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Everything posted by Cynical

  1. Can't lose something he never had. The only thing the concussion did was to give his fans an excuse for his "suddenly" poor play. The dude was terrible from day 1, and never progressed. There was no difference in his play pre concussion to post concussion. His fans just want to "believe" there was a difference in order to justify their emotional investment in him even though he desired nothing more than to punch the clock, sit on the bench, and collect a paycheck.
  2. Winning 3 NC in 4 years would be quite an accomplishment nobody else has done including the Bear. How about winning 3 NC in a row? Yes, I realize he has yet to win 2 in a row, and I am not saying a win against ND is a forgone conclusion. Just pointing out that IF Bama beats ND, a new higher goal and challenge can be set to achieve. Irrelevant. That is something for the Bama faithful to debate over. Saban could care less about his "status in comparison to Bryant". Again, Saban is not driven by the result. He is driven by the process. Of all the articles and pieces I have never read anything stating Saban is growing weary of recruiting. If anything, recruiting is part of the process. He is relentless about it. According to an interview with Scarbinsky, Lombardi had this to say: "... at Alabama, Saban “can control all the things he wants to control in his environment. I think he’s very content there.”
  3. Can't really answer the first question. Second question: yes. Third question: I must confess, I have come to despise the summers in the deep south. The heat is insufferable. So for me personally, I would answer no based on weather alone. Other than that, hell yeah. I would live there. Talk about making crap up. She was happy in Baton Rouge. She is quite happy in Tuscaloosa. She has also stated she believes Alabama is Nick's last gig. The only place he'll go from Tuscaloosa is to their retirement home in Rabun County, GA. That's how much they hate the "deep south".
  4. Not quite right. Here's the actual full length interview with Terry Saban: http://www.973thezone.com/Player/101765001/ Start listening right before the 6 min mark. Notice she's NOT talking about Nick specifically. She does talk about Nick specifically starting at around the 7:45 mark. Nick Saban is NOT driven by the results. Nick is driven by the process that ends in a result. As for Saban leaving Bama? I would be surprised if he did. Even Terry believes that Bama is Nick's last stop before retirement (at around the 13 min mark)
  5. First, the chances of Saban coming back in the NFL is slightly better than me winning the Lotto. Is it possible? Yes, but I would not bet on it. Second, if he did, would I want him as a HC of the Bills. NO. He is what he is, a college HC. He failed in Miami for numerous reasons. Saban is a big time micro manager. That kind of behavior did not go over well in Miami. IIRC, he also did not like having to deal with / account for some of the specifics of players contracts. Especially anything dealing with playing time, player performance bonuses, etc ... Third, Saban being blackballed by the NFL owners: is this a fantasy or a desire?
  6. Have you even watched any other Bama games this year? He's a mauler without question. Needs "a bit of work" on his pass blocking, though. Roll Tide Roll!!
  7. Don't know about that. The Big East has already made moves to shore up it losses (Louisville to ACC and Rutgers to Big10+4). The Big East snagged East Carolina and Tulane from C-USA. They are also adding Navy in 2015. The Big East may have not gotten better, but they sure did get bigger. Maryland and Rutgers are pure $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ moves. Can't miss the obvious influence of the Big 10 Network on these additions. Maryland brings the DC market and Rutgers brings the NY market.
  8. Chris is also the latest for Arkansas. Taking the Auburn job would be suicide at this time. Tenn would be the best choice (assuming he even wanted to take a stab at the SEC) Gus Malzahn and Petrino also seem to be hot discussions for Aubieville.
  9. http://auburn.scout.com/2/1243475.html Damn. I was hoping he would get an extension. Another fun offseason watching and reading the more demented Aubies trying to justify this fire and the new hire. That leaves 4 SEC teams looking for a new HC. Besides Auburn: Arkansas - John L. Smith was told he would not return Tennessee - Dooley was already canned. Kentucky - Joker Philips is gone.
  10. Gotta admit, the guy is playing damn good. #1 QB in the nation coming into this weekend.
  11. Headcam footage of the spin during freefall: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/felix-baumgartner-jump-watch-incredible-1380246
  12. Can't say I have seen them on the side of the road, but running up and down I-75, I do see them on overpasses aiming it like they are getting ready to squeeze off a few rounds.
  13. Is Mich St a legit national contender? Depends on what they are contending for. BCS? No. its very possible they go undefeated... This question just got answered - no. i think their d will be close to alabama last year. jmo... Three weeks in, and this looks like - no.
