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Everything posted by Cynical

  1. Doesn't matter whose idea it was, BB still has to sign off on it.
  2. You forgot about the head slap. Imagine Smith having the ability to reach out and head slap the **** out of the OL that tried to take his knees out the play before.
  3. Headline pretty much says it. http://www.kptv.com/story/22492472/sex-toys-stolen-in-car-prowl-in-sandy I'm going to assume the stolen "items" were still in their original packaging. But for the record, if her friends look anywhere near like she does, I am willing to donate my time and "services" to help out this lady and the bachelorette party.
  4. Oh, come on. What is she afraid of? Being mistaken for a hooker again?
  5. What's it been, 5-6 months since he last played?
  6. He's been doing this since 1996, and has been confronted and threatened by pimps and the police. He's not afraid to mix it up if he needs to. In this episode, a well known pimp and one of his girls attack an ex-prostitute. He breaks up the attack, and even pulls a knife from one of the attackers: http://youtu.be/_U0eeoXf0Cs
  7. I've seen this guy's videos before. He's actually pretty heavily involved, and not with just filming the activity. From his "Legalization as a solution?" page: "For my argument I am primarily dealing with the types of prostitution we target at JohnTV; public, forced and organized." He likes to target pimps that use underage girls, and/or force their girls on drugs. He's also busted people having sex during the day near schools and parks with kids nearby. A huge offense in Ok. IIRC, he's actually saved the life of some of the girls. During one taping, he was watching a particular area when a car pulled up, some guys jumped out, grabbed one of the girls, forced her into the car and took off. He called the cops and followed them until the police showed up.
  8. The fact the WRs are young reinforces the position of sitting EJ early. How many times has it been said WR need about 2 years to develop? Chemistry and timing between EJ and the WRs can be worked on during the next off season, when the WR are in better position to help a "new" QB. That's not going to happen. First couple of games he stumbles, the bust label will start making into any thread that discusses EJ as a QB. It will be unfortunate, but it will happen. After the past 13 years, most fans are tired of waiting another couple of years. They want results "NOW". It won't matter who starts. As soon as the starter stumbles, fans will screaming for the backup. Bills fans want results now. "Show me the baby." Count me among those that feel Kolb/Jackson need to be the starter.
  9. You might want to check out the posting date of that crayonz post
  10. +1 When reviewing plays from a camera up high, its easy to see what's supposed to happen. Looking at the same play at field level is a whole different perspective. If the Bills want high tech, maybe they need to look at something like this: http://espn.go.com/blog/colleges/alabama/post/_/id/13123/saban-tide-keep-eyes-on-ways-to-innovate According to the article, only 4 NFL teams are using right now.
  11. Unfortunately, people do believe that, and they will even point out media articles that talks about the subject. IIRC, there is no actual report that states Brandon/Whaley hired Marrone, just speculation that the hiring "seems" like it was done by Brandon/Whaley. Here's a concept. The media has no clue WTF they are talking about. Case in point. Earlier this year, the media spent some time discussing how the Sabans were tired of being in Tuscaloosa, how Nick was no longer having "fun", and felt he was under constant pressure to "win". There was even a thread on this board discussing it. Too bad the media and the people who believed the media were clueless. The story was traced back to a speculation blog post by a journalist out of Boston, based on a interview Terry Saban (Nick's wife) gave to a radio station in Alabama. In short, the blog post was a classic example of "selective" hearing: hearing what they wanted to hear, and not paying attention to the actual "facts" being said. Do I think Nix pulled the trigger himself, by himself? No. Do I think Nix was excluded? Not by a long shot. Personally, IMHO, if Brandon/Whaley had done an end around move like hire the HC without Nix's input, Nix would have resigned. Do I have proof of this? No. Purely an opinion based how Nix comes across as a person. (Hope the media does not pick on this).
  12. And this is based on what? Prior to Marrone, Nix hired exactly ONE HC. Quite a sample to base everything on. Prior to the hiring of Gailey, Nix stated he wanted a HC with previous NFL HC experience. After he fired Gailey, Nix stated previous NFL HC experience was NOT going to be a requirement for the new HC. Why is it when Nix said "A", he acquired an "A", everybody believes it. But when when Nix said "B", and the Bills acquired a "B", nobody wants to believe Nix had anything to do with it.
