. Only to those that were desperately seeking for something that wasn't named JP.
  11. I read as much of this article as I could stomach, and it was pretty evident the guy is a freaking idiot on so many levels, it's a wonder he still remembers how to breath.
  12. Not only does he have much more to work with, but having that talent and producing another 6-10 season is not going to cut it. Anything less than a winning record, and at the very least, his coaching seat will be on the "warm" side next year.
  13. "Well ... that is ... that's ... you're supposed to be here to protect me." "What are we protecting you from? A wrong cheeseburger?" Absolute classic.
  14. Black Sabbath - "Sweet Leaf" (Do I really need to explain this?) And this (see above): http://youtu.be/-sFK0-lcjGU
  15. You and caracara need to get together. Both of you have no problem drumming conspiracy theories to excuse away VY's issues.
  16. Pfft. Rockdale County GA school system started last week. Yes, late July.
  17. As bad as they were under DeHaven, they were god awful under his replacement Ronnie Jones. I blame it all on Wade. IIRC, Wade treated the special teams like they were a red headed step child.
  18. Are both on the table, or just the one?
  19. Looks like you picked a bad time to stop drinking ...
  20. Skrillex, Skrillex, and pretty much anything by Skrillex. Watch out when he gets going. His ability to .. um .. twist that knob, and um ... punch that button is just stunning.
  21. Let's get some things straight. I do not hate Vince Young. I was against the signing of Vince Young. However it is the same rationale I would use if the Bills were interested in acquiring somebody like P. Harvin from Minny. Harvin has issues surrounding him. If by some weird chance Harvin would suddenly become available, I hope and wish the Bills do not spend the energy and resources trying to acquire him. Let some other team figure out if those issues are isolated and/or have been put behind him. Let that be another team's "problem" to sort out. Vince Young has baggage. That baggage is a history of issues that cause a distraction. I was against the signing of Vince Young because of this baggage. Let some other team figure out if Vince's issues were isolated and/or are behind him. Which bring's me to this point. I, like 99% of the others that frequent here, are fans of the Buffalo Bills. We may squabble, and we may disagree on numerous issues, but we all desire the same thing. We want to see our team raise the Lombardi Trophy at the end of the SB. As fans, we will discuss a lot of things, especially players. Those topics will include all aspects of the player - on field, off field, positive and negative. Vince Young is now a member of the Buffalo Bills. His past issues will be discussed because that is a part of who he is, rightfully or wrongfully. Accept it. It's not going to go away. You, on the other hand, are a fan of Vince Young. You have stated this openly and with honesty. I commend you that. Vince Young does not need you defending him on this board with posts of conspiracy and smear agendas. Your attempts at defending VY with such posts are amusing. But that can happen when a person is a fan of the "player" and not of the "team". Vince Young will prove himself, one way or the other, all on his own by his own actions. If by chance, Vince Young is waived by the Bills, you can follow him like a lost puppy dog to his next team, and attempt to convince that fan base that all of his issues are nothing but a smear agenda and conspiracy generated. As for now, since Vince Young is a Bill, I wish him nothing but the best of luck. I hope VY has overcome and moved beyond those issues that have plagued him in the past. I also look forward to TC and the regular season to see if VY can contribute in helping the Bills reach the ultimate goal in whatever capacity he can.
  22. FYI: The Titans called in a psychologist that met Vince at his home after Vince went missing after one of his tantrums. Teams do not get psychologists involved just so they can "smear" a player.
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