  14. I see. The fumble itself means nothing. It's that Denver recovered it. Here's a concept. Denver cannot recover what wasn't fumbled to begin with. Byner fumbled the ball because Byner was carrying the ball away from his body, which made it easy for the Denver player to strip the ball. Bad luck or just bad ball protection? Yes, lets. Here is a piece you bolded: "Marty’s kickers missed 14 of their 35 playoff kicks, so that his opponents, despite basically the same number of attempts, made 8 more." Feel free to point out where the author attempts to explain why this happened. Show me something, anything from that article that shows or attempts to show why Marty's kickers missed 14 of their 35 playoff kicks. Your strawman arguments are becoming tiresome. Marty is a lousy playoff coach because his records says so: 5-13. That's lousy. Once again, I was comparing people like you, who are defending Martys 5-13 playoff record as being due to 'luck', to people who defended DJ's overall record. I'll make it more clear for you. It's called denial.
  15. Did not. 5-13 is "fact". Whether that record was achieved by bad "luck" is debatable and opinionated. Even the author referred to "perception". If Byner did NOT fumble that ball near the goal line, does that mean Byner was "lucky"? Instead of writing how "unlucky" Chokenheimer is, maybe the author should have tried to figure "why" MS is so unlucky. I did not compare coaches. I compared apologists. Juron apologists tried to reason the year he went 13-3 and won COTY was the basis or rule of Dick's coaching. All the losing years were the "exceptions". He lost because people were out to get him and bad luck. Juron apologists finally had to admit it wasn't luck or anything else causing Juron problems, Dick was just a crappy coach. Chokenheimer apologists speak of his playoff failures as bad luck and lack of longevity. At some point, I want to believe Marty apologists will someday figure out and admit Marty is just a lousy playoff coach. Convenient for me? More like you: "When was the last time the Browns or Chiefs were good for more than one season btw?" Your criteria. You set the requirements. I can't help it if Vermeill achieved a similar record in KC (great regular seasaon, sucked in the playoffs). Yes, the Ravens made 1 SB trip in 23 years (and won it, by the way). Remind me again how many trips to the SB as a HC Marty has?
  16. Yeah, 5-13. It's all about "luck". IIRC, even the Juron apologists stopped using the "luck" excuse as a reason for DJ's failures. KC went 44-36 under Vermeil with at least 2 winning seasons. Besides, Marty resigned as HC of the Chiefs. Who's fault is it again Marty never made it to SB as the KC HC? As for the Browns ... seriously? After the 1988 season, Art Model fired Chokenheimer. Seven years later, Modell packed up his organization and moved the team to Baltimore. That team is now called the Ravens. Want to to take a guess how well the Ravens have done? Irrelevant. Cowher still made it to the SB twice.
  17. And I wonder how many of the same people would be screaming to run Marty out of town after about 3-4 years of watching Marty making the playoffs and choking it away in tyh
  18. Brees was a FA rehabbing a serious injury to his throwing shoulder. Nobody knew for certain how well Brees would rehab. Hell, even the Dolphins medical staff said no.
  19. Overall, Cowher is (w/l) 149-90 in the regular season, 12-9 in the playoffs, 2 SB appearances, 1 SB win Chokenheimer is 200-126 in the regular season, 5 - 13 in the playoffs, 0 SB appearances. But you are right. Cowher did not win the SB until his 15th year. After 26 years, Marty never made it to the SB. As for longevity, Marty was the HC for the Browns 9 years and HC of the Chiefs for 10 years. His playoff record in Cleveland was 2-4, and in KC it was 3-7. Cowher made it to the SB in his 4th year.
  20. key word: preseason Start worrying when the regular season is under way.
  21. Bills win 45-14. "With under 6 minutes to go in the game, and the Bills leading 42-14, head coach Chan Gailey pulled starting QB Fitzpatrick, and sent T. Jackson in for mop up duty. Ryan finished the day with 300 yards passing while going 15 - 22. He threw 3 TDs and no picks." Jerry Sullivan column "Gailey benched Fitzpatrick during the game, and threw recently acquired Jackson into the action. The move is an act of desperation as the Bills continue looking for a starting QB."
  22. That's a ... that's some high quality ... um ...
  23. He needs to lighten up a bit, and not take things so seriously. It's only preseason.
  24. One that you feel is good, or one the Bills feel is good (and you are not so high on.)? If they get one you feel is good, can you tolerate watching him sitting on the bench for 1-2 years while Fitz starts? Or are you going to demand they get rid Fitz, find a veteran back up, and force the rook into the starting lineup? And if the rook becomes a bust 3-4 years later, will you stand up and say, "Well, at least they tried" or will you continue to B word and moan about the Bills not having a good one?
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