  13. Exactly what is a "Buddy coach" and what is not a "Buddy coach"?
  14. Yes, let's do. Apples to Oranges comparison. Wade's defensive line consisted of players like Bruce Smith, Ted Washington, Pat Williams, and Phil Hansen The closest example of a line that good is when Gray got to work with Pat Williams, Sam Adams, and Schobel. Do you even remember the player on the opposite side of the line? A 4-3 and a 3-4 have both strengths and weaknesses. Neither one is inherently better overall than the other one. Yes, in a 3-4, you can send in a LB from different positions, but it's still a 240lb LB vs a 300+lb OL. If the OL gets his paws on the LB, care to guess who wins that battle? In a 4-3 (traditional), it's a 300lb DT vs 300+lb OL. Pass protection just got a whole lot tougher. Again, see personnel. Or do you need to relive Chad "Crazy Legs" Pennington vs. Eddie Robinson? Salary cap problems caused far more problems than people realize or they choose to ignore the problems created by the salary cap. Bruce Smith was let go after the 1999 season because of the salary cap. Ted Washington left after the 2000 season because of the salary cap (he refused to take another pay cut). TD did not "choose" to cut a bunch of defensive players. He had no choice. He barely had room in the salary cap to sign the rookies. If anything, that was the best time to switch defensive schemes. You know who was more important than Pat Williams? Ted Washington, the starting NT. Pat Williams came in on obvious passing downs and short yardage situations.
  15. Funny, I just don't get why people like him as a QB. I get the 'winner", "attitude", etc .... How about ability? If a QB has to continually rely on his feet to become that "winner", that QB is going to have a very short career. Yeah, because that D had absolutely nothing to do with it.
  16. Let's not. Oregon has produced some good teams over the past few years, but those efforts have been overshadowed by their ridiculous uniforms and the insane amount of uniform combos.
  17. Just another example why the NCAA "enforcement" is a complete !@#$ing joke. UO is going to get screwed over for those laughable "major violations". Should have lawyered up. Meanwhile, Cam Newton, who's father admitted to asking for payment for his son's "services" : NADA Oh, by the way, the NCAA Director of Enforcement the past 14 years is leaving the NCAA to go back to Auburn http://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/ncaaf/2013/04/12/ncaa-director-of-enforcement-dave-didion-mark-emmert/2079311/ If that does not make you go hmmmmmm......
  18. More details regarding the UM investigation: http://www.miaminewt...-you-know/full/ Regarding the Jackie Sherrill investigation: Want to know why Bama people really hate the NCAA, and get agitated when somebody starts discussing the Albert Means fiasco? From the article: Side note: The U of Tenn HC and one of the secret witnesses being referred to in this article was none other than Fat Phil Fulmer. And this is only the tip of the iceberg.
  19. This. In his second or third year, during a pre-season game, in the opponents red zone, DJ ran three straight running plays towards the middle of the field. Even in preseaon, when there was nothing to lose, the SOB still played for the FG. That was the most infuriating thing DJ ever did. Or the game where the Jets blitzed Revis 29(?) consecutive times. DJ stood on the sideline looking clueless on how to deal with that. When it came to strategy, DJ was a mere child in a man's game.
  20. You disagree? You practically agreed with me. The scheme, the Tampa 2, is based on a particular philosophy. The bend, don't break philosophy is inline with his beliefs that games are decided based on the battle for turnovers and field position.
  21. His failure had nothing to do with schemes or a competent OC. It had everything to do with his coaching philosophy. DJ coaching beliefs were the epitome of play (coach) not to lose. Actually, go back and look at DJ's time in Chicago. He did the same thing there. When he lost his first OC, who did he promote? His QB coach. It was pretty obvious DJ was a big believer in continuity among the coaching staff.
  22. Mularkey went 5-11 the next season. Technically, a split hair better than half of nine. But wait! Mularkey's overall record was 14-18 (you can see it coming) for an average of: 7-9 a season.
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