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Everything posted by Cynical

  1. Mike Mularkey and his 9-7 record would like a word with you.
  2. Pretty funny. He does make some valid points, though. My daughter in law has an HP Win8 laptop. She loved it for about for the first 2-3 weeks. Now, she can't stand it. (it was an Xmas gift, so returning the item is not option). She likes to borrow my son's laptop (a Win7) because she "can get $&%* done". One of her biggest gripes is the "swipe" issue brought up in the video. She says that alone will annoy and frustrate the hell out a person.
  3. For $1500? No. Now for $2400 ... http://www.advanced-intelligence.com/glasses.html Now, if you poke around a bit, they do offer some sample shots. (NSFW by the way)
  4. A car accident waiting to happen. After a few hundred or so, another piece of technology to ban while driving.
  5. http://sports.yahoo.com/news/ncaaf--ncaa-firing-vp-of-enforcement-171556026.html I'm shocked, I tell ya, just shocked the NCAA would choose to ignore it's own policies in an investigation. Further down in the article is this tidbit: Pfft. Of course not. Hey Emmert. It's not broken, it's just plain .
  6. Pardon, who's gums were itchy? http://youtu.be/2GMSVfWs8qk
  7. She got married. Wouldn't be shocked to learn her marriage is the reason he spoke up. Give a teenage boy steady sex for about 10 months, and then stop it. Yeah, he won't be a happy camper.
  8. Whoopsies. http://espn.go.com/college-football/story/_/id/8917370/mike-leach-lawsuit-texas-tech-red-raiders-dismissed-judge
  9. First pass play - underthrown second pass play - stares down the WR third pass play - overthrown Hope you got a better highlight reel than that.
  10. The correct call was made. Did you even hear the announcers ask the official in the booth and on the air? The fair catch signal was clearly made. The ND player was clearly within one yard of the receiver. The rest is moot. The only questionable call was the catch for first down. And Gholson MAY HAVE gotten it picked. Or ND MAY HAVE scored a FG. Hell, maybe ND does score a TD. Would that made the game very different? No. Stop kidding yourself. Gholson is not Johnny Football. He's not Aaron Murray, or Mettenberg, or Bray, or Tyler Wilson, or Deynard Robinson, or AJ McCarron. One score would not have greatly altered the dynamics of the game. One call at most. Bama. First 3 possessions = 3 straight TD's. What put ND in a huge hole was the inability of ND defense stopping the freight train known as the Bama running game. And this, we will agree on.
  11. Petey was also the HC of the Jets and Pats at one time. How do people forget this little factoid every time his name comes up for the question of successful college football = successful NFL coach. I think he was referring to Jim Harbaugh, the 49ers HC who came from Stanford. Unfortunately, Jimmy spent a couple of years on the Raiders staff before heading for the collegiate ranks.
  12. Interesting. I'm a literalist because I take people at face at what they say, while other people can take the same quotes and pull **** out their azz as to "what it really means" (and no, I am not claiming you are doing that in this thread), when "what it really means" is "what I want it to mean". How dare I challenge such logic. To make amends, I will spend the next 3 weeks dissecting and discussing what Russ really meant when he said "is".
  13. Are we supposed to believe Nix based on what he literally said, but we are not supposed to be believe Russ when he says Nix is the GM? If Russ is lying about that, what else is he lying about? Furthermore, did not Nix state that previous NFL HC experience was NOT going to be a requirement this time around?
  14. I explicitly said I wasn't predicting who made the Marrone pick. I pointed out a similarity between the two choices with the implication being how can you say, with certainty, he did not?
  15. You can list all the differences you want. Unless I missed something, prior to the current situation, Nix's entire HC selection portfolio consisted of one hire. I find it odd people can look at that present hire and state with a certainty that Nix had nothing to do with based on what? His one previous hire?
  16. An NFL coach that became a HC at the collegiate level where he posted a rather unimpressive record in a predominately basketball conference before returning to the NFL, and HC of the Bills. Now, where have I seen this before? Not trying to predict who made the Marrone pick, but just noticing a similar pattern.
  17. I would hope so too. I would like to think this organization is interviewing people that are interested in being the next HC of the Bills.
  18. Very good. Still not seeing how this analysis is replacing any other analytics already in place. Still not seeing where this is going to be the defacto way to analyze a player. Here's the way I see it. The Bills have this bag of tools to analyze players. They are now going to add to this bag a tool called "advanced metrics analytics". Just another tool to get a better picture of what's happening.
  19. Here's reality. I think you are reading way too "much" into what you want to read. If you truly did read what Russ said in context, you should realize Russ did not say "much" to be vague and evasive or anything in that nature. The word "much" was said in context of a generalization. Will he be doing "exactly" the same thing he did 3 years ago? No. Three years ago, Nix was tasked to rebuild the team. Three years ago, he was laying the foundation of that rebuild. Since then, Nix has been building on that foundation. He will continue to do so. In short, Nix will be doing pretty "much" the same thing he has been doing the past 3 years. I think you better read what Russ said: "... analytics will provide an additional layer ... ". The advanced metrics of on the field performance analytics is not replacing anything. It's adding to it. And nowhere does he state or imply that analysis will take precedent or priority over everything else.
  20. "Having a quick release is essential in avoiding a lot of sacks and avoiding taking big hits." - Trent Edwards, taken from "Sport Science: NFL Quarterback vs. Gunslinger"
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