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Everything posted by Cynical

  1. She's not a real red head, she's blond. http://author-quest.blogspot.com/2012/09/hot-girls-you-dont-know-about-morgan.html
  2. That 's not going to happen. Apparently you missed his tweet back in June saying how he can't wait to leave College Station. LMAO! Unless Sumlin can produce a viable defense and/or a balanced offense, the Aggies will never win a championship. With or without Manziel.
  3. I wonder if this can be considered as "organic" Linky - NSFW
  4. That depends on where one looks for it. The slight humor of the puns were okay. The reactions to the puns ...
  5. Say what? "The news spread around the town of Lakshmimanagaram like a wildfire when Sivakumar, a relative of the bride who had come to take part in the wedding, agreed to marry Ponradha after his relatives persuaded him to do so." So the replacement bridegroom was pressured persuaded by his relatives to marry another relative. Alrighty then. What's the Indian equivalent of a banjo?
  6. How about the NFL let teams charge a reduced fee for preseason games regardless of where it's played at.
  7. More like Syracuse football has become irrelevant once again especially after getting pounded by FSU this past weekend, while ex-FB HC Marrone won big. If you were a reporter, which one would you want to write about?
  8. Poster never claimed RJ was good. More like DF was not nearly as good as his supporters make him out to be. IMHO, I think he made it pretty clear he thought both QB's were bad. Yes. If turning the ball over 3 times is your definition of "very well", then yes, he did. (1 INT, 2 lost fumbles) But that was Flutie in a nutshell. For all the good things he did to help his team, he would do something bad that was equal or worse than what he did good. That 15 yard scamper that kept a drive alive became worthless when he would later throw a pick in scoring range.
  9. I disagree. Over coached? No. Poorly coached? Definitely. Especially at the college level. Don't worry about trying to read a defense, the coaching staff will do that for you. Just read the pretty signs. Audibles? No need. Again, just read the pretty signs.
  10. Subject topic: FAIL "A couple having sex in a Georgia Waffle House ... " Loganville, no less. That's out AJZepps way.
  11. Interesting. I see a similarity to the Greggo days: A first time hard nosed blue collar type HC, a questionable OC, a young, oft injured starting QB, a "you have got to be kidding me" type back up QB, and a strong D. Oh, and the TD era was the previous time Ralph Wilson went "hands off" with the football team.
  12. Bill Belichick used to speak very positively about Dick Jauron.
  13. So what. Willis is playing on his 4th team since entering the league. The only reason he's on the Browns is because they traded Trent Richardson. Otherwise, Willis would be still sitting at home twiddling his thumbs.
  14. Oh goody. Get to spend the upcoming offseason putting up with the "Saban to Texas" BS. Who would you like to see Texas go after?
  15. Unless the new AD is allowed to start making decisions January 2014 (or sooner), Mack Brown will be the Longhorns HC in 2014. August is absolutely the wrong time to be looking for a new HC.
  16. No. He also said some comments about nobody being able to cover him before the Pats this year. How did that work out? Or is it he just tired of losing to the Pats? Even back then, that took time. Think about it. What kind of animosity does EJ or Robert Wood have against the Jets? Or the Dolphins?
  17. Agreed. After reading that article, the only conclusion I came to was the author had a man crush for Johnny Boy.
  18. Backfire is understatement. Depending on your perspective, it was either a nightmare or comedy gold. Putting this back on thread topic: At this stage, I am encouraged by what I have seen so far of EJ. I will leave it at that. The guy has only played 2 regular season games, with a limited number of plays available to him. If somebody is looking for flaws in his game, they will find them. If somebody is looking for positive progression in his game, they will find their proof.
  19. Here's an issue. Everybody that keeps saying that extra 26 seconds would not have made a difference is dealing with a hypothetical. We do not know what would have happened if those 26 seconds were off the clock. The reality is the Bills left those 26 seconds on the clock, and made Tom Brady's job even easier. What's that old proverb: Hope for the best, plan for the worst? The best. Move the ball down the field and score The worst: Fail to score and/or move the ball down the field. That means the defense, which is gassed at that point, has to go back on the field. Marrone bet the house and farm on the "best" scenario. He had no plan for the worst. The uptempo offense wasn't working all that well. The Bills defense was the bright spot of the day. By sticking with the uptempo offense, and failing, Marrone left additional time on the clock. In the end, he made Tom Brady's job easier and shortchanged his defense.
  20. IIRC (read it somewhere else), the statute of limitations is 4 years. If so, Les is in the clear. "Kiffy" and the Tenn hostesses were more than just rumors. There were pictures of TN hostesses at recruits high school football games. That's a big no-no.
  21. Which is probably true, but please don't tell me Marrone is a complete idiot and has never anticipated/practiced at a slower tempo for when the time calls for it.
  22. What rhythm? Again, it's not like the up tempo offense was humming along all day long. If it was, I would have agreed with the decision. . If watched Tom Brady over the past 10 years, you know the best way to beat him is him sitting on the bench, especially in crunch time. The Bills not only failed to execute, they handed Brady extra time to beat us. Thank you. You get it. Except it did not work. The Pats D was not tired. Our D was.
  23. Go back and re-read the discussion between K-9 and me, because your interpretation is way off. I never said "run 3 straight plays". You seemed to have missed this: "If we assume nothing else changed between slowing it down and continue to run the uptempo offense, here's the minute difference:" That was in the quote you replied to.
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